Sony Xperia 10 IV review

14 May 2022

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ob, 15 May 2022for 500 Euros I think many people will skip except for Sony... moreDoes the Samsung has the same batterylife?? No. Is at as compact?no.

For ppl who need batterylife abd compact phone give me an alternative. To me...this seems to be a good replacement of my m51 Samsung perfect phone but too big.

Chinese phone?? I will pay a bit more gor a sony.

Real life is what counts...this sony serms to do that just right.

    • o
    • ob
    • KiQ
    • 15 May 2022

    for 500 Euros I think many people will skip except for Sony fan.
    No hate, but Samsung has better option (e.g S21 FE) and you can even buy chinese brand for high end device for this price range.

      kokoshishiaua, 15 May 2022If only any matured user are impressed by your miserable pr... moreAbsolutely right. I owner a xioami and after a few months screen had yellow spot stains.
      So I guess sony ...or I hope. Has better quality. About the price...who build such a phone.? Smaller screen battery life. And so on.

      Charging speeds bit slow but Sony has a 30 watt charger it seems.

      For the restvi agree 100 procent with your post. No realme or other cheap vrands for me Seymore. Been there done it.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • H04
        • 15 May 2022

        kokoshishiaua, 15 May 2022If only any matured user are impressed by your miserable pr... more"As science says we can't perceive more then 24 fps"
        yyeah someone's high on copium

          Great phone. I guess the phone for me. Got a Samsung m51 now. This one has the same batterylife. Most important too me. But he is a bit smaller. That's great. Processor I do not care because I do kot notice anyway. Screen refreshing speed. Who cares. I really tried to notice the difference. Did not notice. And excellent screen. A d I guess better build quality then my m51.

          Yep this is houng to be my phone. At last I gound a replacement of my Samsung m51.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • YUf
            • 15 May 2022

            Could probably get the Zenfone 8 for that price.

              • k
              • kek
              • GBh
              • 15 May 2022

              kokoshishiaua, 15 May 2022If only any matured user are impressed by your miserable pr... moreYes to all of that but this is still too expensive, man.

              At 350-400$, it would have been a solid choice. But at 500$, Idk.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • M3w
                • 15 May 2022

                Hemedans, 14 May 2022Amazing battery life in Compact mode. Most Mini phone out t... moreIf you understand number then you should know this phone is no where compact.
                It is just a classical 150mm grade phone. Which is same dimension as s10 s20 s21 s22 g6 g7 g8.....
                720p screen always bring great batterylife.
                But this phone also prove that sacrifics "sd card slot an headphone jack for larger battery" statment rumored apple and oppo employees is just a big joke.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • tZ0
                  • 15 May 2022

                  Anonymous, 14 May 2022Except that there's not a single Xiaomi Redmi phones t... moreThe funny thing is the 2 year old Poco X3 still has better features i.e. stereo speakers, HRR display, faster charging, 4k video recording and was much cheaper. Not much of an upgrade for you to get the 10 iv tbh.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • tZ0
                    • 15 May 2022

                    kokoshishiaua, 15 May 2022If only any matured user are impressed by your miserable pr... moreThank you for the typical Sony fanboy response! Your same "Sony knows the best" and "Sony only gives us what we need" arguments have become stale years ago.

                      • M
                      • Mike
                      • PYB
                      • 15 May 2022

                      I really wish it had stereo speakers... 60hz display and mid tier SOC I can forgive.

                        • K
                        • KalistoSP
                        • M3A
                        • 15 May 2022

                        Great review. I personally don't need 90Hz and 4K video recording. The phone is compact, light, good for playing light games and excellent in battery life ! I wanted to buy this when it will release but thanks to your stereo test I'm a little bit disappointed from it and I think I will wait until there will be a first price reduction

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • fI%
                          • 15 May 2022

                          blue, 14 May 2022Insane? With 5000 mAh, tiny 6" OLED and low end CPU? S... moreBecause to achieve those number is pretty amazing ... Sony got the right formula for battery champ .. you must give the credit where the credit is due..

                          Look at others that used 695 soc.. all of them clock below sony endurance.. however, I agreed with most people that this phone is overpriced.

                            If only any matured user are impressed by your miserable propaganda...
                            Think, albeit Sony is 10-20-30%(???) expensive, (starting price quickly drops to more reasonable price, everyone knows, and we know far more expensive phones: Mi 10 ultra was €1450 on start if not mistaken ), higher price for such important tool, distributed on several years is negligible for many hundreds of million people, for this higher price you get higher quality materials, usually less truble, more comfort, less sar, less eye strain... Many real life importancies, that aren't calculated by stupid benchmarks. And let some phones has higher quality for this price! F. that! Sony is rare phone manufacturer, who aren't blinding me with tons of same phone-different names, retains headphone jack (though I have Sony Bluetooth ones), retains expandable memory, fm radio, all cameras are useful, , has water and newest screen defenses. IT respects my freedom of choice! Most important! let it be in some ways just symbolic.
                            about low refresh rate display:
                            Who gives "stinky" about this? Gamers? Who, if only not miserable (and someone's miserable life isn't laughable for me) After teenies, after 20ies playing games? Especially way too stupid mobile games? Leave this, is 90 and 120 fps more smooth then 60 for human eye? Sure? As science says we can't perceive more then 24 fps, and I believe 90,120,.. are just marketing tricks, if 60fps on X phone and 120 on Y gives different gaming experience its X's GPU weakness, not display's (and maybe I'm wrong in this, maybe not and you're thoroughly brainwashed)
                            And some saying this phone has weak processor, again, for non gamers, it has more firepower than necessary, bit more.
                            Thanks for your time.
                            Xperia 10 mk4, welcome!

                              Frankly Sony can't ask the question why I don't sell a lot of smartphones?? the Sony Xperia 10 İV is a disgrace in 2022!! If I were the president of Sony mobile I would fire the director of the smartphone section!! in 2022 no fast refresh screen, no stereo speaker and no fast charger, it takes 2:30 to charge the smartphone!! Sony's policy is clear, it wants to sell high-end smartphones like the Sony Xperia 1 and 5 and is aimed at a niche of people ready to spend a lot of money,

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • mYG
                                • 14 May 2022

                                The biggest mistake on this phone is 21/9 ratio and price.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • QZ4
                                  • 14 May 2022

                                  blue, 14 May 2022Insane? With 5000 mAh, tiny 6" OLED and low end CPU? S... morelol didn't realize that was a tiny screen size now, not everything needs to be tablet sized

                                    • F
                                    • Fade.
                                    • nmM
                                    • 14 May 2022

                                    I'd definitely get this phone, if it had a better processor and a higher refrehs rate display.

                                    There aren't many decent phones that can be used without a problem, with 1 hand.

                                    But the lack of those 2 things at this kind of price makes it hard for me to pick this phone, over others.

                                      Anonymous, 14 May 2022Noone will deny that it's overpriced, yet it will be a... moreNo stereo speakers (and the mono speaker is "below average" in loudness), no high refresh display, no 4K recording and slow charging at a ridiculously high price isn't exactly a complete package.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Lkg
                                        • 14 May 2022

                                        Daylight samples are better than oppo/oneplus/realme flagships. But who isnt?