Google Pixel 4 review
- E
- Essen
- 30 Nov 2019
This must be a strategic decision. Surely a janitor at Google must be aware that the Pixels have always been terrible. So, Google must be doing this on purpose.
"Dear OEMs. Being at the forefront of Android, we have to put out some hardware as a showcase for the software. But don't worry. We'll make it so terrible and price it so high, it won't dent your sales. Great working with you all."
I do wish they stop bothering, though. Also wish more OEMs made 5.7-inch phones.
- B
- Bunta
- Hq4
- 30 Nov 2019
Strange, my battery use has gotten much better after a week. I burn through 5 plus GB a day so I hardly an a light user. Brightness is always maxxed out but with the battery saver mode turned on, I notice no change to my phone except 20% battery left at the end of the day. Once it learns how you use it its for awesome battery life
- I
- I'mPhone
- 6c9
- 30 Nov 2019
Just a pathetic phone.
More expensive than iPhone 11 or all Chinese OEMs and Samsungs, yet they are very stingy with storage space. Not to mention the rubbish specs and plasticky build. Camera is even so-so.
Goes into the dustbin.
- D
- Daniel
- kIK
- 30 Nov 2019
So I've had my pixel 4 for a week. First day the battery was not impressive. Second was better, after a week the battery has surpassed my 2XL that could last me a day and a half.
Today I took my phone off the charger at 8am. It's currently 7pm with 3 and a half hours of screen on time. If that's not enough, stop using your phone so much.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4DA
- 30 Nov 2019
harwey, 29 Nov 2019Judging by the specs and this review there's nothing to jus... moreYou would know it's worth more than $375 when you hold one. I use a Pixel 4 every day, and it's a great experience.
- ?
- Anonymous
- IL9
- 30 Nov 2019
Pixel is trying and apparently keeps trying but still falls short.
I'd like to know what's the plan, because all I've seen is how bad they're at copying the iPhone. They need to stop that.
I really miss the Nexus line now more than ever.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4DQ
- 30 Nov 2019
Were the battery life numbers provided by you done after giving the phone's adaptive battery time to adjust to your usage or was this done right out of the box? Even the XL got horrid numbers out of the box and some reviewers are giving the XL 6-7 hours of screen on time after a week of letting the adaptive battery do what it's supposed to do.
- D
- Danman7200
- mqk
- 30 Nov 2019
I have the pixel 4 and was dubious about getting it due to the reviews but I really like it. What people are forgetting is that for a smaller phone the battery isn't that much smaller and hasn't been a problem for me. It gets me through a day but I do have access to a charger most of the time or I always got in a habit of taking a battery pack with me when spending all day at beach or camping. What really excels for me is the fluidiness and software speaking support like Google assistant. Admittedly I came from an s7 but I find myself just shouting at phone to beam a program to my chrome cast or asking random questions. Hey Google is always on. The storage is less than I would have liked but won't be a problem for me. Admittedly I pay a pound a month now for increased Google storage. I feel this is the best android experience that's comapdrable to my ipad and works iPhone. The camera is actually stunning and I have never used so thus don't miss an ultra wide. I barely use the zoom. The soli radar is bit of a gimick at the moment and only use I use is changing songs whilst in a car. I'm sure it will get more use in the future. The face unlock i find very useful. I just pick the phone up and it unlocks. I love the size and I'm perfectly happy with the phone. I'm sure it's not the best value for money but then it's not meant to be. It just works and most of these reviews are from people who haven't used the phone. Get one try it out for a couple of weeks and you might be surprised you like it. I hate Big phones and for me this is still quite compact and huge upgrade over my s7 at the same size.
- H
- Hubert Satheesh
- ni{
- 29 Nov 2019
It’s truly astonishing to see that with all the resources an talent, the Pixel team can’t get the simple basics right...truly truly bewildering....
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lj%
- 29 Nov 2019
Anonymous, 29 Nov 2019Battery fail 61 hrs s10e at 83hrs
Looks like it throttle... moreI wonder why people think brighter oled is better.
Higher brightness will just bring burn-in sooner.
I am so happy I can use my LCD screen at 770 nits all the time without any issue.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6uj
- 29 Nov 2019
This is the best site in the world! Thank you guys for adding to the tools!
- J
- Josephnero
- pku
- 29 Nov 2019
Anonymous, 29 Nov 2019I think all of us can unanimously agree that Pixel 4 series... moreExactly. Sandar pichai's google is a joke
- x
- xxeinstein
- rRU
- 29 Nov 2019
Anything can look like crap on paper. IE iPhone displays. But look how they is. Maybe share a user experience instead.
- ?
- Anonymous
- I8k
- 29 Nov 2019
It's a 4 out of 5 I highly doubt the counts as a "failure" maybe a misstep
- ?
- Anonymous
- pQr
- 29 Nov 2019
I think that the lack of a fingerprint reader and headphone jack is just as bad as the lack of a good battery.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pQr
- 29 Nov 2019
Anonymous, 29 Nov 2019After reading the camera review, we can safely say Mi Note ... moreThe Mi Note 10 has great hardware specs, but the software is terrible. Just average low light performance despite the best low light hardware and I just read a review that Xiaomi's image processing causes a lot of stitching artifacts, which can make an image unusable occasionally.
- D
- Dexter666
- as5
- 29 Nov 2019
Xperia 5 - 6,1"
Pixel 4 - 5,7"
- ?
- Anonymous
- KSu
- 29 Nov 2019
I think all of us can unanimously agree that Pixel 4 series has to be the worst flagship of the year.
- ?
- Anonymous
- KSu
- 29 Nov 2019
After reading the camera review, we can safely say Mi Note 10 blows pixel 4, iPhone 11, note 10+ out of the water.
- a
- akw
- 6qb
- 29 Nov 2019
what's the problem of Motion Sense radar ? why not available in some countries ?