LG G6 review: Cutting corners... Like a pro

16 March 2017
Cutting corners - it's the story of the LG G6's life. Literally - the smartphone's display doesn't end in right angles, it's soft arcs instead. Figuratively - the G6 isn't packing the absolute greatest hardware on the market.

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  • F
  • From2018
  • MrU
  • 20 Mar 2017

Anonymous, 19 Mar 201717:9 is the golden ratio. It allows for soft keys without ... more>>17:9 is the golden ratio
Dude, do you even golden ratio? Just google it, genius.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 6jq
    • 20 Mar 2017

    AnonD-3124, 20 Mar 2017Lets face it. Its beautifully crafted, yes, but somewhat di... moreI doubt SD821 to SD835 would have any major difference in day to day performance. 6GB to 4GB of RAM would though. Android due to ram caching is far faster when it caches background apps (far less loading between apps, between tabs, youtube buffer stays in place, etc; in general everything is ultra fast).

    And for that they had no justification, no hoarding of 2GB parts from Samsung, merely cutting costs measure. Add to that the ommision of removable batt (you can make a phone waterproof even with removable battery , a bit of how S5 was) and you *know* cutting costs was one of the primary reasons...

    Given that and given the $700 pricetag ... who the he'll justifies that?

      • D
      • AnonD-3124
      • t7X
      • 20 Mar 2017

      Lets face it. Its beautifully crafted, yes, but somewhat disappointing inside. Im a fan of compact devices so the screen-to-body ratio is a thumbs up for me, but double thumbs down for the chipset. Yes, we all know guys that samsung hoarded the supply of SD835, but LG could've done better. Why release something ahead of time if a lot of people are waiting for SOMETHING that comes after it? Because of that, the chipset was compromised to SD821.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • YTE
        • 19 Mar 2017

        its a good phone.
        but if the company is cutting corners, they better price it at 500$ otherwise S7, one plus 4 will take away market

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 6jq
          • 19 Mar 2017

          From2018, 19 Mar 2017>> elongated screens seems to be the direction in whi... more17:9 is the golden ratio. It allows for soft keys without spoiling then16:9 used by apps and youtube. Also it allows for (true) 4k or 2k when watching games (and soft keys are off).

          If you go bezels 17:9 is the golden ratio. Only Mi Mix use this btw.

            • g
            • goron
            • KiQ
            • 19 Mar 2017

            best aspect ratio for manga reader IMHO. it will be perfect except for the softkey if it can hide the softkey when reading manga then you will got a full page without black area

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • fjU
              • 19 Mar 2017

              The G6 has a gorgeous design....unlike those bezel bricks they are releasing across the pond

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • XjZ
                • 19 Mar 2017

                Jason CAsio, 19 Mar 2017I had this phone for 2 days. don't like the specs and the c... moreIt may not pollute the water if you choose to throw the fruit.

                  • J
                  • Jason CAsio
                  • P@Y
                  • 19 Mar 2017

                  I had this phone for 2 days. don't like the specs and the charger so I throw it on the fish pond

                    • S
                    • S3mm
                    • tu6
                    • 19 Mar 2017

                    Simon, 19 Mar 2017LG used to make cutting edge phones for amazing price (Nexu... moreYup miss it, also missing th day lg with g3 and g4, those phone very good looking and right in the money, also remember the lg g flex...

                      • F
                      • From2018
                      • MrU
                      • 19 Mar 2017

                      >> elongated screens seems to be the direction in which all major players are headed.
                      No, it's NOT. The 2:1 screens are a joke for just about every scenario, other than VR and 2:1 movies. If the two brain-dead companies believe these two are enough to revert further away from the golden ratio, they will learn a hard way that they are not.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-653531
                        • thu
                        • 19 Mar 2017

                        Hoffmann, 18 Mar 2017No, not at all. Even the G4 has a way better camera than th... moreIndeed , the camera setup is similar with leEco Cool 1 midrange phone with dual 13Mp Sony IMX258 haha... #justsaying :p

                          Simon, 19 Mar 2017LG used to make cutting edge phones for amazing price (Nexu... moreI agree. I have the Nexus5. The 5X is pretty much compelling during its time choosing the correct SoC, the SD808. But like the N5, it doesn't have memory card slot. The N5 is still plenty useful, so going to the 5X is pretty much redundant.

                          After the 5X, I never warmed to any of their releases maybe because Samsung has far surpassed LG as an electronic manufacturer. LG doesn't know they have lost it by continuing with their pricing on par with Samsung. Huawei seems more serious as they are developing their own SoC, the Kirin.

                          Even if the G6 costs similarly to an S7 or Edge, I would have easily chosen the Samsung due to AMOLED display. Superior, larger sensor primary camera.

                          I will only consider if this costs similar to a One Plus 3T. Though it has an AMOLED display and aluminum body, it doesn't have memory expansion.

                            • o
                            • overclocked11
                            • 40f
                            • 19 Mar 2017

                            initially I was looking to get this device, but after reading up on it, seeing this video, and noticing that its selling for a whopping $1k+ CAD, I'm going to get myself the 3T instead. Don't need SD slot and don't care if its water resistant. For $400+ less, the 3T offers a larger battery, and most of the same performance minus the rounded screen. Seems like a pretty safe bet.

                              • S
                              • Simon
                              • NU0
                              • 19 Mar 2017

                              LG used to make cutting edge phones for amazing price (Nexus 5 anyone?). Those were their glory days. Nowadays they make "value offerings" with discounted or frankly just cheap components while regionally disabling any redeeming features and pricing their devices up there with the best. Frankly, I think LG lost it.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 6jq
                                • 19 Mar 2017

                                JordanBaby, 19 Mar 2017Oh, the iPhone and Pixel. Yep, those two bricks LOLThey are seriously outdated looking phones though.

                                I don't much like the G6 look either ... but at least it's more modern looking

                                  Anonymous, 18 Mar 2017If you are talking about brick, you should mention that sup... moreOh, the iPhone and Pixel. Yep, those two bricks LOL

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-446869
                                    • PF5
                                    • 19 Mar 2017

                                    to all LG fanboys, 18 Mar 2017for me this phone really has a bad design.. its so plain li... moreLOL your eyesight not good....have a checked at clinic.......

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-523334
                                      • 7k7
                                      • 18 Mar 2017

                                      It's price shouldn't be more than 550

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-523334
                                        • 7k7
                                        • 18 Mar 2017

                                        Other than the screen, nothing is impressive. Other good things are just those which LG is catching up, and camera and processor being biggest let downs. Specially camera, because In case of processor, they had no choice, but for camera, they could have just got a better one. Now I hope some G6s, or G6T or whatever will upgrade to sd835, dual 12MP with same sensor as pixels /Mi5s.