O2 X3

O2 X3

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Stubie
  • 31 Aug 2004

How do you check the order status, i cant find anything in the my account section of the website. Has anyone recieved theirs from o2 online yet. I am thinking about canceling my order and buying it from an o2 store instead. It looks like o2 are having supply problems not technical ones. When i rang my local o2 store they said they only had one left! Pretty crap for a brand new phone thats only been out a few days!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 31 Aug 2004

    The rumour is it'll record for as long a time as you have space on your memory card...... maybe Dan can confirm.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 31 Aug 2004

      Does any1 no how long it can record video 4?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 31 Aug 2004

        Dan, SO what is the USB for?

        If it isn't for access to the memory card it seems pretty damn useless to me?

        And everyone please not a 6-1 card reader from E-bay will not work with a mini sd card unless you buy a mini Sd to SD convertor card. (These come free from various shops when you buy a mini sd.)

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 31 Aug 2004

          Read the posting from Zak again, it says the BenQ S700, not O2 X3. Same phone different firmware and games on it. Hence no Doom.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 31 Aug 2004

            tell us a bit about the phone like all the strong points and weaknesses about the phone i.e. phone freezing like o2 x1

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 31 Aug 2004

              nope, so what do you make of the phone?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 30 Aug 2004

                i got the phone on sat i haven't been on net since then but i assumed you would all have yours by now.

                  • i
                  • iain
                  • 30 Aug 2004

                  i went into my local o2 shop on Sunday i have seen what the o2 x3 is like,they let me have a shot with it it great.its well small with a great camera quality and video caputure and is easy to use.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 30 Aug 2004

                    If everyone starts bombarding them on the upgrade line they will have to listen. Even if they can't deal with individual issues they will get sick of people giving them grief. However they should be able to look at everyone's orders as long as they have an order number. So what if you're not supposed to ring this number, there's nothing to lose by trying and its not 50p per minute!!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 30 Aug 2004

                      go to http://www.gamespot.com/mobile/index.html?tag=gs_lnav_mobile

                      they have cool screenshots of mobile phone games and what's that picture of the mobile phone along with the pictures of the n gage and consoles ? Will the o2 x3/benq s700 be able to play games like these with its 256K color (true color) screen ?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 30 Aug 2004

                        will this have the ability to play 3d games ? go to http://www.esato.com/archive/t.php/t-62899

                        it says about the phone being able to play the likes of Doom and stuff.

                        Posted by zak1976
                        Embedded with a 1.3 Mega pixel camera with flash, the BenQ S700 is the perfect match for consumers who demand first-rate digital imaging on their mobile phones.

                        Along with its compatible Mini SD card, users can also record unlimited MPEG videos and share 10~15 second clips with friends via MMS. For music lovers, the BenQ S700 also functions as a MP3 player, with a built-in 2~3 watt speaker for unmatched sound quality. In combination with pre-loaded games such as Doom, the BenQ S700 is the ultimate mobile phone for users that crave entertainment and enjoyment for any and every occasion.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 30 Aug 2004

                          How do we do that without having to spend a fortune on phone calls to them?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 30 Aug 2004

                            The more people that kick up a fuss and get arsey with them the sooner they will pull their fingers out and sort it!!!!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 30 Aug 2004

                              It wouldn't be so bad if they could give an approximate time that it'll be back in stock but that's hoping for too much.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 30 Aug 2004

                                The fact that yours is showing out of stock would probably explain why they haven't sent mine, except they won't tell me its out of stock! I'll give it a week or i will cancel my contract and get a different phone elsewhere!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 30 Aug 2004

                                  Right I see, I don't have a contract and this is for a PAYG phone so I'd have to phone the other number. I do have an order number though and that's how I saw the out of stock status on the site in my account. Thanks for the info though.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 30 Aug 2004

                                    No the phone is not on its way yet. I have placed an upgrade order as i am a customer already. I have been told that i 'should' get the phone soon (within a week) but i am not holding my breath. Nothing is showing in the order status as yet because the order has not been processed. I didn't pay 50p per min for my call as i spoke the dept dealing with contract cancellations. This was charged at national rate. If you have a current contract i would phone this number and find out if you are concerned. If you click on 'contact' us on the mobile phone's section of the website it give's the number for upgrades, Phone this number and select option 4. You can only do this if you have a current contract with them. There's no way i'm paying 50p a minute for something that is their problem to sort out. If you have an order number the online service should be able to help, they haven't given me an order number yet so this service is no good to me. Hope this helps.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 30 Aug 2004

                                      So did they actually say they have a phone on it's way to you or do you have the out of stock status in your order tracker as well?

                                      And I'd love to phone them up but I'm not that willing at the moment to spend up to £10 just to find out information that should be sent to us when we make the order.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 30 Aug 2004

                                        Anyone who has ordered the x3 from o2 will be lucky to get the phone this week. I have spoken to them this afternoon and the order i placed with them last thursday hasn't even gone through yet and I was given no firm date for when the phone would be delivered. I would suggest that anyone who has ordered but had no confirmation email phones them up as the email service is a waste of time. The more people that hound them over this the sooner they will sort it out!