Samsung Galaxy S6 review: Subject Zero

13 March 2015
Choose one word to describe the Samsung Galaxy S6. Gorgeous. Powerful. Special. Different. Thank you. That will do. Galaxy S5 has only one of these under its belt and hint... it starts with a P.

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  • D
  • AnonD-354090
  • ScK
  • 14 Mar 2015

S6 lost all advantages of S5 just for the sake of design. IMO big dissapoinntment

    • A
    • Awesome!
    • t}i
    • 14 Mar 2015

    I swear if I have the money to buy this sexy beast, I would buy one ASAP. Well.. right now using moto g 2013.
    Respect and love from a guy who can't afford it but loves the new S6.

      • D
      • AnonD-354090
      • ScK
      • 14 Mar 2015

      No water protection

      No SD card

      No removable battery

      Awful battery life

      Design Apple ripoff from retail box to speaker grille

      Hahaha, epic fail

        • D
        • AnonD-374832
        • 4q@
        • 14 Mar 2015

        erikv, 14 Mar 2015Thank you Samsung, you make life simple. Want phone with... moreTo you the S6 is not on the list? If no SD card or removeable battery why choose the iPhone 6? For what reason? Did you not read the entire 11 pages of this article and see the S6 blows away the iPhone 6 in every category? The only reason to get an Iphone 6 over the Galaxy S6 is if you are an iSheep and only buy Apple no matter what.

          • D
          • AnonD-225521
          • wvZ
          • 14 Mar 2015

          AnonD-259993, 14 Mar 201599% commenting never use s6 yet.. so how you criticize with... moreI can criticise based on specifications and reviews by people who have used it.
          I have used more than 32GB on my phone. That's with many 1GB+ games, music, 1080P and 4K videos, and nandroid backups.
          I, as a consumer have the right to say the cons of a device and inform others things they may not think about before they purchase a device just because it has newly been released.
          90% have non-removable batteries? Really? As far as I know, most of Samsung's, as well as LG's, and many others have a removable battery. And the problem? The S6 will/may not have good battery life.
          Open market? Many people just buy the S6 because it's the best phone, without any knowledge on it. And how do you know these people are not Samsung fans without first asking every single one of them?
          Why are you comparing the S6 to the S5 anyway?
          And more sales does not mean "everyone is wrong and the S6 is the best phone so everyone should buy it over anything else"

            • r
            • 3pt
            • 14 Mar 2015

            Wasn't S5 just released? Besides, they totally went #FullApple here. Non replacable battery, I can understand that, but no microSD !? Seriously!? So they can charge gazillion for extra 16GB of cheap ass NAND. GTFO Samsung. I also don't get it what's up with dropping IP protection...

              • D
              • AnonD-259993
              • Nwx
              • 14 Mar 2015

              99% commenting never use s6 yet.. so how you criticize without hand on experience??? no SD card just how many exceed 32GB memory? 90% phone are non-removable battery so wats uaz point? S6 pre-order and sales are way more than s5.. so who buying s6 are fool? or just sammy fan boys? people just comment without grounds. its not about "FANS" its abt phones in open market

                • D
                • AnonD-225521
                • wvZ
                • 14 Mar 2015

                First of all, I am not a fanboy of any brand/phone. I have owned many different flagship phones from many different brands.
                I actually dislike iPhones for many reasons.
                No, don't cheer, Samsung fans of GSMA.
                I personally find the GS6 quite disappointing.
                1. Design: Is it just me, or does the new design fall short of all the praises it gets from review sites? I find the Edge variant to be all right, but the normal version definitely does not live up to the standards of a premium phone. I own a Z3 - which also uses a "glass sandwich" philosophy, but it is definitely better looking than the S6, hands down. I would much rather have an S6 designed like the note 4.
                2. Display: I dislike AMOLED to start with. Until now, no matter what the reviews have said, I could see from my eyes that they were less white, less accurate, less sharp and and less bright. Perhaps because of the sharpness issue, they had to make the screen QHD. However, this drops graphical performance from top-notch to "mediocre" when looking at framertes. The resolution also leads to my next point.
                3. Battery life: It is clear that the battery life is worse than recent phones. Samsung has done great optimizations to meet the battery life it has achieved with the S6, but it is simply not enough. I can just last a day with my Z3, and previously my G2 - both devices had amazing battery life. Unless you're only using your phone for the occasional texts and some browsing, this phone will not last you a full day. This is especially due to the low brightness of AMOLED screens - you'll be keeping it on max brightness a lot. Perhaps it would have been acceptable if the battery were replaceable on the go, but it isn't.
                4. Expandable storage: No expandable storage? Bummer. Micro SD expansion is so much help in many cases. They are much cheaper than buying a device with more storage, can be used to quickly share files across devices, much easier for users who root their devices, etc. Oh, did I mention they are MUCH cheaper? Well they are.
                I know there will be people who say things such as "but X minutes of charging will give you X hours", "there are many cloud storage options out there" and "design doesn't really matter since everyone uses a case". However, when you're paying that much for a flagship device, one mustn't rely on alternatives to compensate for the lack of something.

                Everything must be given, and it should be up to the user to use and appreciate the features or not. If you really must have the phone and are fine with everything, go for it; it's a great devices.
                But if you're someone who's buying a flagship phone for reasons other than bragging rights, I suggest you purchase something else.

                Sorry for the long post everyone, I'm in the process or procrastinating lol

                BTW to everyone who is saying it's not an iPhone ripoff: the bottom of the phone and the new earphones just tell you that the design was "inspired" by the iPhone.
                Never really thought the Galaxy series copied the iPhone that much, but this phone definitely is the most similar so far

                  • y
                  • yellowberry cake
                  • SvM
                  • 14 Mar 2015

                  if note 5 is like s6 with no sd card and non-removable battery, then i'll just stick to my note 3.

                    • N
                    • Neb
                    • mxZ
                    • 14 Mar 2015

                    I just hope there will be no " the phone lags " two months later.

                      • M
                      • Mj
                      • ubI
                      • 14 Mar 2015

                      They said the speaker was going to be 1.5 times louder..but looks like its not.I think its deep sounding instead of loud just like Htc.As Gsmarena said,They improve the sound quality.Also the audio quality,is not among the loudest,but hope it will be loud enough for most of us,just hope so.Because music is my life.

                        • L
                        • Levy
                        • q{v
                        • 14 Mar 2015

                        This phone will leave a discombobulated market in its wake. Phones of this ilk are bound to appeal to a multitude of people and, hence, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Samsung has opted to go this route.

                          • e
                          • erikv
                          • tA$
                          • 14 Mar 2015

                          Thank you Samsung, you make life simple.

                          Want phone without sdcard slot or removable battery? Get iPhone 6.
                          Want waterproof phone? Get Xperia Z3.
                          Want phone with sdcard slot and removable battery? Get Xiaomi Redmi 2.

                          Obviously Galaxy S6 is not on list.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-374800
                            • 4cY
                            • 14 Mar 2015

                            [deleted post]Well see when the phone comes out. I have no idea as I have not felt the need to upgrade from my S3 until this phone. Even still I'll wait for it to come out and see it in person before I consider making a purchase. My s3 with a custom ROM still works great for me.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-374800
                              • 4cY
                              • 14 Mar 2015

                              My-Note4, 14 Mar 2015This wasn't expected from S6, such a big let down. Poor lou... moreGo look at the a7 and a5 reviews. This battery life makes no sense. 2600mAH battery is plenty. The iPhone 6 scores decently and only has 1810mAH. Ppl need to get over this whole bigger battery need. Huge efficiency improves have been made that allow for a battery like this to keep the phone going longer than the previous generation. I even checked Samsung's keynote for this year vs last in the S5. The S6 lasted about 1 hour longer in each of their test. Check both keynotes and you'll see they show the battery life specifications.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • IVR
                                • 14 Mar 2015

                                Why did you do the offscreen tests at 1080p? The gpu has to render everything at its native resolution which is higher than 1080p. The onscreen tests confirm that the gpu is not powerful enough for this resolution. Running 3d games on this phone will be challenging as i've yet to see an android game that can play at non-native resolutions like windows. This should really caution manufacturers from chasing higher resolutions, you need a far more powerful gpu to render everything smoothly. They will get complaints of lag and frame rate drops with intensive 3d games when consumers get their hands on this phone.

                                  • S
                                  • Sandavinci
                                  • t1$
                                  • 14 Mar 2015

                                  S5 owners will be quietly happy... The S6 turned out to be a cosmetic upgrade in terms of it's build and that too due to some serious competition from rivals like Sony, Apple and HTC... But these use of 'premium materials' like glass and metal has come at a VERY HEAVY price... I mean Non user replaceable battery, No micro SD slot and No Ingress Protection..... How could Sony keep it's phones IP certified when it has a similar build for it's Z series...???
                                  To add to it's woos... the battery capacity is a mere 2550mah when it should've been a minimum 3200+mah...The endurance hours reducing by 20 hours compared to the S5 is very unappealing... The speaker seems to have taken a hit as well it seems...
                                  To consider S6 just because of it's build will not be a rational decision... remember the phone will be draped in cases and covers for most, if not all... Talking of the internals... i.e. the Soc and the other components, they definitely seem impressive but it's real life performance should not be revolutionary specially with touchwiz around... What's left is the display which seems the best but S5 owners can definitely manage with the second best FHD display for now...
                                  I think S5 folks should definitely wait for the S7 where all these shortcomings should be ironed out while retaining the premium build...
                                  Samsung should have just released the S6 edge as just the S6 of this year... that would have made some serious case... The camera itself has seen minor upgrade with the addition of OIS and a larger aperture which would be an advantage over the S5 in terms of night photography otherwise the S5 camera will compete every bit with the S6 camera...
                                  Samsung should have made the device a millimeter thicker and accommodate a much larger battery... It was a must along with IP certification...
                                  S4 owners... it's time to upgrade...
                                  S5 owners... can happily and peacefully wait for S7...

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-338895
                                    • S1I
                                    • 14 Mar 2015

                                    Nice review... I really like the Samsung S6 and especially the Samsung S6 edge... but I believe that they are too expensive for my pocket.
                                    One question though... I check the performance test and it seems to me that you exlude (on purpose or not) specific phones from your charts.
                                    For example, on Antutu you have rightly S6 first with the impressive 68k but on 2nd place you have Nexus 6?
                                    Where is the best phone in Antutu of 2014, Meizu MX4.. I can't see it even in the lower places from 3 to 6. Why is that?
                                    My MX4 has 52k score verified.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-77443
                                      • Xr$
                                      • 14 Mar 2015

                                      Anonymous, 14 Mar 2015Either you are not a note 4 owner or are that foolish. Note... moreI base the 1-2% comment on the fact that i have never seen a post in the GN4 forum from someone owning VR glasses.

                                      Personally i'd rather a 1080p GN4 with better battery life.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • q8Q
                                        • 14 Mar 2015

                                        AnonD-77443, 14 Mar 2015Your smoking something... he was comparing the S5 to the S6... moreEither you are not a note 4 owner or are that foolish. Note 4's existence contradicts your claims.

                                        And no. That troll was all over the place with wild claims