Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • a
  • abhi
  • 2@n
  • 22 May 2010

it is a excellent phone

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • vx7
    • 22 May 2010

    The Prodigal Fool: Can you tell us how the virtual keyboard works in Symbian 3? Does it look like the one we’re used to from Symbian 1?

    Nokia: The virtual keyboard layout has changed for some parts and we have predictive/corrective text input there as well. The capacitive keyboard is also a step forward in usability. We’ve received encouraging results in user tests.

    Thenokiablog: Can we change photo and video capture size? For example change video to smaller 640×480 resolution but faster 30 fps?

    Nokia: Yes, the user can change the image & video quality. There are three of those:
    720p 25fps
    VGA 30fps,
    QCIF 15fps for Multimedia message use.

    For example 640×480 @ 30fps is available.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vx7
      • 22 May 2010

      Envutec: For how many years do you think the battery can last?

      Nokia: It is hard to say exactly. How long battery lasts depends on many variables, for example, how often you charge the battery and if you’re using it in a hot environment.

      You can prolong the battery life by using the device until the battery is empty and then recharging that to full.

      Other ways for you to save energy and battery life are:

      - Using the conveniently located ‘lock’ key as often as possible; this shuts down the device display immediately saving energy.
      - Activating the power saving profile; this optimizes the functionality and energy consumption for prolonged battery life.
      - Adjust the backlighting brightness to change the update interval for e-mail and the browser
      - Switch off applications when they’re not needed,
      - Switch off W-LAN and Bluetooth when not being used.

        • s
        • saiful islam
        • Khi
        • 22 May 2010

        its an aowsame camera i think

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • vx7
          • 22 May 2010

          guys dont worry cause the lens cover has the availability of new highly scratch resistant materials to protect the lens.

          check it here:

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Kxf
            • 22 May 2010

            to someone who used nokia N8 prototype can u test nokia photo browser in this phone and post on youtube?

              • a
              • anony
              • T6r
              • 22 May 2010

              I just noticed satio and 12mp pixon were not popular here in philippines, it might be their initial release price tags were $700/Php 35k (satio) and $650/Php 32k (12mp pixon) and even now both are stil bouying at $580/Php28k. Plastic cased were paint crust off eventually, not a good lloking phone after 6 months. But N8 @ $500/Php24k, this will be surely a hit just like XM5800, i just can' wait to have one even though I owned galaxy spica (bang for the bucks). hehe

                • n
                • nomorese
                • S3d
                • 22 May 2010

                Wow, judging by the number of comments here this smartphone really stirred up quite an interest. And N8 is a first in a series...

                  • M
                  • Mohammed M. Bahari
                  • fu$
                  • 22 May 2010

                  Engineer Man, 22 May 2010Hi. I'm still using the Nokia 5800XM. When it was first rel... moreHi Nokia with N8 CPU high specs and improvement on Camera resolution compared to N97 will be efficient and user friendly than the later. I upgraded from N96 to N97 and was not impressed in particular to the phone internal memory not the extended memory that fooled us being low but now N8 with 256 and 512 MB RAM and ROM it would be a marked imrovement. The 12 MP Camera will equal a Digital Camera.I am anxiously waiting the release and launching of N8 in Tanzania. Please include as many free applications as possible as those of us outside credit and visa card payments find it hard to renew the licences of trial applications coiming with the new phone releases.

                    • N
                    • Niraj
                    • KFP
                    • 22 May 2010

                    Irshad, 22 May 2010Hello dear all. n8 support software of s60v5 or not. mean... moreYes

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Ke1
                      • 22 May 2010

                      Let celebrate

                      nokia will gain market share with n8 and meego phone

                      nokia qt will bring back the app developers

                      nokia users pay less to get rich man phone

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Ke1
                        • 22 May 2010

                        Anonymous, 22 May 2010This phone has a single 'home' button, coverflow, and non-r... moreIphone copy nokia home button, call and end buttons in n97 is actually not needed, cover flow apparently copy walkman not iphone. The battery is removable

                          • J
                          • JOBS27
                          • mdu
                          • 22 May 2010

                          does anybody knows if this gadget support skype and yahoo thanks in advance

                            • I
                            • Irshad
                            • Px}
                            • 22 May 2010

                            Hello dear all.
                            n8 support software of s60v5 or not.
                            mean we can install s60v5 software into it or not.

                              • K
                              • KID
                              • wrk
                              • 22 May 2010

                              sea-breeze, 22 May 2010so in terms of imaging which is better Nokia N8 VS Sa... moreit's N8 the winner, it has the biggest sensor yet in mobile world (phone)

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • uSN
                                • 22 May 2010

                                This phone has a single 'home' button, coverflow, and non-removable battery. Such a trying hard iPhone wanna-be. Nokia is bullsh*t.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • uEB
                                  • 22 May 2010

                                  Anonymous, 21 May 2010The only way for nokia to have a better market share (again... moreOPK is a great leader with great visionary. He is the best leader in mobile phone industry.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • ibq
                                    • 22 May 2010

                                    I cant believe that it is just 370euro.I think it is about 470euro.Just look at the rice tags of N97 and N97 mini,how can this new flagship cheaper that the previous one?No way!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Kec
                                      • 22 May 2010

                                      Engadget repoted that this phone will be released in august 24

                                        • V
                                        • V3dran
                                        • Ss{
                                        • 22 May 2010

                                        royal, 21 May 2010Could anyone tell me any info on the battery, is it removab... moreNo, you can read it in a interview.