Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II review: Brightest star

13 May 2011
It looks like the point where it all ends. A galaxy outgrowing its own limits. An explosion of energy and speed. An overdose of smartphone power. A phone that makes you love the smell of Android in the morning. The likes of Samsung I9100. Update: Samsung Dive overview added...

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  • F
  • Fongy
  • HKy
  • 18 May 2011

I can't believe it - Nokia N9 madness has infiltrated this thread too!
I have to say though (again as impartial as possible)
N9 looks nice, but it's far too little and too late for the party...
As I said in the N9 thread...
The problem is that with over 3m GS2 sales already and rising...
and the iphone 5 around the corner...
The N9 is really going to struggle finding a market / identity...
Especially with Meego at the helm..
That's not discounting the fact that Nokia are no doubt preparing to flood the market (and quite rightly so) with Windows phones...
I just don't think Meego will last and who wants to (as a developer or consumer) want to buy something that will be expensive with little future... remember all the apps you pay for on whatever system are transferable - you'd be wasting a lot of money on meego apps that potentially will be axed in the next year or so...

    • d
    • darkangels6sic6
    • 9C7
    • 18 May 2011

    AnonD-1082, 18 May 2011The hardware of the N9 was ready since last summer. Nokia t... moreI'm sorry, but that is mostly not true. Yes it will be a great phone and they probably did take their time to make sure it runs real nice. Which it will run great. The camera if like the n8 or better will take the best cell phone pictures which is definitly bragging rights, but in the end as far as all around epicness, power/performance, and setting the bar....Not going to happen.
    This is not hating. Like I said it will be a beautiful phone.. Just not the best or close to it

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • LhN
      • 18 May 2011

      marat, 18 May 2011yes, I was wrong about the car battery, but I'm 100% right ... moresimple solution to ur battery problem, get one of those extended battery life case. i will stick to 8.5mm with 2 days battery life and you can have 4-5 days on a thicker model. done!

        • D
        • AnonD-1082
        • kJX
        • 18 May 2011

        AnonD-5197, 18 May 2011You are clearly delusional, having high hopes with nothing ... moreThe hardware of the N9 was ready since last summer. Nokia took time to release it because they were perfecting it. When it comes out, it will set the smartphone bar out of its competitor's reach and recreate it in its own image. It will change everything and Samsung will be forced to pull a Samsung and do a cheap copycat of the N9 just like what they did with the iPhone.

          • M
          • Marijan
          • 3ZQ
          • 18 May 2011

          To make the battery power be balanced with the any mobile phone is the biggest challenge for any mobile phone company .
          i think that the battery technology improvement is slower than the other components for the mobile phones ,, just look and see that still we are using the same battery technology for the last 5 years and only the size has changed
          as to my knowledge most of the mobile manufacturers use the lithium ion batteries and only i saw that Sony Ericsson uses the Lithium Polimer batteries and they say that it last longer then the ion batteries (still to be decided by the industry itself, actually its a debatable subject amoung many ..

          i have read some articles that claim that they have achieved a faster charging period by just re arranging the lithium ion batteries internal configuration and not the core technology

          to be honest io dont find it irritating tio charge my battery every day ones and even twice , unless you are so busy person that you dont have to do so ,,, usually to charge a mobile battery from 0 to full takes i average one or two hours and you can do that daiy when you are relaxing or watching you Tv at night .

          i hope that the industry will come out with new concepts to have longer battery lives or even to find method to harness power from the surroundings , , many noew concepts has been introduces lately \
          1- to collect power from the wifi signals around us \
          2- to convert the speech energy to electrical power and charge the battery as we talk on the phone
          3- already one or two models were in the market last year to charge the batteries through solar cells

          so you can see above that there are mixtures of ideas and technologies that will emerge in due time and new methids will be introduced.

          its not really easy for any manufacturer to find the correect components and balance it with the battery power and mobile size and make it value for money and be sold in the market , just sit down and think about it and you will see its a gret task to do .

          to be honest i admire all mobile companies without exception and i love all the systems and approaches ,,, and I wish them all luck and success

            • d
            • darkangels6sic6
            • 9C7
            • 18 May 2011

            John Doe, 17 May 2011Bro u need a reality check. Calling iPhone fashionable. ... moreRegardless Apple is still just fashionable and a big company of tyranting bullies. And they are to far behind in the mobile world considering they only have four phones out and never once have any of them come close to being top of the line let alone best

              • s
              • steve
              • NCv
              • 18 May 2011

              I don't understand why Samsung releases a premier phone like this, however, when it comes to North America, they release 3 different versions of the phone that does not have all the goodies compared to the original galaxy s II. Would be nice if they had an e-store like what Apple does and order the phone off there.

                • N
                • Nobie
                • v0q
                • 18 May 2011

                marat, 17 May 2011i dont ask 1650 to last for 4-5 days. what is required is a... moreYou are aware that 3500 mAh battery will make a mobile phone overheat, right? It's not always about putting the biggest battery in a phone. Some things are needed to be sacrificed so that a phone could work properly.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-5197
                  • qbY
                  • 18 May 2011

                  AnonD-1082, 18 May 2011It will out feature the SGS 2, it's easier to use and the U... moreYou are clearly delusional, having high hopes with nothing tangible to back up your forecast with. But you would expect a flagship releasing after SGSII would surpass it and if it doesn't, then that would be embarrassing wouldn't it? Now that Nokia knows what SGSII is capable of...

                    • D
                    • AnonD-1082
                    • kJX
                    • 18 May 2011

                    AnonD-5197, 18 May 2011Enlighten us. Carefully explain how N9 is going to take th... moreIt will out feature the SGS 2, it's easier to use and the UI will be better than TW4. Just wait for the review of the N9 and you will become a believer.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • wu4
                      • 18 May 2011

                      marat, 17 May 2011samsung has made ALMOST an excellent phone. ALMOST. i dont ... morewhy do you need 4-5days? 2days is already good enough... incase you haven't tried using SGS1 it has a lot better battery life than any HTC droids in the market. don't compare battery life to HTC just because it's the same android trust sammy did something about power management that's more than any HTC phones does... but sadly it connot give you the 4-5days but guaranteed 2days is ok

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • wu4
                        • 18 May 2011

                        marat, 17 May 2011i dont ask 1650 to last for 4-5 days. what is required is a... morehahaha this is funny... if manufacturers are to battle between a super phone with the longest battery life irregardless or phone size is just easy but trust me nobody's gonna like to buy it. it would look huge hehe

                          • D
                          • AnonD-397
                          • srp
                          • 18 May 2011

                          Anonymous, 18 May 2011Hahaha, I laughed so hard at you saying that LG is the only... moreJust watch...
                          War is over...
                          South Korea is leader for microelectronic now...
                          Prices for laptops and desktops, everyday falling down...
                          Because, gigants from South Korea play new game;
                          SMALL, TOUCH, FAST, BRIGHT and Low Cost!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • LpI
                            • 18 May 2011

                            AnonD-397, 18 May 2011Haha... "after"?. :) What are You talk about? N... moreHahaha, I laughed so hard at you saying that LG is the only competition for Samsung. LOL
                            LG is by far the worst company on the mobile market, do you think they are great just because they launched a dual-core phone? lol
                            If you know how easy is to buy a high-end chip and put on a phone with Android... lol

                              • D
                              • AnonD-397
                              • g8$
                              • 18 May 2011

                              AnonD-1082, 18 May 2011The SGS2 is the second best phone after the Nokia N9 which ... moreHaha... "after"?. :)
                              What are You talk about?
                              N9 NOT exist... And Nokia is OVER!
                              In future N9 is another joke from Nokia, just like N8 garbage!
                              SGS II is KING for next year, for sure!
                              Next better phone is SGS III
                              Samsung have just ONE real competition... LG!

                                • m
                                • marat
                                • Tk1
                                • 18 May 2011

                                AnonD-7702, 17 May 2011I understand you...battery life is the one thing that manuf... moreyes, I was wrong about the car battery, but I'm 100% right about the smartphone batteries

                                  • A
                                  • ACR
                                  • 4cS
                                  • 18 May 2011

                                  Galaxy S2 can't play Tegra 2 games.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-5197
                                    • Ti8
                                    • 18 May 2011

                                    AnonD-1082, 18 May 2011The SGS2 is the second best phone after the Nokia N9 which ... moreEnlighten us. Carefully explain how N9 is going to take the throne.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-1082
                                      • kJX
                                      • 18 May 2011

                                      The SGS2 is the second best phone after the Nokia N9 which will be crowned the new smartphone King.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-7702
                                        • nwK
                                        • 17 May 2011

                                        marat, 17 May 2011i dont ask 1650 to last for 4-5 days. what is required is a... moreI understand you...battery life is the one thing that manufacturers forgot to upgrade...And it sucks having to charge your phone every night...I'm often left without a battery during my nights out...

                                        But you are kind of you know how much a car battery lasts? Less than a couple of hours. The car alternator continuosly charges the battery while using the car...actually you use the car battery only when starting the car and when you use the lights, radio etc...without having the engine started... While running, the car uses the electricity generated by the alternator.

                                        I would definetly choose a single core android (a good single core :P) with a really good battery life over a dual core one.