Nokia X30

Nokia X30

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Swaraj
  • Hkt
  • 08 Dec 2022

Subramanian CN, 08 Dec 2022Dear Swaraj, Thank you very much for being sincere that... morebro, there are people who don't even use phone for more than an hour . but they are forced to exchange their phone after 2 years . because it doesn't have os or security updates. even though it's condition is perfectly fine . hmd makes phone for this kind of people . it's why they have stuck with lcd display, weak cpu , small battery , slow charging. because they don't think their targeted consumer will need all those . there targeted consumer constitute only a small group of people like elders , workaholics, scholars, moms , engineers.

why give amoled screen if the user won't even look at it for more than an hour ?
why have big battery of screen time is less?
why have big cpu if all it's going to do is open pdf ?
why have fast charging if the consumer won't use it from 10pm to 6am ?

these are why their phone isn't spec king.

it is why they put Symbian 30+ os on phones that are perfectly capable of running kai os.

in my opinion that is how everyone is supposed to interact with their phone . take my example,I have a huge samsung phone my current screen time is 6 hrs . 2 months ago when I had jio phone next my screen time used to be 2 hr max.

at this point , nokia , if you're reading this I deserve a job in your marketing department 🤣

    Swaraj, 08 Dec 2022I see no strong argument in your reply. so I will stop resp... moreDear Swaraj,

    Thank you very much for being sincere that you aren't interested to reply me. Our world requires only such frankness from everyone, instead of beating around the bush.

    No organization forces consumers to buy their products. If you aren't interested in computational photography, you can't buy any mobile device. The AI algorithms/computational photography, auto focus features and standalone point and shoot cameras exists for people who doesn't know much about photography. Standalone D-SLR cameras exist for people who seek perfection and for those who are professionals. You still speak about cameras, even after I clearly clarified that I write here NOT because of Nokia's cameras. If you are very specific about the quality of photographs of mobile cameras, the right answer would be that there is no mobile camera in the world which shoots photographs with no AI algorithms like D-SLR's. Every camera app that comes with every mobile has some degree of AI algorithm built inside it. Facts are facts and will not disappear or can be manipulated according to our likes.

    I spoke about Apple to make everyone realise that it is not a justifiable proposition anymore to price products exorbitantly on basis of OS updates. According to me, a mobile is a use and throw device. Most of the consumers use it for a maximum of 2 years and exchange it or litter it to buy a new one. OS updates aren't necessary anymore for a maximum of 3 years. Hence, pricing mobile devices on basis of OS updates and warranty, isn't ethical including products of Apple.

    I write here not only for you, but for many, including HMD and their competitors. It is high time that everyone should start speaking FACTS and start doing good because, our world is nearing its end. (Due to climate crisis and evolution of new viruses).

    Some organizations died because of their ideologies. To put it correctly, they exited their businesses just because, their businesses became unprofitable but, not because of lack of interest to change their ideologies. Their businesses became unprofitable just because, they couldn't deliver competing products.

    As you have said, it is TRUE that Redmi K60 is not a match for ASUS Zenfone 9 or ASUS ROG phones. At the same time, it is also TRUE that this Nokia X60 is not a match for Redmi K60 or said ASUS mobiles.

    I admit that I criticise Nokia. But, I can't speak to them in private. Even if I convey everything privately, through their website or through their private email (If I get one) they would simply compromise and litter it. People and organizations consider everything only when things go public. Also, if owners of HMD are really good at heart, they would never mind my criticisms and would start doing something good to our world. I never said that HMD is a bad organization, the reason why I write here and want them to shine. If none of us say anything about HMD, they would never know where they are wrong. I am just helping them to correct their mistakes for the betterment of our world. Only if Nokia releases good mobiles priced reasonably, they can overthrow Chinese mobiles and we consumers can get rid of Chinese mobiles. In spite of all my criticisms, this device would definitely sell, just because of the STRENGTH of Stock Android and just because, there are no competitors to Stock Android other than Pixel.

    Above all, I should THANK YOU VERY MUCH for admitting that HMD is not making phones for you and me, the main reason for all my messages. Good luck.

      • S
      • Swaraj
      • Hkt
      • 08 Dec 2022

      Sin, 07 Dec 2022There some big claim's about the quality and endurance... morehard to find because they have considered us all to be too dumb. but there are some reviewer who still provide all lab test .check notebookcheck website . they write in detail every test they conduct . unlike gsmarena who just copy paste their youtube script on review page.

        • S
        • Swaraj
        • Hkt
        • 08 Dec 2022

        Subramanian CN, 07 Dec 2022Dear Swaraj, I am really tired of writing things here be... moreI see no strong argument in your reply. so I will stop responding your comments after this . you said "I feel that there is nothing wrong in it, if it looks and feels good" about computational photography. I want to state that it's your opinion. I don't like my phone dictating how I like my photo. I'm sure many other photographer do not . did you say it is justified apple selling phone for higher price but it is not justified for nokia for same reason 🤔 or what?

        a lot of companies died because of their ideology man . kodak , nokia , palm phone , lumia , blackberry . but I'm glad they chose to stop doing things they didn't like. some may call them stupid ,some even forgot they existed. but I hope the emerging new companies adhere to that principle to be stubborn and sophisticated. instead of running behind where ever money goes . that is how we the consumer win.

        about nokia not having good cpu... again redmi k60 may give you snapdragon 8 gen 1 for 400 dollars but it will never be equal to asus zenphone 9 with same cpu

        I want to nokia to win too . but always nitpicking them,criticising them in public isn't the way . for now they are not making phone for you and me. that's fine . doesn't make them a bad company.

          • S
          • Sin
          • 3aP
          • 07 Dec 2022

          There some big claim's about the quality and endurance rating of the storage on Nokia smartphones
          Storage read and specs and sustainabled performance

          Can you please provide information with details
          on storage endurance specs on Nokia smartphones and there competition as it is not listed any I can find online

          This kinda information is hard too find on smartphones as I can't find it anywhere

            Swaraj, 07 Dec 2022no we did not enter into computational photography automat... moreDear Swaraj,

            I am really tired of writing things here because, I feel that it is not worth it because, nothing can be changed. As you've said, it is a fact that I don't know everything. Also, it is a fact that there are plenty of good mobiles, which are on par with Nokia devices. To be precise, there are plenty of other devices, definitely better than Nokia devices.

            Everything can't be dealt here, since you've started to compare ARM architecture with x86 architecture. Also, it is true that it has become a question of debate, since ARM has entered into laptops.

            Our whole world reads all our messages and it is not necessary that everyone should accept everything I say. The main reason as to why I write here is to inform HMD with what I know, since all our feedbacks would definitely reach the desks of respective organizations. To be precise, not only it reaches respective organisations but, it also reaches competitor's. Hope, you will not debate on this.

            About the rice you eat, it is true that I don't know anything about what you eat. You can very well lead your life even without rice, with breads, meat, fruits, vegetables, etc. To be precise, one doesn't even need a kitchen to eat because, our world has become fast enough to deliver anything at our door steps. Talking about rice, is just a figure of speech to make readers understand, where our world is. When there exists organic rice and organic meat, how can I say anything about what you eat?

            You've said that Nokia devices employ battery with highest charging cycle. Does this statement has any relevance to what I spoke in my previous posts? I certainly don't understand about what you meant by "Storage with highest endurance". Guarantee for maximum number of OS updates !!! It is to increase their asking price? Is it justifiable to speak about pricing strategies of Apple, just because, they provide iOS updates for five years? NOT all Chinese mobiles are cheap. Only their budget and midrange devices are cheap. It is also true that Chinese mobile brands make more money than Nokia. From where and how? Hope, everyone knows the answer. This is reason, why I badly want HMD to shine. But, it is really absurd to say that Chinese manufacturers lack innovation.

            So, you want to defend the price of Nokia X30 by comparing it with Sony. Well, agreed. I admit that Sony mobiles are expensive, the reason why I IGNORE them. But, honestly, their flagship devices seem excellent. Also, if Sony launches some good midrange devices at reasonable prices, I would definitely consider them over Nokia. The reason why, I fail to ignore Nokia is just because, they know to manufacturer budget devices unlike Sony. The best examples would be their C series devices. These devices don't get Android updates. As I've already said in an old post here, why shouldn't HMD manufacture good C series devices with a better SOC with no promises for Android updates. The present C series devices are nothing but, space junks. Assume, a budget friendly device, Nokia G60 in a different name say Nokia CX60 with the same SOC or with Snapdragon 480+, with just 1 year warranty with 6GB RAM and 64GB internal storage, with no promise for Android updates. Also, their existing Nokia G400 is reserved and will not be launched globally. Is this justifiable? If HMD's pricing, product and marketing strategies stands the way as it stands now, I would definitely ignore Nokia too. It is not about what I feel or what I do but, it is about what plenty of other consumers feel and do, at large.

            I strongly believe in manipulation. Sometimes it becomes necessary. I have manipulated my old grandfather's and grandmother's photos artificially using computers. I even artificially colored it. If something looks good, it feels good. But, the truth is that I never spoke about cameras of Nokia devices, anywhere, at any point of time. It is you, who started about it, to justify Nokia devices, with the help of it.

            As you've said, it is true that I don't have this device and I haven't used it. But, I used Nokia's G60. This device Nokia X30, should perform the same way as Nokia G60, as far as SOC performance is concerned. The differences between these two are display, in display fingerprint scanner and lack of 3.5mm audio jack. Have you got anything to say more about this device? Might be, this device has a better back and so on...

            Coming to cameras, when you start to talk about 1's and 0's you have entered into computations. But, I got your point. You mean to say about, additional AI image processing done with the help of software, after the image gets computed by the sensor. I feel that there is nothing wrong in it, if it looks and feels good. But, there exists an option to capture images in RAW format in some flagship devices, without these additional AI image processing. The said "Pro mode" by you, is a computational method in itself. Nothing is wrong, if it is beneficial to mankind.

            As you have said, it is true that plenty of mobile brands died. It isn't wise enough to ask why? As you've said, it is true that every organization have their own set of philosophies/ideologies. But, it isn't wise to conclude that some of the mobile brands died because of their ideologies. It is not necessary that I should mind about HMD and their devices. It is just enough that I ignore them, if I don't like their devices. Then, why do I write, is a wonderful question to ask. Mere expectations from HMD, for a better world. I can wake a person who is really asleep. But, I can't when one who pretends.

            Whenever I talk about learning things and whenever I talk about making our world a better place, the world always talk about making money. Everyone including myself need money. But, the point is, what we choose to do with it.

            If HMD choose to release good devices at reasonable prices, I will definitely buy it. If they don't, I will simply ignore them. If HMD's competitors choose to release stock Android devices priced reasonably, I would definitely consider them. Let HMD live with their own set of ideologies. I don't mind. Good luck to you and HMD.

              • S
              • Swaraj
              • Hkt
              • 07 Dec 2022

              Subramanian CN, 06 Dec 2022When we moved away from film cameras to digital cameras, ( ... moreno we did not enter into computational photography automatically when we entered into digital photography. I don't know where you learned that (must be youtubers) digital photography means storing them photos in form of 1s and 0s and not printed in films . whether manufacturer want to manipulate iso , whitebalance , focal length, scene detection, auto focus,contrast automatically using their ai is completely on them. they can choose not to. digital photography is not synonymous to computational photography. read more about it .

              and I never said nokia isn't doing computational photography like everyone else . I said they don't believe in it as extensively as others do. which is why they were among the first manufacturers to give "pro mode" in their camera software so you can have control over how YOU want to manipulate your photo not the algorithms or AI enforced by the them .

                • S
                • Swaraj
                • Hkt
                • 07 Dec 2022

                Subramanian CN, 06 Dec 2022When we moved away from film cameras to digital cameras, ( ... moremighty brave of you to just assume out of nowhere that I eat rice cultivated using artificial fertilizer . how do you know ? do you know me ? do you cook food for me in our kitchen ?

                like this you assume a lot of things . you say you like stock android. why I don't see lots like you on sony phones or asus phone ? sony is selling sd 690 phone for 600 dollars !! I don't see you trolling them ! do you wanna know why ? because they didn't made grave mistakes like hmd did in the past . you are here with an intent that since this company is a start up and made mistakes in past it is valid to troll all their product without ever holding them in hand .

                hmd phones are expensive because they selling battery with highest charging cycle , storage with highest endurance , os with maximum upgrade guarantee . get your priorities straight and buy the phone you want . do not troll phone that are not into your likings . thousands could loose their job , diversity in tech world could die because of t.rolls like you. for people like you lg died , lumia died , htc died ,essential phone died . we are left with passion less, Innovation less Chinese brands who only know how to tight screw and weld best iin the market cpu by the help of poorly paid or unpaid engineers and copy apple ui elements .

                every company has their own philosophy in doing things . you may not like it. does not mean they are irrelevant to all other people . what you say only represent how much you understood . not all there is .

                  • S
                  • Swaraj
                  • Hkt
                  • 07 Dec 2022

                  Subramanian CN, 06 Dec 2022When we moved away from film cameras to digital cameras, ( ... moreabout "soc used for asking price" buddy I do not how well you know computer hardware . but I built a DIY pc last year. I learned a few things .

                  I'll give you pc example cz I am not educated about how it applies to handheld devices and mobile phone hardware . if you buy a ryzen cpu( ryzen 3 3200g in my case) you can used it in 3 types of motherboard . the a320 series , b450 series and X series. a series is cheapest , X series being flagship level of them all (costs 150dollars more expensive). if you buy a ram stick there are several variations . you can find a 8gb ram running at 2400mhz or 3600mhz . with heat shield or without .and then there are kind of cooling system used. i won't even get into that . all these things will affect your budget dramatically.

                  some pc with ryzen 3 3200g may cost you 150dollars . some pc with same cpu will cost you 500 dollars ( because they'll have water cooled heating, 3600mhz ram , nvme ssd with highest endurance, X series mobo) . so tell me how justified it is to judge that pc cz it has a barebone cpu ? ?
                  if you can install an efficient heatsink alone it can double your game fps.

                    Swaraj, 06 Dec 2022Apple ,pixel phones Don't have great camera sensors ... moreWhen we moved away from film cameras to digital cameras, ( I am not speaking about mobile cameras but, digital stand alone cameras ) we have entered into computational photography. Coming to mobile cameras, all mobile cameras are controlled with the help of software, though the software used, differs from manufacturer to manufacturer. Hope, you will not deny that you use mobile cameras with the help of a camera app ( Application software ). Hence, the question is not about computations but, it is about how well it is computed.

                    Now, the question is not about, cameras. It is about the SOC used and their asking price. For some people, their asking price can't be a problem because, their pockets are full. Well, you might say that people who can't afford, do have other choices. But, the situation arises just because, these people who can't afford are also interested in Stock Android.

                    I write a lot about Nokia here, NOT just because I like Nokia devices but, just ONLY because I like Stock Android. If other manufactures release good budget Stock Android devices, most of us wouldn't be here to speak about Nokia devices. As I have already said in an old post, HMD is partial by not releasing G400 globally.

                    As said by " willemblues", HMD bought a very Good brand, but, ...

                    Making a brand renowned is really very difficult. But, HMD bought a brand which was already renowned. They never built it from scratch. It is this brand image that makes Nokia devices to consumers. This brand image can prolong only through excellent competing products. By competing products, I never mean flagship devices but, good budget and midrange devices. This device, the Nokia X30 is a good midrange device but, priced like a flagship device. HMD manufactures devices to their taste but, not to consumer's wants. Who asked for 2 to 3 years warranty for a midrange device. This increase in warranty period has just increased its asking price. Now, the situation is no longer about quality but, is about competition. If there exists only one company HMD, no one would complain. But, now, consumers do have plenty of competing products to compare, including devices of Google themselves. Since, you spoke about computational photography, I would like to clarify that nothing in this world is natural. Even, the rice you eat is cultivated with artificial fertilizers. Consumers are not seeking THE best, but only choose the best of all, available to them.

                    As you've said not only great things are flawless but, nothing in this world is flawless.

                      • S
                      • Swaraj
                      • Hkt
                      • 06 Dec 2022

                      Apple ,pixel phones Don't have great camera sensors , they just write great algorithms that works in diverse scenario and produces eye catching photos . pixel 6a for example has same sensor as pixel 2 . it's not that Nokia phones have bad camera . it's just they don't believe in computational photography like almost all other phone manufacturers do . you can compare their photo quality with others and say they are trash all you want . but nokia will always keep being nokia . they don't repaint your photos with on a canvas that they think is right for you. they let you take control over what you want essence you want of the subject with pro mode . brave thing to do to hold on to truth when no one else does. people will see through computational photography (like they see through those aged cgi hulk movie, but did indiana jones the lost ark age a day ?nah) . when they do they will realize how nokia sailed against the tide .

                      I am proud I owned nokia 6.1 plus with 16mp camera that vomited real photography over all my 48mp realme and redmi phone photos unapologetically. redmi note 10 pro camera can not even put up with 4k video on nokia 6.1plus. (it died because of poor quality type c port and then my nephew shattered it )

                      Remember no great thing is completely flawless .

                        • w
                        • willemblues
                        • Tpx
                        • 06 Dec 2022

                        It's pathetic, they only bought a name, it's one big drama, can't do anything

                          • S
                          • Sin
                          • 3aP
                          • 05 Dec 2022

                          Western and European brands
                          I much prefer if they won the Smartphones Market

                          But I find they make one huge mistake price too performance radio

                          Instead of trying too beat the Chinese brands at there own game they dance around the problem and don't face it head on

                          I noticed Nokia very focused on stock Android layout but they do blootware there phones so u need too take a page right out of the Xiaomi customer book and uninstall and disabled stuff or even custom ROM

                          All Nokia phones have the same software so with any new Nokia phones u are tasked with going into settings and changing gestures navigation too button navigation too speed the phone up & many other bad settings need too be fixed too by the user sadly screen time 15 sec can't be fixed but this could be a bug with Android 12 that is trash

                          Updates slow there underpowered phones down too much so this need be disabled somehow if only there was easy OS rollback feature

                          Nokia such a big brand that makes so many different phone models they definitely be something u find u like
                          So many different phone models too choose from

                          Just in the budget market in the UK Nokia is the cheapest so I use a Nokia smartphone Possibility Alcatel are similarly priced but at a small price premium over Nokia branded smartphones

                            Dear Nokia X30 and Nokia G60,

                            1. Let me wait to see your software performance after every Android update. To be specific, let me wait to see your software performance after Android 15 update.
                            2. Let me wait to see the hidden variables if any, in the warranty given to you by HMD, for all the 2 to 3 years ( depending on the warranty extension given to you in different markets by HMD ).
                            3. Let me wait to see your hardware performance, for all the 3 years to come. To be specific, let me wait to see the display performance, for all the 3 years to come.
                            4. Let me wait to see the performance of your battery, for all the 3 years to come.
                            5. Let me wait to see your 5g performance.
                            6. Let me wait to see your consumer's comments, about the value they associate to you, for all the 3 years to come.
                            7. Let me wait to see, whether you age in all the 3 years to come.
                            8. Let me wait to see how competing devices play with you, for all the three years to come.
                            9. Above all, please wait to see whether all your consumers live with you, for all the 3 years to come.
                            10. If you (Nokia X30 and G60) stay ahead in ALL OF THE ABOVE for 3 years, your ASKING PRICE is justified and I promise that I would make an apology here at GSMarena after 3 years, for all my remarks. The only thing required is PATIENCE, for all the 3 years to come.

                            Dear HMD, if you strive hard to do the best for your consumers who own these devices, for all the 3 years to come, at least for the sake of this message, I wouldn't fell shy to make an apology later, for the sake of our world.

                            Good luck, Nokia.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • ptx
                              • 03 Dec 2022

                              This phone is magnificent I have it in use since some time and it is fast and solid with a good camera and a good battery life. Try it out before you start to troll. Price dropped below 500 euro, it is a very good deal.

                                • t
                                • teja
                                • Dk%
                                • 03 Dec 2022

                                Subramanian CN, 02 Dec 2022To clarify, I would like to emphasize my statement again. I... moreyes what did u said is 100% true

                                  My previous post would remain incomplete, if I fail to express the following fact. It is about Apple Inc. This organization is a special case, because of their sincerity in providing their goods and services. But, even in this case, I will not be loyal to this brand, if I happen to purchase their product because, they charge exorbitantly for everything they do. We pay and they deliver. Nothing more, nothing less. Though it is true that none of the manufacturers forces their consumers to buy their products, they induce consumers by kindling their thirst and make them crazy. But, I sincerely admit that every manufacturer is really sincere to increase their profits. They are into business, just because of their wants to make money exponentially. Of course, I admit that they are passionate in doing what they do, but, just for the sake of money by engaging themselves into their business. Nothing more, nothing less. I can be loyal to a brand, only when brands starts to work for the welfare of consumers.

                                    Minu, 03 Dec 2022I did say that, and I can clarify that since it's my h... moreEvery word has its own meaning. It can't be misunderstood, unless you aren't familiar with the language. "Brand Loyalty" means loyalty towards a particular brand. A word can be misunderstood only if it has got different meanings. There is nothing wrong if you or someone is loyal to a brand. It is one's personal trait and belief. I don't have the right to make you act the way I like. I just expressed my beliefs since, I am bold enough to say that I am not loyal to any brand. But, I am loyal to my parents, teachers, God, relatives, friends, my office, my country and to the world. This mere honest expression of this statement is nothing but, my sincerity towards you. To be specific, I will be loyal even to a Good stranger but, not to any brand. If a brand is Good enough, I will not go beyond just appreciating the brand because, it is not worth it. Brands sometimes provide Good products and damage it later with their services. Brands are nothing but, money making machines. Hope you would admit that none of the brands provides their services appropriately and honestly. Every brand owner have their own set of excuses and they compromise every time. To be specific, mobile manufacturers don't provide Android updates appropriately and honestly. It is just enough, if they fail to provide Android updates, instead of providing it inappropriately. Being sincere is being appropriate and being loyal. Loyalty is a BIGGER word and has great meaning, which, I wouldn't like to use it inappropriately. If a consumer say that he is loyal to brand, means that he will not switch to any other brand later, at any point in his life because, if he switches, he isn't loyal. I am sincere to explain my beliefs, just because, I don't like to use Good words inappropriately. Everyone has got their own beliefs and traits and they have got every right to do anything with their life. I didn't mean to say that your beliefs are wrong but, I sincerely tried to explain about my beliefs.

                                      • M
                                      • Minu
                                      • ter
                                      • 03 Dec 2022

                                      Subramanian CN, 02 Dec 2022I've copied your old post here to clarify it for yours... moreI did say that, and I can clarify that since it's my honest opinion. What I did was mentioning the Nokia phones people consider "overpriced" and the particular alternatives available at the same price in our market, regardless of their brands. I hope you don't misunderstand what I meant about the brand loyalty.
                                      I did like your comment to let you know that I agree with your opinions, in case you didn't notice it.

                                      And I currently use a Nokia phone, not because I bought it because of the brand name, but because it fulfills my requirements and my experience is totally positive. Hope that helps 😊

                                        • S
                                        • Sin
                                        • 3aP
                                        • 02 Dec 2022

                                        I feel you guys are too Lazer focused on Nokia Google pixel fairphone Vs Xiaomi realme debate

                                        In general mainstream brands make more profit than they claim hold good hardware behind paywalls and have a price premium too them

                                        The popular brands are often the worsened

                                        In the uk market
                                        phones are not any good at all
                                        Just garbage hardware for high pricing

                                        We just import phones made for other markets even with import costs and taxes

                                        it's still cheaper than buying a phone from a shop or phone carrier in the UK

                                        for example umidigi we brought from there official store online at budget smartphone price and get a beast of a smartphone turn up at the door

                                        I mentioned umidigi phone because they offer better value for money then Xiaomi on hardware run stock Android like Nokia and don't even get slowed down by updates either and on top of all that have good build quality and are reliable

                                        The umidigi phones have come back at budget price's but with beastly hardware

                                        So looking at mid range market
                                        Why you no looking at alternative brands like
                                        Umidigi hotwav OnePlus or Nubia

                                        Just see what's on sale at the time and look around for bargains and random phone brands