Samsung Galaxy S6 review: Subject Zero

13 March 2015
Choose one word to describe the Samsung Galaxy S6. Gorgeous. Powerful. Special. Different. Thank you. That will do. Galaxy S5 has only one of these under its belt and hint... it starts with a P.

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  • M
  • Miz
  • ubI
  • 14 Mar 2015

AnonD-295038, 14 Mar 2015This result is incorrect for battery life. I have been usi... moreMan how you get it when its not even released yet.

    • B
    • Black Adder
    • 33h
    • 14 Mar 2015

    WTG Samsung, i like the S6 Edge and i`ll get it as soon as i can.

      • D
      • AnonD-314503
      • nC7
      • 14 Mar 2015

      This review is incomplete. Where is:

      1. The battery life comparison with other flagships including iphone. S6 battery is on par with iPhone 6 so editor just didnt elaborate because its not brag worthy.

      2. Still camera comparison.

      3. Video camera comparison especially in stability.

      Another ripoff spotted: parallax effect in wallpaper. Really samsung? You already took the bottom design, "Samsung Pay (nomenclature)", fingerprint interface, S Voice. At S7 maybe you can release sTunes to manage phones multimedia and remove USB mass storage mode. Rename your gear with Samsung Watch. LOL

      For those who cry out with protruding camera of iPhone, what can you say about S6 camera mountain? Remember how gsmarena wrote long paragraph criticiziing iPhones camera protrusion.

      For those who said iPhone has copied Ativ S. Let me say that phone just doesnt have the right to be compared with iPhone. Its was just a crap. iPhone's design has just reverted from its roots. Remember the original iPhone until iPhone 3GS. The iPod Touch specially 5th Gen and the iPad mini and Air. Those devices' side as you guess are rounded.

        • D
        • AnonD-295038
        • 6Mt
        • 14 Mar 2015

        This result is incorrect for battery life. I have been using the device and I can assure you that with max brightness set on 50% and on auto mode I am getting ~5 hrs of screen on time which includes Web surfing, YouTube, gaming, lots of camera pictures etc.

          10h vs 17h of video on note4. I hope noteV wont have same destiny.

            • D
            • AnonD-265341
            • nba
            • 14 Mar 2015

            Tragic..... such potensial wasted with CRAP battery and no option to change it. no ip and no sd. no thanks

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • X93
              • 14 Mar 2015

              Will you be able to have normal 3-way calls?, hence being on call, getting new call, picking up and conferencing in, and then remove new caller and stay with original caller? Same for adding outgoing and removing it.

                I figured the battery to be sub-par than of the past flagship models. No surprise with the "low" 2550mAh battery, which is non-removable, because Samsung listened to too much from all the iPhone, Sony and HTC aficionados who can't complain about carrying chargers and power banks with their nice slim and "nice" slim metal designs.

                It's just illogical. Even the fast charging has drawbacks - affecting the life of the battery to holding a charge. Yes, fast charging shortens its ability to hold a charge longer FASTER than regular charging. I happen to cycle 3 batteries for my Galaxy Note, charging them on a battery cradle charger than in the device itself. By this way, I am able to conserve or prolong their ability to hold better charges than with just one. I enjoy heavy usage WITHOUT the worry of plugging in, and replace my battery when it reaches 20% - all in the name of better battery management. My device stays practically WIRELESS all day.

                Yeah, for people who don't know/don't care, plugging in for power only seems easy, however you can completely change the battery and start in a matter of a minute. Fast charging still be take so much time than a minute... Yeah, you like carrying your charger and power bank - we get it. For me, it's less practical. I charge those spent batteries before I sleep. A spare battery is less than 25% than the volume of a power bank, and roughly less than 50% of a charger.

                Let me point out too that you increase your chances of the theft of your device by plugging in and leaving your device for a charge. Imagine doing this every day. Another is forgetting it all together.

                  • T
                  • Tyler
                  • i}t
                  • 14 Mar 2015

                  Planned obsolescence people...they are manufacturered like this for a reason.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • i}t
                    • 14 Mar 2015

                    AnonD-225521, 14 Mar 2015First of all, I am not a fanboy of any brand/phone. I have ... moreThis makes me laugh and want to buy it more. Sorry apple fan.

                      • m
                      • m86k
                      • m86
                      • 14 Mar 2015

                      Priya, 14 Mar 2015If they just increased the battery to 3000 mah, it would ha... moreWait for S6 active, it will have a 3500mA battery.

                        • m
                        • m86k
                        • m86
                        • 14 Mar 2015

                        AnonD-225521, 14 Mar 2015I know this may be irrelevant but I'm Korean and I actually... moreI disagree, until S3/S4, Amoled screens were dimmer and maybe other brands. But not since S5. If you read actually the review, you will notice that 50% brightness is equivalent to iphone 6 brightness, twice the G3's and much more than Xiami Mi Note for the few phones put in this reviews.
                        On my S5 50% of brightness is too bright, manually, i have to use like 20%/30% brightness but i prefer using auto, even outside.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 0fR
                          • 14 Mar 2015

                          Well, I certainly feel good about choosing to go with the M9 (although there wasn't much choice since the sd card slot was removed the S6). Battery life, Samsung, is a complete disappointment.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-373771
                            • i21
                            • 14 Mar 2015

                            AnonD-225521, 14 Mar 2015I know this may be irrelevant but I'm Korean and I actually... moreYou have not offended me at all, I'm simply trying to shed some light on why S6 no longer has removable battery and micro sd. The real life numbers could be lower, but I doubt it. Having said that if that is the case, that's why fast charging and wireless charging are present in this handset.

                            Amoled screens are the best in any smartphone, if you check, it is reported that note 4 has best screen on any smartphone in all fields and that S6's screen is even better. This is proven fact, nothing comes close to amoled.

                            I'm sure you can look into the new super fast memory type samsung made for the S6, it becomes clear why there is no sd card. Also using micro sd card is only slightly less expensive. This is flagship phone so people who need more storage will buy 64 or 128 gb.

                            The overall feel and look is clearly Samsung, this is from first hand experience.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-374841
                              • rvY
                              • 14 Mar 2015

                              Firstly, that isn't "brushed aluminum". I find the white version to be the least attractive. That camera sensor looks plain ugly. Why do so many reviewers praise the new design? The front and back looks just like any other samsung. I really like the Edge model. I think they should have just made the S6 Edge the original S6, especially since the "Edge" doesn't actually add much functionality like the Note Edge did. To me, the only thing that resembles the Iphone is the bottom part, nothing more. This review sounded like it came from a Samsung fanboy.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-225521
                                • wvZ
                                • 14 Mar 2015

                                AnonD-373771, 14 Mar 2015nexus s has headphone on the bottom before apple. I would d... moreI know this may be irrelevant but I'm Korean and I actually like Samsung- just not their phones.
                                I am referring to something more than just speaker placement and curve. The overall "feeling/look" is what I mean.
                                Yes, but there are other phones that will last a lot longer. And I have stated this before, but 1: real life usage for any phone will be nowhere near those numbers. That is for all phones. 2: as AMOLED displays are dimmer, the brightness will have to be higher than other phones, so you will get less usage with the same brightness. These tests are done with 50% brightness of the phone, not a consistent brightness.
                                I have also stated that buying a 64GB/128GB device costs a lot more compared to buying a micro SD card and given other pros of expandable memory.
                                Am I really trolling? I see how you can see this as bashing as I'm just talking about the negatives. I'm sorry if this somehow offends you? But how am I trolling if I'm just stating things that are actually negative about the phone but is not in other phones that are available for lower prices? "The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet" - that is trolling.

                                  • P
                                  • Priya
                                  • t}i
                                  • 14 Mar 2015

                                  If they just increased the battery to 3000 mah, it would have been more awesome. And 5.1" is the perfect size. I hope my husband don't care if I buy this device. :p

                                    • l
                                    • levs
                                    • JhT
                                    • 14 Mar 2015

                                    I like S6, but just wander how Samsung every time manages to spoil a good phone with some details. The battery is not really match for the premium/top smartphone on the market. And who needs this stupid heart rate sensor? STOP playing with YOUR customers!!!

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-373771
                                      • i21
                                      • 14 Mar 2015

                                      AnonD-225521, 14 Mar 2015First of all, I am not a fanboy of any brand/phone. I have ... morenexus s has headphone on the bottom before apple. I would direct your attention to samsung ativ s which was released two years before iPhone 6, it should become evident were apple copied the sides of iPhone 6 from.

                                      Battery life depends on how people use their phone. Also there is wireless charging as well as fast charging. If you read the review you can get 10 hours of video playback and 9 hours web browsing . With regard to using more 32 GB, you can simply buy 64 or 128 GB version.

                                      The fact is you're simply trolling and bashing on S6, not stating cons.

                                        • l
                                        • loubielou
                                        • 3p9
                                        • 14 Mar 2015

                                        How Samsung Built the Galaxy S6 just Shows they just wanted to Copy the iPhone 6,in the Thinner Section,but making the Galaxy S6 thinner as Caused the Camera Hump at the Back Stick Out way to Much,o.k the Galaxy S5 might be a Bit Thicker but the Camera Hump does not Stick out to Much,even at the Presentation Samsung were comparing the Galaxy S6 to the iPhone 6 Straight away,Why?when it was Apple that was Causing Samsung loads of Money with the Court Cases and made there Sales Struggle,Will Apple do the Same with the Galaxy S6 and take them to Court for Copying the iPhone 6