Qualcomm announcing its own Adreno Turbo tomorrow

Ro, 24 July 2018

An unexpected series of teasers emerged on Qualcomm's official Weibo page. One of them is a poster of a chipset inside a smartphone with some teasers engraved in there reading "smoother," "cooler," "smarter." The company is making a gaming-related announcement tomorrow and the most obvious guess is an update to compete with Huawei's recently launched GPU Turbo tech.

Much like Huawei's optimization, we can expect the Qualcomm chips to run cooler, more efficiently and deliver better (smoother) gameplay at higher frame rates with certain titles thanks to a new-found optimization.

Alternatively we could be looking at an entirely new SoC, but if that was But it begs the question, why would Qualcomm tease it only in China. We should know for sure by the end of tomorrow.

Source(in Chinese)


Reader comments

I do live under a rock ;)

  • g6 user
  • 27 Jul 2018
  • LEi

do u live under a rock as far as I know most of android games allow you to change graphics even game emulators

  • Anonymous
  • 25 Jul 2018
  • 81X

"Faster, Smoother, Cooler, Longer, Smarter" Maybe they (both) realized a way to tap the 'AI' co-processors to speed up rendering. Perhaps handling depth sorting & culling, or maybe recognizing similarities between frames and approximating ...

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