Motorola Edge 40 Neo review

20 September 2023

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    • J
    • JoXim
    • m1G
    • 24 Sep 2023

    ashrobb, 22 Sep 2023Now that I think about it, the Edge 30 Neo had the Snapdrag... moreHad 30 Neo for about 2 months...
    It had better SoT than my current Edge 40 Pro

      Scrooge, 23 Sep 2023Midrangers use to be kings of battery life, now they'r... moreBattery test is flawed for sure

        • L
        • Lion
        • Jg%
        • 23 Sep 2023

        Scrooge, 23 Sep 2023Midrangers use to be kings of battery life, now they'r... moreI can't believe the battery is that bad. Don't trust automatic benchs

          Midrangers use to be kings of battery life, now they're playing second fiddle to this year's flagships

            CG, 22 Sep 2023In Germany, the Edge 40 (8/256) is available for €370 at ma... moreThere are many decisions that go into pricing a phone or naming a phone.. Take the g84: better cameras than the g82, same SD695 chip set, 12/256 instead of 8/128, yet the g84 is £249 in the UK. The g82 was priced at £289.

            The Edge 30 Neo was more like a g series phone with a flat screen, the same SD695 but without SD card or 3mm jack. It coulg only shoot 1080. Yet the g100 came with an SD870 but was called a g instead of an Edge, except in China where the g100 was called the Edge S.

            It's just marketing.

              • C
              • CG
              • m6f
              • 22 Sep 2023

              AJ Ernesto, 22 Sep 2023In the UK the Edge 40 is mainly £529. Black colour is £489 ... moreIn Germany, the Edge 40 (8/256) is available for €370 at major retailers, the 40 Neo (12/256) sits at €400 atm. Imho, 4G more RAM do not outweight all other setbacks. I also do not consider said setbacks innovative.

                CG, 22 Sep 2023I did not know the Neo was supposed to be the "new Lit... moreIn the UK the Edge 40 is mainly £529. Black colour is £489 on Amazon. It was discounted to £399 by some retailers a few weeks ago before returning to £529. It comes only as 8gb/256gb.

                The 40 Neo is £299 in the UK on Amazon and the Motorola website. The only UK offering is 12gb/256gb.

                The only Edge 30 Neo with SD695 chipset is normally
                £349, but £329 on Amazon, and discounted to £299 on the Motorola website.

                Neo just means new or innovative.

                  • C
                  • CG
                  • m6f
                  • 22 Sep 2023

                  Dr. Watson, 21 Sep 2023"How come the fact the 40 Neo is a clear stepdown comp... moreI did not know the Neo was supposed to be the "new Lite". Nevertheless, I'd argue that
                  1) How about actually calling it "Lite" or "Cheapo" instead of the clearly misleading "Neo", implying technical advantage?
                  2) Regardless of what it's called or where Motorola execs envision it to be positioned in the market, the Neo in Europe is about 10% more expensive than the regular 40, so the usual comparison of the device under test to a price-eroded older model is still valid and necessary for an informed buyers decision. That is what GSMA blatantly misses with this review, and this irks me.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • xd{
                    • 22 Sep 2023

                    How can you say it's compact if it's almost 160 mm.

                      Too big, keeping my Edge 30 Neo.

                        [deleted post]You wrote 'Speaking of nonsense, the battery is great.' Sounds like maybe the test results are not accurately reflecting the user experience of actual day-to-day use.

                          The reviewer at Nextpit did what he referred to as a PC Mark Work 3.0 battery test. The results were not good at all, but he got 2 days out of the battery actually using the phone and said "This battery test does not reflect our user experience."


                            Now that I think about it, the Edge 30 Neo had the Snapdragon 695 which is among the most battery efficient chipsets you can use on any phone today while not sacrificing too much performance in the low end segment. Yet the score was 104 hours, which was kinda low for a phone with 695. So maybe Motorola is indeed having some bad optimization issues in those models? As soon as a more power hungry chipet comes in you get some mediocre results like this one.

                              Vic, 21 Sep 2023Regarding battery time and some performance issues - this i... moreAre you now reading the Gospel Truth? 😳 How about a failed test? Read second opinions elsewhere before making a judgement. You can't know anything about that new chip, but of course it's a battery efficient chip all Dimensity chips have been in 2023, go to nanoreview and study a little time for yourself to see it's a fact not an opinion.

                                notafanboy, 21 Sep 2023Very bad battery life from the looks of things.I wouldn't trust that test. It has clrearly given wrong results. Maybe the phone did some heavy stuff in the background at the same time, like updating phone or apps etc. We must wait for other reviews to know the truth, NEO launched in India yesterday 21.9 and a ton of reviews are rolling out now on YouTube, many in English or with English subs.

                                  Very bad battery life from the looks of things.

                                    CG, 21 Sep 2023GSMA is one of a handful of sites I think a great deal of, ... more"How come the fact the 40 Neo is a clear stepdown compared to the 40 isn't mentioned a single time in the entire review?"

                                    ...because the Neo is meant to be the cheaper one?? Where did you get the assumption that the Neo is supposed to be better than the standard 40? The Neo's the cheap option out of the whole Edge line, in face the Neo used to be called Lite in the 20 series...

                                      • T
                                      • TECH--BEAST
                                      • XG4
                                      • 21 Sep 2023

                                      Ribbz, 21 Sep 2023Not sure on the Batt rating here seems a bit strange to me ... moreIt's not down to the chipset in this case, as you can see that they tested phone mostly on the highest refresh rate and that led to a lower than expected battery life rating

                                        • V
                                        • Vic
                                        • 3n5
                                        • 21 Sep 2023

                                        Regarding battery time and some performance issues - this is exactly what happens when manufacturer decides to use a garbage chipset, hoping to save a few dimes... In fact they are going to lose much more on dropped sales, not to mention that last year's Edge 30 generation was just much better (especially in terms of battery life). Shame on Motorola for such a downgrade.