Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • K
  • KID
  • wrk
  • 23 May 2010

Anonymous, 23 May 2010I don't find any reason why people are fighting over Nokia ... moreyeah, I wonder too, maybe because they're a fanboy who cant stand seeing other phone that they think is a threat, hahaha

or maybe they think like this, "Drat, that N8 is great!! better than my phone!!". But you see, because they already purchase their another expensive phone, then they go into a denial phase, resulting in the N8 criticism, hahahaha

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • mqM
    • 23 May 2010

    Anonymous, 23 May 2010it is of understanding of my understand that N8 phone is tr... moreI not beleivin u disrespect my neighbors for this time we on here and speak, i have tank and i blow you up big time! havatyou! yours sincerily, the tank.

      • K
      • KID
      • wrk
      • 23 May 2010

      emokid, 23 May 2010People are saying that the new OS will be better than the o... moreThey also made a different UI from X6 mate... what pict did you see?? maybe the icon's the same, what a pitty, but other than that, it's a completely different OS, they made a lot of change under the hood too, so that this S^3 is a much better OS than S60v5, I personally think that S60v5 is crap, except maybe the latest firmware, it's okay I guess

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • mqM
        • 23 May 2010

        it is of understanding of my understand that N8 phone is tragicly c2pid criticism by people not speak engrish.

          • s
          • sik phone
          • uWA
          • 23 May 2010

          this phone is wicked sik!!!!!!brilliant, the only thing which could've made it better wud be a qwerty board but its ok without it aswell.big fan of dis phone.

            • j
            • jack
            • 2@f
            • 23 May 2010

            How many days r lft for lounching Nokia N8 m dyg to buy dis phn

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Ui}
              • 23 May 2010

              [deleted post]nows day almost all mobile phones made in china,
              included your stupid phone also!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Ke1
                • 23 May 2010

                I still hope there is n97 mini updated version

                change resistive to capacitibve
                256 ram
                running s3
                xenon 5mp bigger sensor
                same processosor as n8
                price should be euro 290

                  • R
                  • Riyal
                  • P$u
                  • 23 May 2010

                  Riyal, 22 May 2010Certified true liar!! Also a scammer >.> Nice one th... moreSo you think m lying if you wish i can even send you a picture of my n8 that m using right now from last couple of days,, however m not sure whether you'll still believe.. m gonna put it on ebay for sale...

                    • A
                    • Amet
                    • P$u
                    • 23 May 2010

                    [deleted post]Yes Braca,, if you wish to buy n8,,, just give me your number,, will call you and let you know,, and tell me if there are any other handsets that you are looking for,, coz i can get it for you right from the factory with no taxes,,, so it will be the nokia's actual charge for the handset....

                      • E
                      • E.A.
                      • 3Ya
                      • 23 May 2010

                      You know for all that this phone tries to be "ground breaking" or at least up to the competition... i don't think a 680 MHz processor can hold it together
                      can you say ssssslllllloooooowwwwwww

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • uCr
                        • 23 May 2010

                        hi guys, when will sony ericsson announce its 12mp windows 7 mobile and is it really coming. what can we expect from it. Please reply...

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • vx7
                          • 23 May 2010

                          @ to LEH: it has a virtual qwerty if you tilt it 90 degrees. then it will appear. but for the usual texting, the basic keypad fits it.

                          i rated it 10 10 10!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • uth
                            • 23 May 2010

                            I don't find any reason why people are fighting over Nokia N8s specs .....
                            Mobile phones are by-products of lifestyle obsession .
                            Nokia states that "it is(N8) a great device for people who want to create amazing content"
                            And i think it is already up to mark (12mp + 3.5 inch amoled+capacitive+3d gaming +free maps+USB otg )(at least for average Joe like me....)
                            And iphone and android fanboys stop posting stupid and childish comments about HD4s high resolution screen and androids using 1Ghz cpu....(if you dont want to buy n8 then why are you posting such comments?)

                              • S
                              • Satz
                              • 2SM
                              • 23 May 2010

                              emokid, 23 May 2010People are saying that the new OS will be better than the o... moreBecause have you heard of the saying , "Don't judge the book by its cover" ?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • PS6
                                • 23 May 2010

                                TC, 23 May 2010If only Nokia could build a N8 with qwertyBkeyboard and 150... morei agree with u. n8 with qwerty keyboard will be awesome. maybe hv to wait until 2011 but thats to late.
                                nokia always late n still software is buggy. Hope Symbian^3 is not buggy. If symbian^3 still buggy and not stable,i personally will change to other OS.

                                Is this an evolution or just a gimmick so that ppl stay with Nokia. Nokia must know people are tired of the wait game. People are tired or nokia releasing phone too late and yet hv crappy OS.

                                Is there any LAW that consumer can sue Nokia for releasing phone with Uncompleted/Unpolished OS.

                                  • e
                                  • emokid
                                  • vuM
                                  • 23 May 2010

                                  People are saying that the new OS will be better than the old one.... "big differences".

                                  looking @ the pics, it doesnt look so different from the X6. the specs are far from groundbreaking too.

                                  why would you want to buy this?

                                    • T
                                    • TC
                                    • 0TX
                                    • 23 May 2010

                                    If only Nokia could build a N8 with qwertyBkeyboard and 1500 mAh battery. N97 mini is almost perfect but it needs 256 mb RAM and 1500 mAh battery.

                                      • l
                                      • leh
                                      • 9F8
                                      • 23 May 2010

                                      im intrested with ds one.. Anu b to, qwerty o ung normal n by numbrs sa txtng? Tnx..

                                        • A
                                        • Anis
                                        • 3EV
                                        • 23 May 2010

                                        All in 1, or lets say, the most wantable spescifications in 1 device, to help and please as many people as it can!

                                        nothing can please all people, its a fact! but for this it will make most of them happy, the rest can go with iphone wt ever lol

                                        24th Aug is so far :( i cant wait that long i want one right now .. wishing to make it by June not Aug