BlackBerry Curve 8520 review: BlackBerry Lite
- n
- niec
- vfe
- 02 Feb 2010
MicioNero, 08 Jan 2010Hi Niec, Try getting some information about Nokia's Ovi Suite.With OVI mail we should create a new account. I need a handset to set up my recent emails and my works. But thank you for your opinion.
- K
- Kay
- 9LH
- 02 Feb 2010
Anonymous, 23 Jan 2010I wish GSM Arena would not continually go on about the Blac... moreI concur with the writer, young people are buying blackberry due to the free facebook and other free services it offers. Dont be surprised if it sells more than any other phone in its segmnet because facebook is addictive as water.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mcj
- 23 Jan 2010
I wish GSM Arena would not continually go on about the Blackberry being useless without BIS. This is why people buy Blackberries. Maybe think a little more before you disregard the work and research of a billion dollar company. They might just know what they're doing. The review on the 8520 was so loaded with a prejudgment of how the phone won't appeal. The reality is that young people ARE buying the phone because it offers them free facebook. P.s. I am not a Blackberry user, I just think reviews should be done objectively.
- j
- joey
- m27
- 23 Jan 2010
i can't find wireless upgrade in my phone how can i update my device
- g
- gary
- I4{
- 19 Jan 2010
yes! you were right, I got my code here like you said to and it worked!
thank you. this phone is not too bad. i kind of like it.
- s
- soon
- m27
- 15 Jan 2010
Hi can i ask can i upgrade the phone O.S from BB8520 to BB8530
- J
- Jboy
- m27
- 15 Jan 2010
Why i can't install BB apps in my BB8520
- J
- Jboy
- m27
- 15 Jan 2010
I would like to ask that for BB 8520 can they upgrade thier OS.
i dont get what this means ?BlackBerry OS offers basic text-only submenus ?
- A
- wHU
- 13 Jan 2010
Hi without blackberry plan can i use wifi to browse and do any task smoothly
- M
- Marcello van Breda
- FXd
- 11 Jan 2010
Good day
I am a BB user for the past five months, and I love it. I've got a Samsung Omnia and a Samsung MM8800 and the BB is by far the best.
I've got email on the go, blackberry chat (which is also free), facebook, flickr etc.
So please do not diss the BB. It is the best invention since cotton candy.
- M
- MicioNero
- PT5
- 08 Jan 2010
GSMfan, 02 Jan 2010And....despite the fact that many kids are now into BB for ... morejust my two cents...
Many of the Premium Phones are not maximised for their functions by the general market. Many of them primarily use it for Call, Text and now-adays Web Browsing. What drives them to get Premium tagged phones is the self boosting feeling that their one of the "IN" crowd. A very very few people do maximise the phone's functionality depending on their work and lifestyle, but again not fully maximised.
- M
- MicioNero
- PT5
- 08 Jan 2010
Dan, 04 Jan 2010There is alot of rubish in that article. There are far more... moreI have to agree on Dan here since this is becoming a trend here in the Philippines. Its a FAD phone now in the current market here for those who can afford to subscribe to Data access so they could browse the web, update their FaceBooks and chat thru YM on the go.
- M
- MicioNero
- PT5
- 08 Jan 2010
Trish, 04 Jan 2010Can I upgrade from Nokia 6210 (Navigator) to Blackberry?Hi Trish,
If you meant a device upgrade using your mobile subscription, it is possible. But if you meant upgrade your nokia to a bb device with the nokia applications running on a bb device, that may not be possible due to some restrictions. The BB device can only detect and tranfer the following data thru BB Desktop Manager: Contacts, Caledar, Notes. Aside from that, i am not aware if there are applications that would be synch between the two. Better consult your nearest tech savvy mobile user for some info.
- M
- MicioNero
- PT5
- 08 Jan 2010
Red, 04 Jan 2010My service provider recommended an upgrage. Is it possible... moreHi Red,
If your Mobile Service Provider offers the BB 8520, you may do an upgrade, just inquire the additional costs it would entail coz to maximise the BB unit, your provider must have a BIS Subscription Plan you can upgrade on to receive your corporate and personal emails on your BB device. But should you just want to change your device at your own expense, you may do so but be very aware of the Data (per KB) cost of your provider should you access the BB's web browser and applications.
- M
- MicioNero
- PT5
- 08 Jan 2010
niec, 03 Jan 2010I am a Blackberry user candidates. Are there other options ... moreHi Niec,
Try getting some information about Nokia's Ovi Suite.
- M
- MicioNero
- PT5
- 08 Jan 2010
The reviewer of the BB 8520 has his/her bias on the tech savy components of BB and Premium Phones which is why the review was not that appreciatively given, so the message sent out was addressed to the techy mobile gadget users. But if it were reviewed from a stand point of the market it wishes to cater (SME, Yuppies and young fad fanatics), the BB 8520 works well.
Here in the Philippines, the BB debut as a Corporate Phone due its "easy" email set-up (no need to buy a device to be installed to your company's system like that of Nokia). The BB is penetrating the mainstream market due to its "Premium" tagging in the mobile device as a must have phone (Local Artists in the trendy scene that creates market fad has one). The BB 8520 is the BB Flagship Device for Globe Telecom's BlackBerry Pre-Paid Subscription that can be availed at a cost of USD310.00 for the unit and a monthly load of USD25.00 for a 30day unlimited data access; it is also offered for postpaid with USD79.00 for BIS and USD81.00 for BES on a 24month holding period with unlimited data, voice and text access (unlimited voice & sms are amongst Globe and Touch Mobile subscribers), costing about a total of USD1,900 (BIS) and USD1,950 (BES) respectively for the 24month holding period.
The cost of the unit is very much affordable by the medium range income market here in the Philippines that generally has at least 1 "premium" phone on their pockets. And with its price not depreciating for a lengthy time, unlike that of Nokia, it would surely be a must have phone to invest on by some young users.
- D
- Dan
- mX3
- 04 Jan 2010
There is alot of rubish in that article. There are far more people wanting blackberries for pleasure purposes that is why they have put the new cheaper 8520 out on the shelves not so that they can get into that market!
- R
- Red
- fXS
- 04 Jan 2010
My service provider recommended an upgrage. Is it possible to upgrage to Blackberry if you have a contract with Vodacom or other service providers?
- T
- Trish
- fXS
- 04 Jan 2010
Can I upgrade from Nokia 6210 (Navigator) to Blackberry?
- n
- niec
- vf2
- 03 Jan 2010
I am a Blackberry user candidates. Are there other options besides blackberries for businesses such as email, push email, chat, browsing, and others? Because I really needed it in my work. If not, maybe Blackberry curve 8250 is the right choice for me. What do GSM arena say? By using BlackBerry Internet Service will be easier to email, chat, push email, even for social networks like facebook.
Indeed, in Indonesia so many blackberry users. But most of them use a blackberry just for social networks and the price for the blackberry internet service classified as very expensive. Within 1 month to spend about U.S. $ 15 or more. Indeed it is a choice, but to use push mail, email, chat, and more is there a better handset from Blackberry? Thank you for the answers all my friends and of course the GSM Arena.