Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • N
  • Niraj
  • KFP
  • 30 May 2010

0v0, 30 May 20101)-What about the battery life!!!! isn't low???? Very low?... more1) cant say, but it will be better than most of the Android phones
2) n900 is for power users and n8 for mass market.

    • 0
    • 0v0
    • Let
    • 30 May 2010

    1)-What about the battery life!!!!
    isn't low???? Very low???

    2)- Is N8 better than N900?


      • h
      • hani
      • mcY
      • 30 May 2010

      [deleted post]just look at the votes numbers in less than 40 min the phone recived 160 vote thats !

        • A
        • Affordable guy
        • tWi
        • 30 May 2010

        he thinks he can change the unit sales when this will be released by doing this, harharhar... this will make N8 a more interesting forum... OMG!!!! I just loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee N8... everyday we keep discovering N8's capabilities as we had not seen it before from other phones or from it's predecessors. No wonder Nokia' delaying it maybe they made time for people like me (USD 700-800/month) earner here IN PH to save when it will be released. I will bet Filos will eat 100k units (3 mos) of N8 once it will be released.

          • 0
          • 0v0
          • Let
          • 30 May 2010

          1)-What about the battery life!!!!
          isn't low???? Very low???

          2)- Is N8 better than N900?


            • h
            • hani
            • mcY
            • 30 May 2010

            their is some lamer using some kind of program to keep changing his ip and voting down .

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • PS6
              • 30 May 2010

              any nokia Rep. Here??

              why it took nokia so long to release this master piece??

              More and more people going for android phone cause Nokia release this phone so late.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • tWi
                • 30 May 2010

                Anonymous, 30 May 2010why you crying? Some people don't like N8 and that's it...Your hatred to N8 is beyond logical, I mean you made it personal that every time you see the phone or somebody's praising it, as if you were threatened at least your pride. No man can make a simple things personal unless it has an impact to personal issues as well and you are a good example to it. Well you tried to focus its lows, CPU, Screen and OS but have weighted it with the price, OTG, top class connectivity, top class audio, well my hands are tired just puhleez the link below...


                  • 0
                  • 0v0
                  • Let
                  • 30 May 2010

                  What about the battery life!!!!
                  isn't low???? Very low???

                    • N
                    • Niraj
                    • KFP
                    • 30 May 2010

                    Anonymous, 30 May 2010why you crying? Some people don't like N8 and that's it...He is not crying. If some sort of people dont like N8 then why they are continuously low voting to N8. If N8 not deserves then no other phone deserves high votes.

                      • N
                      • N8
                      • fuN
                      • 30 May 2010

                      Tom-Helge, 29 May 2010Do you know why they sell most mobile phones in the world?,... moreYou said it yourself.Nokia is majority and majority carries the vote.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • mi6
                        • 30 May 2010

                        Anonymous, 30 May 2010why there are people dragging the scores of N8 down??? They... morewhy you crying?
                        Some people don't like N8 and that's it...

                          • N
                          • Niraj
                          • KFP
                          • 30 May 2010

                          I dont like it.. The voting results are falling more and more. If N8 which is king of all multimedia phone dont deserve high votes than other phone also dont.. I dont know if they are Samsung/ SE fanboy or Isheeps. But soon their favourite brand is also going to get low votes.

                            • B
                            • Bong
                            • ibX
                            • 30 May 2010

                            Well, to be honest, I believe all mobile companies will support their flagship phone. That is a given. For example, just look at N95 8GB and N82. Ya, these were the only 2 phones which received a firmware update but it is probably due to the fact that they were flagship phones and their sales figures was breathtaking. Thus, it won't come as a surprise that SE will keep on supporting their X10, which I, myself have a lot of confidence in.

                            I have also suggested some of my friends, who are SE fans to get the X10 over Satio or all the other SE phones after seeing that Satio and all the others probably won't get as much support as the X10. Reason? Because the X10 sales figure was also really breathtaking. It became the best selling mobile handset in Japan just after 1 week.

                            That's why I also have faith in N8. Seeing that it will probably catch a lot of attention from us teenagers, seeing that we like to take pictures of moments which are precious to us. No offence here for dragging most of you in. My hunch is that Nokia will support N8 for 3 years to come, like the N85 8GB and N82. It will also not come as a surprise if Nokia announced that S^4 platform is applicable for N8 and will release a firmware update for N8 owners to upgrade to Symbian 4.

                            And I have to agree with Tom. A 1Ghz CPU does make a difference. However, if not mistaken, X10 GPU is not top notch, unlike N8's. After seeing several videos on N8's multitasking and USB OTG(the major selling point of N8), I am more than convinced to get it. The current X10, to me, seems very buggy. I have seen some videos review and to me, the X10 is not as smooth as I have anticipated. Hopefully, future updates will make it into a beast. But for now, I am sticking with the N8 and have my fingers crossed.

                              • A
                              • Anis
                              • 3EV
                              • 30 May 2010

                              i wont talk much today too, because it seems so many childish people around here taking this seriously more than their lifes, but what ever.

                              When this phone is realesed! so many people will change their minds, either to get one or to skip it for another option. its a phone after all! comon!

                              ill just wait for it and ill check it out! if its suits me, ill get one if not ill find another options too!

                              peace out! and cut out the crap!!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • tWi
                                • 30 May 2010

                                why there are people dragging the scores of N8 down??? They just couldn't believe it that there are many people too like this phone other than what they have now in their hands. They keep reminding us here that X10 (tom-Heldge) and Galaxy S were better than this, but they are forgetting one thing most of us could only pay an average 500 USD for a smartphone and excess of that will make the phone a luxuryphone rather than a smart choice. Spec by spec I know the X10/Gal S are better in screen, cpu power and eye candiness, but surely do people count their cp screen pixels everyday? Iphone has a lower screen specs than N8 but it surely does the job as a CP screen with excellent clarity. Do people really need high powered CPUs to talk and send text and email? I mean this is a phone as it's top priority purpose right unless you want a blender and electric fan on it to cool off the summer heat. Do people need rainbow colored and flashy UI to use the phone? unless again tom was expecting a fairy pixie that pops out from the screen and handed the menus well most of people outgrow that stuff when we were eleven. We need a straightforward navigation plus ease of connectivity as what is nokia is good at.

                                  • r
                                  • rebel
                                  • 3Tv
                                  • 30 May 2010

                                  another fault is:symbian is not such modern looking as android

                                    • r
                                    • rebel
                                    • 3Tv
                                    • 30 May 2010

                                    that low screen 3.5inch! resolution must be a joke,am i right?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Sgv
                                      • 30 May 2010

                                      i cant wait for n8 iam getting one and going to be a proud early adopter.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • PS6
                                        • 30 May 2010

                                        if nokia n8 hv 512mb and at least 800mhz proc and froyo 2.2 can be ported to n8(run as smooth as an android phone) sure other brand cant sell their phone.

                                        Hope meego device use same spec with android phone or better so that ppl can choose between Meego and android or dual boot. even if nokia officially dont use android os at lease they still can produce Smartphone that hv androind spec + better CZ lens so that nokia user can hv freedom to choose symbian,meego or android os.

                                        I still think nokia can produce better android phone with better camera than current android phone manufacture.

                                        Hope nokia make a sister company yeskia to built android phone LOL.