Nokia N8
- V
- Vlad
- nmI
- 27 Apr 2010
If phone will not be delayed and review will confirm good screen then I will buy it. At the moment i can see only that battery is not so good N97 has 1500mh this one 1200mh.
I was going to buy Samsung Beam but will choose N8 because it has xenon flash and because I know symbian from long time.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ld7
- 27 Apr 2010
Kaushal, 27 Apr 2010Hey frnds, i've got some doubts abt the specs. of N8. The s... moreYou'll find all the specs here:
- K
- Kaushal
- Y}5
- 27 Apr 2010
Hey frnds, i've got some doubts abt the specs. of N8. The specification list at gsmarena shows N8 to b having bluetooth 3.0 nd video recording of 720p@30fps while the initial coverage at the homepage of gsmarena shows it to b bluetooth 2.1 nd video recording of 720@25fps. Plz confirm which of the following is correct?
- M
- Mutrev
- 0mX
- 27 Apr 2010
I think that this phone will be THE ONE! It also has a "Dedicated graphics processor with OpenGL 2.0 enables 3D graphics"! Someone forgot to add it to the specs here! ;)
- r
- r4lph
- t7L
- 27 Apr 2010
finally,nokia woke up... two thumbs up nokia! ^_~
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Apr 2010
Is it the end of the world? Did they ACTUALLY go with XENON!!!??? I can't believe it... I'm ready for the N97's successor to come out running Symbian ^3 with the same hardware as this (plus a QWERTY and Snapdragon though)... Come on Nokia!
- ?
- Anonymous
- utV
- 27 Apr 2010
according to nokia site it doesnt have stereo speakers. chk d pics guysss....
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGg
- 27 Apr 2010
its got a really impressive spec sheet, but a terrible looking body. They need to work on the design side of things. And also the Sysmbian OS is no longer the best OS in the industry and there are a lot of holes that are fairly obvious.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uth
- 27 Apr 2010
Aqualung, 27 Apr 2010Resolution only 360x640!!! Shame on you Nokia!Are you mad? How much do you want?
- B
- Bill
- i2G
- 27 Apr 2010
While I'm sure the N8 will be a nice phone I honestly think Nokia is a little late to the party with it. Most of the features the N8 offers, with the exception of Symbian^3, HDMI and Wifi N, have been out for awhile with in the SE Satio and the Samsung i8910.
Being a current owner of a i8910 I see no need to toss it in favour of the N8.
- A
- Aqualung
- xpR
- 27 Apr 2010
Resolution only 360x640!!! Shame on you Nokia!
- N
- Niraj
- 27 Apr 2010
wow, 27 Apr 2010Come on guys. Lets be honest. This phone is really someth... moreYou should know 256 mb ram is sufficient to run one application, because this phone have ram booster if you minimize any application it's data will be shift to phone's internal memory or memory card.
If you see 680 mhz processer is good to keep the price low, dont forget it is arm cortex a8 cpu so it could be easily overclocked by 900mhz.
I love its 3.5" screen. If it had bigger screen, then the phone looked bulky, see htc hd.
- s
- snake
- fuE
- 27 Apr 2010
could have been perfect if:
1 GHz processor
a larger screen
android os
why it is HVGA resolution
- b
- brynn
- mX7
- 27 Apr 2010
remember theres only about 200 people using gsmarena cause if everyone had a vote or say something its would have a million votes/millions of hits/millions of comments...look at xperia with over 100,000 votes after 2 years so therers not that many people using gsmarena,,my point,,,this will sell big no matter what comments are said on here.. only 2 people i know use gsmarena my sister kay and a mate john everyone else is just not bothered and buy a fone cause of looks,..When i work at weekends etc on the doors you see a few iphones but the rest are button fones of all makes and lg cookies,,viewtys,,samsubg touchscreen which i cannot recognise...Its the same in the days round town people either want a button fone or stylish touchscreen thats trendy looking..gsmarena is full of fone geeks/obssessives of which i am one, everyone else could not care less they just want a texting mobile and they are in the big majority....
- ?
- Anonymous
- srp
- 27 Apr 2010
nokia LIARS!
N8 is only animation phone, not yet real... where is demo from real phone???
i wanna see REAL DEMO!
Pictures from marketing is not from this phones...
- ?
- Anonymous
- kbh
- 27 Apr 2010
this is the best 12 megapixel camera on the market nokia is the best i will repeat for all those like it or dont like it nokia is the best
- V
- Vorog
- 0xb
- 27 Apr 2010
there was a problem with the carl zeiss lance on the new nokias, but now it's fixed
- P
- Passerby
- Lbe
- 27 Apr 2010
i think with this phone Nokia start to wake up !
i will give 5/10 for the design
- ?
- Anonymous
- vjw
- 27 Apr 2010
I like the design, like Aino. Handy 3.5 inches phone. 7 bars only for the price. Hahahahaha. I love Nokia again. Hopefully it has SMART DIALING. I used to have AMOLED display phone.
- k
- knok
- up2
- 27 Apr 2010
only 500$ great!!!. it has almost every feature and its body is made from anodized aluminium. it means that it is scratchless and have the metal feel .