Nokia N96
- T
- The_Nootz
- pkq
- 11 Mar 2008
To "...."
In my childish opinion, I was saying that, IF the screen is big enough, a higher resolution is welcome. And you understand what that means.
And about the QWERTY keyboard, I meant that adding it on a device like N96 is needed IF the phone is dedicated to business environments (lots of typing etc.). Besides, this keyboard would make it a brick compared to its current size, and again, the same old story about the size of the device, blah, blah...
Congrats to Nokia for keeping the size of N96 reasonable, compared to is breathtaking features.
To everyone.
If you really want a VGA+ resolution on a 3+ inch device and a QWERTY keyboard, go for a UMPC or a PocketPC, or any other similar solution. This device is made for something else.
- T
- The_Nootz
- pkq
- 11 Mar 2008
To Steve J.
About the high resolution screen... What do you want, to watch movies with a magnifying glass?:)) Cause you can't distinguish pixels on a 2.8 inch. How many phones have you seen with a VGA resolution and with a screen smaller than 3 inch?? For the multimedia purpose, the important thing is the SIZE of the screen, not the resolution (unless the screen is bog enough), that is, at least, in my humble opinion.
And now, to everyone obsessed with the QWERTY keyboard.
People, if you really want such a keyboard, buy an UMPC or a PocketPC that supports it. But if you want an N96 with QWERTY, then take your desktop keyboard and connect your phone to it, that would make you happy. Oh brother...
Like Ying said, "it's just amazing how people are never satisfied".
- N
- Nick
- nQ5
- 11 Mar 2008
No lens cover again? I thought Nokia woulda learned already from N95 8GB. It does look nice. However there are two things that concerns me:
1. No lens cover for a very expensive phone
2. Batterylife. Is this going to be like the N95?
3. Bulkyness - The first N95 was pretty big. We all had to get used to it. Then the 8gig version came out, and that was even bigger. And now this? I may need bigger pockets from Nokia as well...
- C
- Chris
- wg3
- 11 Mar 2008
It DOES NOT record from a built in TV (at least it hasn't been mentioned, it would be the first phone to do so) and YES it IS real
It will record however if you have DVB-H access in your area, wikipedia DVB-H
- S
- Stanley Nwadishi N.
- ftQ
- 11 Mar 2008
This is put together a combination of all u need! It's double W a a - o w!~ You won't believe it's happening!
- Y
- Ying
- 4QE
- 11 Mar 2008
To the general audience.
Unlike many, Nokia has been developing touchscreen for YEARS, not months. Furthermore, Nokia is coming out with a NEW touchscreen OS, called S60 Touch for mobile handsets. The general statements of Nokia not having touchscreen devices or needs to "keep up" is wrong.
Produced in 2004, Nokia's first touchscreen device, the Nokia 7710.
Further released touchscreen devices...
'05 Nokia 6708
'05 Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
'07 Nokia N800. The successor of the N770.
'07 Nokia N810.
Next topic.
The purpose of the "N Series".
The purpose of the "E Series"
Nokia N Series is build for high performing MULTIMEDIA. QWERTY keyboards relate more so to business productivity. This is why Nokia hasn't, and probably ever won't, feature a QWERTY keyboard on N Series labeled devices.
To Steve J.
The N800 offers an onscreen touchscreen keyboard, while the N810 offers both physical and onscreen keyboards. No, they are not considered mobile handsets but rather wireless Internet appliances, nevertheless Nokia dubbed them as N Series devices. Personally, it contradicts. The only reasonably conclusion I came up with is the fact the devices specializes in Internet experiences, which according to Nokia falls under multimedia.
Adobe® Flash® 9 is a video/audio compression codec for desktops. Flash Player 9 renders this codec. The desktop-like N800 and N810 both feature the 2007 Internet Tablet OS edition which offers this plug-in. If you was implying mobile handsets should incorporate this technology, I'm sorry but it would literally be impossible, given current hardware availability, for any mobile device to do. Shoot, Windows and Mac are already encountering problems.
Flash Lite is the solution for mobile handsets, not pocket pcs. Flash Lite 3 can render most of Flash 8 encoded files. Proper display of depends solely on your browser, not the flash.
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- ---
- vxg
- 11 Mar 2008
i hope this would be release before april. i cant wait for it.haha
- ?
- Anonymous
- LA$
- 10 Mar 2008
to TkAY: yes
to PGiM: do some research and yes
to 0wTf: are you $#$#". and yes is real
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0wT
- 10 Mar 2008
ist's a really phone? it isn't FAKE?? please help me becouse i want buy it ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- PGi
- 10 Mar 2008
Guys, does this phone have lens cover??
- ?
- Anonymous
- TkA
- 10 Mar 2008
Will this mobile record from the built-in tv...some websites say yes but no mention on the Nokia website?
- S
- Steve J
- fuN
- 10 Mar 2008
After deep meditation I have come to the conclusion that this phone is half cocked. The E90 has proved that its TI OMAP 2420 processor is well capable of handling a high res screen. The N95 8GB also houses the same processor and yet Nokia shied away from implementing high res. The N96 should have now ascended to a VGA screen since it is the top N series that money can buy. The N96 is supposed to be a progressive move from the N95 8GB but instead of progression we have stagnation. The same old screen in a supposedly top device! The addition of a microSD slot was a correction to a bad mistake. They should never have presented the N95 8GB without the choice of expandable memory. Furthermore there is no 3D graphics hardware acceleration which is bad news for those into gaming. Nokia already have a TV phone in the N77 so implementing DVB-H was unnecessary. The official figures for battery life are worse than the N95 8GB which is depressing.
Another worrying aspect is the straight jacket, inflexible policy of making every N series with an alphanumeric keypad. A QWERTY simply makes it easier to type. Are Nokia telling us that those who type will be penalised by QWERTY not being included in N series phones?? We have had about 25 N series phones and not one of them has a QWERTY! Nobody should talk about the E series because they are awkward: the E90 is bulky and the E61i resembles a slice of bread- it is too wide! A slick N series phone with QWERTY would take the market by storm if Nokia can keep the weight to under 140g, give it a high res screen and a contemporary design eg slide-out QWERTY. Another great design is the flip as seen in the N93-sure, that phone was too thick but Nokia are well capable of making a slimmer version. They could move the lens to the back panel. Opening the flip, one could make your regular phonecalls. Conversely, opening the phone in laptop mode whereby the screen is in landscape orientation would enable one to type with a full QWERTY. In other words Nokia have many design and technical choices. They should not limit themselves to N series alphanumeric keypad phones. One last point is the flash player. Flash 9 will enable many video sites on the internet to be played but Nokia have no plans to implement this. N series Real player is limited in scope. Flash Lite as the name implies, is too light. For instance you can only attain the mobile version of Youtube with it.
- .
- ....
- 10 Mar 2008
its really a pity that the future N96 users would have to be "slightly more" conscious
with the settings of their phone to prolong battery consumption.
inconvenience or not?it varies on the user.
good thing here is that users will only use a certain setting when "needed" which results to conservation of energy.
everyone here needs to admit that battery longevity of n96 deserves attention NOW.
- B
- BiggyGirl
- E$i
- 10 Mar 2008
The bateery life is really questionable especially considering the phone does not charge itself when connected via usb cabling when connecting to the HSDPA speeds for the net. This makes it a bad choice. Nokia fanatics can you tell your designers to always improve on the present than to down grade. Check the N95 8Gig's bateery life is much better.
- D
- David vargas
- YH}
- 10 Mar 2008
Maybe someone can help me out, I loved the 9300/9500 communicators for 2 reasons, the large qwerty keyboard and the fact that I could create text messages and have them sent out at a given time and date. In other words, I could create a text on monday and have it set up to send on tuesday at 11am. One of the great things about Symbian S80.
My question is, does the N96 do this?
Is there a program maybe for S60 that would allow for something like this to happen?
Thank you.
- f
- felix
- M35
- 09 Mar 2008
320*240 screen is it high-end or joke,at least 640*480 or wvga is needed but nokia battery cannot work with that,see n95
- T
- The_Nootz
- pkq
- 09 Mar 2008
For all those obsessed with "Nokia should have a touchscreen".
GSMArena has presented a video about the new symbian s60 touch UI.
My advice to you is this: have some patience. A Nokia device featuring this UI is far from being released. In the meantime you should robably look elsewhere.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vLQ
- 09 Mar 2008
I wish that this would have a touch screen...who needs a slider when u hav touch,,, the size reduces too!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vLQ
- 09 Mar 2008
Grow up Nokia.. feature a TOUCH SCREEN...when everyone around can make a touchscreen ,, why not you guys,,, stop basking in previous glory,, and get into some action.,..u r supposed to be the best..gimme.. touch screen + windows mobile on this,,, and i am game for it!!
- a
- andre
- 09 Mar 2008
for da comment bout it being simlar to da n95.. u gotta give them a break...sure its similar, but its pretty much pushin phone capabilty to as high as they can get :S, plus a change from 8 gig to 16gig is a large diff... and newer versiond os... and plus looks betta... so u cant really say its jsut another n95...
oh and btw im a samsung and ericsson fan haha, nokia to expesive for me for its quality :P