Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-7451
  • Rxc
  • 01 May 2011

I love apple for onething, when they push something out they would push out for everyone. Where Ipad or Ipad2 owner. They are best with what they take out.

Nokia, Microsoft or any other companies would keep time between complete update is roll out.

I personally feel N8 with Symbian has more potential then iOS. It's technologically more advanced than any OS in the market except for the laggy interface. But I love that too.

I am loving N8 even more....

    • D
    • AnonD-2869
    • TRK
    • 01 May 2011

    AnonD-40, 01 May 2011Today we went to Carphonewarehouse and opened up three boxe... moreLOL...then why are u faking all with such efforts?you can go with whatever you want...different people different likenesses. These companies are all too big to fail. Then can you get out of here happily now? or will you still coming here and talking fake stories again and again,you can say whatever you want.who cares? but you are not belong to here I'd say ha ha...get a life my friend.
    P.S-carphone warehouse never mention about any screen issues of Nokia N8,I am juz letting you know to stop you keep saying a lie.

      • a
      • ayush rathore
      • vGx
      • 01 May 2011

      why this set is so costly

        • J
        • JERRY
        • utk
        • 01 May 2011

        it so bad.

          • D
          • AnonD-40
          • IDk
          • 01 May 2011

          [deleted post]Today we went to Carphonewarehouse and opened up three boxes of N8 and they all have the bloody defect. We now have opened a total of thirteen boxes of N8 in two days and they are all ravaged with the screen defect. I told my friend to try another shop so we went to Phones 4U and I showed him the Galaxy S II. He saw how snappy and great it is. Needless to say he was impressed by the best smartphone on the market. We were tired of looking for the perfect N8 and he gave up hope finding a non defective device after opening an astounding thirteen boxes of defective and rubbish N8. I walked out of the store with a brand new Android fan and he now wields the best smartphone on the market and it's defect free.

            • f
            • fat bouy
            • 9Fu
            • 01 May 2011

            is there anyway i can change the os of my n8 to anaroid ??

              • m
              • melfiz
              • 2@S
              • 01 May 2011

              Been using it for 4 mths so far so good and best part is the HD video recording and the sensitive touch compare to tis previous touch models lik X1..the in bulit browser bit sux..have to depend on third part browser to surf online..

                • L
                • Left
                • n7U
                • 01 May 2011

                finaly worth the money of nokia n8 price or just drop money,thanks

                  • s
                  • santh
                  • s82
                  • 01 May 2011

                  Purple screen;;;>
                  I have been using n 8 from last one month.I was aware about the purple tint problem before I get my my mobile, it can be observed only "during unlocking the Analog Clock Screen with menu key". The upper semi circle of the clock is slightly purple can think that its desined in that way only to give a fancy look to the analog clock. no where else its visible. So its not a problem to me.please stop highlighting the negligible things. Instead, lets discuss about the OS upgrades.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Khs
                    • 01 May 2011

                    Ray Hipkiss, 30 Apr 2011@Afridi. Anna is available now if you buy a C7 Astound,... moreYou're definitelly right. I know that too. It must be marketing strategy. But for us, user, it's so frustating.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-4989
                      • St$
                      • 30 Apr 2011

                      which is the best phone nokia n8 or htc inspire?

                        • R
                        • Ray Hipkiss
                        • 3GK
                        • 30 Apr 2011

                        AnonD-6085, 30 Apr 2011Does Anyone Know When will Symbain Anna release officially?@Afridi.

                        Anna is available now if you buy a C7 Astound, or an X7.
                        Nokia have preloaded those two handsets with Anna.
                        As for the N8, there is no official date for the Anna update, other than Nokia saying it will be here sometime this Summer.
                        This is the thing that is causing a lot of loyal Nokia users a great deal of frustration. Clearly, Anna is ready now but still isn't available for existing handsets.
                        Mind you, HTC have done exactly the same thing with the Gingerbread update. They have released the Desire S with the update pre-loaded, but owners of the other Desire models such as the HD and Z variants will have to wait until August / September for the update even though Gingerbread has been available since December 2010.
                        Samsung are also guilty of the same thing to an extent. They did offer the Gingerbread update just over a week ago then pulled it on the same day. I suspect it was due to the fact they want people to buy their new Galaxy S 2, which comes with Gingerbread, but if the existing Galaxy S has Gingerbread, most people wouldn't bother to upgrade to the new model just yet. However, Google have been implicated in the decision to pull the update so it's purely my own speculation to blame Samsung for it as a marketing ploy.

                        All the best.


                          • A
                          • Anirban
                          • bC9
                          • 30 Apr 2011

                          I purchased N8 in 13th Oct/2010, & can proudly say, hats off to Nokia for such a nice ph. Excelant picture quality bot still & movie, excelant data speed in 3G network itcan give up to 100.2 Mbps spee depending on network. Only thing spake vol is very poor. Allthough there are push mail featuers but did not work properly. Before to purchase this I was confused what to buy BB- Torch or N8, finally gone for N8. But pushmail featuers is not upto the mark. Other wise ph is very good.

                            • S
                            • Sync
                            • PSe
                            • 30 Apr 2011

                            I finally bought an N8. In regards to the purple tint issue, many of the retailers here in the Philippines are very much aware of the issue itself and guaranteed that the phones will be free of it. They even gave a 7 day factory defect warranty, in which if I found something, I can hand the unit back and get another on the same day.

                            Result: The one I bought was pre-installed with PR 1.1. I checked it thoroughly (I'm a perfectionist, so I was very thorough) and found no trace of the purple tint. Going home, I updated the phone to PR 1.2 and did another test... There's a reddish tint within a certain shade of gray, but otherwise, it displayed colors perfectly. Something with PR 1.2 messed the display config, since the screen was fine before that.

                            Tip: If you can, buy from a retailer and ask them to let you check the unit before you buy. You can try asking the retailer if they're aware of the issue and what they'd do if you encountered it with the phone. I'm pretty sure the new ones are free of this defect, since I haven't seen anyone else complaining about it (from the ones who bought it recently anyway).

                              • D
                              • AnonD-6085
                              • nvU
                              • 30 Apr 2011

                              Does Anyone Know When will Symbain Anna release officially?

                                • D
                                • AnonD-6085
                                • nvU
                                • 30 Apr 2011

                                AnonD-2665, 30 Apr 2011thx ! U knw what it really hurts,my friend also ve n8,he bo... moreGitty go to consumer court in your country..
                                and file case against your nokia care....

                                In Pakistan people do this way..

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • utY
                                  • 30 Apr 2011

                                  latest n8 firmware version pls

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • utY
                                    • 30 Apr 2011

                                    pls let me know the latest firmware version of N8..

                                    i'm going to buy one.., help me out to get a non-purple display defect phone

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-2665
                                      • Hkw
                                      • 30 Apr 2011

                                      AnonD-1393, 29 Apr 2011I know how depressing it is when something that you've paid... morethx ! U knw what it really hurts,my friend also ve n8,he bought in 1st week of november,his n8 doesnt ve any defect ! I bought on 28october since then i got 2 defective n8 4m 1st batch n this orange 4m 2nd batch ! I compared my phn with my friends phn ! My phn shows purple red tint and in same video his phn shows black colour ! I cant adjust with the dèfective n8 ! These ppl wants us to praise n8,they will start insulting /hating if we say negative point and defect of n8 ! They r very blind fanboys ! They want people buy this defective phn and adjust with it,so sad !

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-2665
                                        • Hkw
                                        • 30 Apr 2011

                                        AnonD-1393, 29 Apr 2011I know how depressing it is when something that you've paid... morethx ! U knw what it really hurts,my friend also ve n8,he bought in 1st week of november,his n8 doesnt ve any defect ! I bought on 28october since then i got 2 defective n8 4m 1st batch n this orange 4m 2nd batch ! I compared my phn with my friends phn ! My phn shows purple red tint and in same video his phn shows black colour ! I cant adjust with the dèfective n8 ! These ppl wants us to praise n8,they will start insulting /hating if we say negative point and defect of n8 ! They r very blind fanboys ! They want people buy this defective phn and adjust with it,so sad !