Apple iPhone X review

08 November 2017
The anniversary iPhone is here. The iPhone X. Or the iPhone 10. The name is as confusing as the product itself is game-changing. Tim Cook's vision finally overwhelmed Steve Jobs ideological remnants. A new dawn for the iPhones has begun, free of the iconic Home key and the notorious screen bezels.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 0BG
  • 10 Nov 2017

AnonD-711468, 10 Nov 2017Mi Mix 2 was a downgrade in actual hard numbers. Not merely... moreLOL so the iPhone X is worse than OnePlus, which is much much cheaper and has never been a champion battery wise.
Just because the Note8 is bad doesn't make the iPhone good.

    My Wife had her iPhone 6 since the day it launched she well over due an upgrade on her contract & decided to wait for the iPhone X rather than get the 8, well that came last week she was super excited about getting it.

    Her excitement soon turned to disappointment as she didn't like the notch at top having no touch id was her biggest complaint though she just didn't like the fact you now have to unlock it with your face rather than your finger plus the changes to iOS 11 on the X she doesn't like aswell because she use to using the home button.

    She sent it back got a regular iPhone 8 and said if this is the way Apple now going she won't be getting another iPhone in the future.

      • D
      • AnonD-711468
      • 6jr
      • 10 Nov 2017

      Iskander, 10 Nov 2017The Mi Mix 2 is at best as much of a downgrade as the iPhon... moreMi Mix 2 was a downgrade in actual hard numbers. Not merely in things such as style.

      Mi Mix 1 has 1x3.5mm Jack. Mi Mix 2 has zero
      Mi Mix 1 has 84% BtS ratio (showing built quality among others), Mi Mix 2 has 81%
      Mi Mix 1 has 4400 MaH battery and excellent endurance, Mi Mix 2 has 3400 MaH and far worse endurance (it's breathtaking, from autonomy champ, to autonomy underachiever).

      It also has the same processor (pretty much, same single core performance, same multi-core performance up to 4-cores which is the maximum that most apps use efficiently)

      It does have a better camera, which is still subpar.

      The only thing that is not clear cut is the aspect ratio. People who love messaging like tall phones. For general content consumption though Mi Mix 1's 17:9 is eons ahead than Mi Mix 2's 2:1 ...

      Similar PPI too.

      Now onto iPhone X. Pretty much everything you say is objectively wrong.

      Never before did an iphone topped the screen-on (battery) chart of its time. Iphone X does just that:
      It's by far the best iphone endurance wise.

      Now onto unlocking methods. It replaced the slow fingerprint unlock with the far faster face unlock. Once A11 learns your face it (as per reports), it instantly unlocks merely by looking at your phone no matter the angle. It's breathtaking actually.

      You call it a downgrade, it's pretty much an industry standard in the making. Everybody and his dog is going to throw away fingerprint sensors by next one or two years.

      Having a mini kinect on top is the apex of phone technology and it's going to revolutionize phone use in general (phone navigation using sight).

      A11 chip is *twice* as fast as the competitors and a healthy upgrade over the last one.

      First time after many years that iPhone Camera is Top 3. Probably the greatest upgrade over iphone 7:

      The greatest upgrade in screen technology in years (between iphones). Best screen in the world:

      At 81% BtS ratio, it tombstones any iphone before that (best they could muster was the 68% of iPhone Plus). Never before did a subsequent generation made such a huge impact in the beneficial part of the device.

      Actuall screensize is 5 inches for 16:9 videos, and 5.7 inches for *anything* else. That is because App store apps are required to upgrade ASAP or they're to face added fees from Apple, the switch would happen in a matter of months. That's the greatest upgrade in screen estate in the history of iPhones.

      Also it's a clean 5.7 inches as the notification area does not enter the main screen (the horns do the part, very much unlike Androids where the actual screen size is always .1-.2 inches less due to the the notifications area)

      Never before did an iphone, nay a phone in general upgraded in so many things and so heavily between generations.

      I hated iphones for being stale and holding the tech world back . Finally there' an iphone doing everything correctly and people still find reasons to bash it ... sad and dangerous. Apple should be emulated as far as iphone X goes (in the sense that every phone should strive to be so clearly better than its predecessors)...

        • U
        • USHER0PUSHER
        • rKw
        • 10 Nov 2017

        im waitng for best of the best & when it comes around i'll see if the price is best for the best

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • XQQ
          • 10 Nov 2017

          AnonD-632062, 10 Nov 2017Bringing in the iPhone 4S was a nice touch! Here's what I t... moreAgree with all your points except for ip67. I suppose that's more than enough for 99.99999 percent people out here. Nobody even with ip68 is gonna take phone for swim anyways. Yeah more the better but in this case it might not be actually useful

            • D
            • AnonD-632062
            • 3Yf
            • 10 Nov 2017

            Bringing in the iPhone 4S was a nice touch! Here's what I think the iPhone X did right:

            Stainless Steel frame.
            Spectacular AMOLED screen with superb brightness and record-high sunlit-legibility above 5.0! Amazing in every way!
            Good set of stereo with great audio prowess.

            Excellent performance as expected from Apple. The A11 just blows the competition away! The only that comes close, matches or beats it is Apple's own iPhone 8 & 8Plus. Both the CPU and the GPU perfrormance is simply scintillating!

            Extremely Good camera capable of taking great shots. 4K@60fos and 1080p@ 240 fps is superb.

            However the Note8 is capable of matching and probably even exceeding the iPhone X with it's similar specs + Dual Pixel. Also don't forget the vastly better overall package of the Note8 and it's best selfie camera package.

            But really, that's a long list of drawbacks, even by iPhone standards:

            Bad Ugly notch (Neither appeals to designers nor developers).
            Doesn't even show the battery percentage in the notification bar. #AppleProgress
            Tapping on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth severs all connections, but it doesn't turn off these features. #AppleLogic
            Unimpressive battery endurance.
            Despite the new design, it doesn't look as striking as say the Note8, S8 or the original Mi Mix.
            No fingerprint sensor.
            No 3.5mm audio jack.
            Still only IP67.
            No microSD slot.
            Extreme iTunes dependency.
            Pathetic Video App.
            Poor unituitive gestures which make a complicated mess of even the simplest tasks.
            Ugly line at the bottom of the UI.
            Lame Force Touch which hasn't yet been abandoned. Can easily be replicated by a long press.
            Closed uncustomisable iOS ecosystem.

            For $999, you get that atrocious 5W charger and basically no extra goodies. Unless you consider an Apple sticker to be a goodie.

            Regarding Video, iPhone was supposed to go off to a flying start.............
            4K@60fps? Amazing.
            1080p@240fps? Superb.
            Mono Audio???!!! Pathetic.
            It's the equivalent of watching a Chris Nolan IMAX movie in a theatre with the sound coming from your small mono Bluetooth speaker.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Hq5
              • 10 Nov 2017

              Anonymous, 10 Nov 2017So you are saying the iPhone X is like a Ferrari and that A... moreWasn't what he was saying at all lol but pretty presumptuous cas most truly rich people I know are tight a%/es.. Also assuming your an android user stating Android users don't care if Apple fans waste their money yet hear you are in the iPhone x review comment section seeking comments out, generalising that Apple users are superficial.. of course Apple fans will be leaving comments in droves in iphone threads.. Deal with it..and what HE SAID be happy with what you got and what others have, misguided or not. I am curious though I'm an android user for the last almost two years and plan to pick up the iPhone x so what's that make me?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 0BG
                • 10 Nov 2017

                Anonymous, 10 Nov 2017I also have the freedom to voice my opinion. It's not yo... moreThis. But also, just because i won't buy it doesn't mean i'm not affected. Other manufacturers are starting to overprise their phones more and more, and also crippling their phones more and more. Why? Well because they they realize it's perfectly acceptable, judging by Apple's customers who blindly buy no matter what.

                Since Apple made their first iPhone, all smartphones started turning into fashiophones.
                -We lost non-removable batteries.
                -SD slot is also not always guaranteed
                -There's huge price spiking.
                -Glass back is considered normal and even great.
                -We are losing the 3.5mm jack
                What next? We'll start to lose a part of the screen as another great "innovation"?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • XNk
                  • 10 Nov 2017

                  Rafe Firmani, 10 Nov 2017It will reach the point when enough is enough... But in th... moreI also have the freedom to voice my opinion.

                  It's not your business to shut people up.

                  Please keep your act-high-and-might comments to yourself.

                    • I
                    • Iskander
                    • iE7
                    • 10 Nov 2017

                    AnonD-711468, 10 Nov 2017Xiaomi had the excellent Mi Mix 1 and replaced it with a do... moreThe Mi Mix 2 is at best as much of a downgrade as the iPhone X is a downgrade over it's predecessors.

                    Of course, you may argue about the battery, screen size and camera module, but battery and screen of the iPhone X are as much a downgrade over the predecessors in some ways, and it dropped the fingerprint scanner to boot.

                    Yes, the iPhone X has the biggest diagonal of all iPhones, but actual size in cm2 is smaller than the 6/7/8+ iPhones. And that's even before taking into account the rounded corners and cutout at the top.
                    Yes, the iPhone X has not the worst endurance figures, but it loses out to older iPhones, so a downgrade.

                    Xiaomi going to a 6" display, down from 6.44", is a choice they made, for good or worse. The smaller battery is a consequence of that choice. The lower MP sensor is of a higher quality with better overall module build around.

                    Just as iPhone made choices, making the iPhone X 'worse', Xiaomi did the same. You either buy the phone for what it offers, or you don't. But as much as one can argue for the iPhone X, one can argue for the Mi Mix 2 that there's reasons to purchase it.

                      AnonD-607239, 09 Nov 2017Apple, Google and Samsung seem less concerned with quality ... moreExactly my thoughts.

                      Apple offers a device for 1000 dollars/1200 euros that has:
                      No 3.5 mm jack, mono sound recording, still no proper media codec support, screen with a seriously big cutout, no manual mode in camera, still crippled connectivity, NFC still for pay only, LTE CAT 12 2017?!
                      And not even the best performer anymore, lost that edge too, some top androids are actually faster than new iphones....
                      I mean, OK, there are fans, I get it, but...1000 bucks/1200 euro for this....

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Hq5
                        • 10 Nov 2017

                        AnonD-696542, 10 Nov 2017Apple and Samsung were two of the last companies to hold th... moreMost if not all YouTube reviews of the X say it takes a day or two to learn the new gestures and become instinctual very quickly, I cannot recall one of them stating awkward or anything along those lines.. Besides a couple os updates and it's all good
                        It's not like the screens terrible or batteries are exploding.. Catch my drift.
                        Still the best hardware on any current flagship and I can live with maybe dubious OS depending on who you talk too til updates iron that out

                          • D
                          • AnonD-711468
                          • 6jq
                          • 10 Nov 2017

                          AnonD-696542, 10 Nov 2017Apple and Samsung were two of the last companies to hold th... moreGestures was always the navigation of the future (as far as touch goes) but due to original capacitive screen's low accuracy they had to do with the button.

                          The central button was always a thorn in Jobs' sides. He never wanted it and if he was alive today he would had removed it already. iPad actually had gesture navigation almost from the get go (by then capacitive screen tech was more mature).

                          The only thing you can blame Apple for is that post Jobs they are too damn conservative. As for the button it lived 3-4 years more than it should . iPhone X is actually the true iphone 5.

                          As for Samsung, no comment. They do not seem to have a direction. They try everything and anything they can. Sometimes they chance into spectacular ideas, but since they do not know any better they often revert the changes (for example the original Note phone was far more square to help with keeping notes, late Notes have almost completely negated the use of the pen by using tall aspect ratios ... it's to be expected when talking about a company who does things randomly).

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • XQQ
                            • 10 Nov 2017

                            AnonD-711468, 10 Nov 2017Xiaomi had the excellent Mi Mix 1 and replaced it with a do... moreThey don't get a free pass. The choosers simply choose the phone and ui which suits them most. It isn't possible in land of iOS

                              • D
                              • AnonD-696542
                              • rKZ
                              • 10 Nov 2017

                              Apple and Samsung were two of the last companies to hold the physical home button when everyone else adopted on screen buttons, this year both companies decided to get rid of home buttons in their flagships and what we got to know about each one's approach.
                              Samsung removed the home button but tried to keep the overall experience same for its users. The back button on right side tho it can be changed to left now. A recent apps button and a 3d touch always on home button which wasn't seen in any phone till now, iPhone 7 had it but it wasn't embedded in the display itself. So a Samsung user coming from older models like S5, S6 or S7 will get almost the same experience. The fingerprint sensor was put to back this time but the phone can still be unlocked the same way, press the always on home button without waking up the phone while looking at the display and the phone will be unlocked in no time by the iris scanner giving an impression of inbuilt fingerprint sensor. The bottom navigation panel with back home and recent buttons can be hidden easily by two taps tho the home button will still be functioning on pressing the area where it's embedded giving the same experience of physical home button while watching videos, playing games and using any app. The overall experience was enhanced by options like swipe down anywhere on display for notification panel and swipe up anywhere for apps, these settings can be changed according to taste.
                              The other one is Apple which being the first company to bring 3d touch and a 3d touch home button in iPhone 7 strangely couldn't implement an always on 3d touch home button in display in their most premium phone till date. What they came up with is a swipe up line which is a user nightmare. To ruin it more there are things like swipe down from left of notch for notification, from right of notch for control center. The experience is no where near what people are used to and what they'll be using in future when inbuilt fingerprint sensor will come. The unlocking takes more time now due to the swipe even after face verification. Apple's rushed software approach for an anniversary edition makes an arrogant image of Apple. They are saying like'' if you want a phone which has demanded features samsung's display and bezel-less design then you'll have to pay extra and will have to accept unfinished non practical software. Otherwise keep buying what we are giving you from years and don't complain ''. I think and everyone thinks that iPhone x was supposed to be the main device of the year, they could name it as iPhone 8,X or anything but it was supposed to in the place of iPhone 8 as the next iPhone. It's a direct competitior to S8 which is a usual successor of previous device not an anniversary edition sold at premium price. Apple + amoled and unfinished software can't make it a more expensive device than the current iPhone of the year. I'm sure iPhone 8 and 8 plus users who will spend a flagship amount will be left with a device which even the company doesn't approve as their current flagship. IPhone 8 wasn't supposed to come this year. IPhone x was supposed to be the main device.

                                • o
                                • opt
                                • P@Y
                                • 10 Nov 2017

                                ApplePen, 10 Nov 2017OP for stealing data?still invalid, all OEM's are stealing data and apple is not excluded on that thing.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-711468
                                  • 6jq
                                  • 10 Nov 2017

                                  opt, 10 Nov 2017non sense did you know that androids have different phones... moreXiaomi had the excellent Mi Mix 1 and replaced it with a downgraded Mi Mix 2. There's definitely milking going on on the android 'verse as well... As long as I'm not seeing enough bashing about android makers milking , I won't accept the allegations against Apple; I mean I hate it, but I don't see why Samsung, LG or Xiaomi should get a free pass...

                                  BTW OnePlus is progressively upping the prices each generation despite posting less and less upgrades (each gen), so it's not as if Oppo/OnePlus is out of this...

                                    • A
                                    • ApplePen
                                    • P@Y
                                    • 10 Nov 2017

                                    opt, 10 Nov 2017non sense did you know that androids have different phones... moreOP for stealing data?

                                      • o
                                      • opt
                                      • P@Y
                                      • 10 Nov 2017

                                      ApplePen, 10 Nov 2017you hit the spot right there enough to make the android ... morenon sense
                                      did you know that androids have different phones to chose from? if you are looking for affordable phone with tough build quality hardware and software theres OP, Xiaomi etc where as iphone only had one choice. your statement is invalid ninja rep.

                                        • A
                                        • ApplePen
                                        • P@Y
                                        • 10 Nov 2017

                                        AnonD-711468, 10 Nov 2017Not really, when everybody else produced worse phones than ... moreyou hit the spot right there

                                        enough to make the android fans realize that they are the ones whose being milked.