Sony Xperia S vs. Samsung Galaxy S II: S-hootout

09 March 2012
Released nearly a year apart, the Sony Xperia S and the Samsung Galaxy S II are not that different - both are flagship droids with dual-core CPUs and 4.3" screens. But the newer Xperia S brings some fine upgrades, like a 12MP camera and a 720p screen.

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  • D
  • AnonD-9023
  • v{U
  • 13 Mar 2012

Anonymous, 12 Mar 2012They are disgusting and again this is not about them. nothi... moreThere is lot of difference between features vs updates.

i strictly speak about updates here.

Perhaps u must not confuse with features and updates.

Update means improving something which is already present in software i.e, browser speed , optimization , latest engine support , bugs , UI changes etc.

Features means introducing something new to devices.

A lot of difference between both of them.

ICS brings nothing new to galaxy s2 because galaxy s2 follows touchwiz anyway , so main menu homescreen nothing changes but browser performance , UI and optimization changes definitely , So ICS is actually not a new feature , its just an update.

ICS is a new feature only for Nexus S because its UI and everything completely changes from 2.3 to 4.0

And finally if u want to talk about features , how many features work right on android ?
Flash ? NO
Dual Core implementation for software ? NO
Hardware acceleration ? NO (only on honeycomb and ICS not on 2.3)
Main Priority thread for UI ? NO again android lags always because of this implementation.
Consistent Updates ? NO (OEMs make lot of bugs during integration of their own UI with Stock android)
HTML Performance ? No windows and iOS very very good at HTML 5 handling 31 fps for iOS , 25 for WP , 9-11 for android.
Battery Management ? Yes multitasking is there , run 2-3 apps for half an hour = 50% battery goess off right away.

So every OS has downfalls and if we continue android has hundreds of downfalls regarding optimization , integration and implementation of software right from basic build-up and creation of android during 2008 , they made some mistake within core UI which can never be solved example lags on android can never be solved unless u re-write entire software top to bottom.

    • D
    • AnonD-9023
    • v{U
    • 13 Mar 2012

    TMach, 13 Mar 2012Dude, each to their own! Had the GNexus and sold it due to ... moreThats what i say , dual cores or quad cores are nothing if we compare.

    We need user experience.

    Software support is one of the most important part in my user experience just compared it and shown it how optimisation works better than quad cores.

    Just saying Quad cores dont have any advantage over current dual cores unless they are optimized.

    And also galaxy Nexus , iPhone are like things in which software and hardware are like "made for each other" and "perfectly optimized" , not about memory or capabilities , u only agreed "....otherwise its great phone" , i am only talking about speed and performance of perfectly optimized dual cores.

      • D
      • AnonD-43571
      • p@p
      • 13 Mar 2012

      No clear winner? Excuse me, Gsmarena?
      OK, the S2 is a beautiful phone, but the clear winner is the Sony Xperia S. I'm a big S2 fan, as well as the iphone 4s, but Sony's paradehorse is by far better, even blind ppl can see that

        • D
        • AnonD-46243
        • IWH
        • 13 Mar 2012

        How can you fight with samsun..The present vs the past..of coz the later phone win la..Sone E go vs HTs One la.Samsun out dual core,sone E still come out with xperi arc s single core..shameful

          • A
          • Anz
          • IWH
          • 13 Mar 2012

          Shame on sony to compare with samsung 6 months later.

            • D
            • AnonD-38309
            • Hxc
            • 13 Mar 2012

            jack skellington, 12 Mar 2012Wow. I like how after my comment you didn't use a single hu... moreO so you are that Samsung fanboy?

            You mean Sony Ericsson Satio, the first 12 MP shooter in the world.

            And is there a phone that combines ALL OF THESE alone? ;)

              • W
              • Worya
              • sX4
              • 13 Mar 2012

              Yet again gsmarena have not released a review of this phone????? why. you've had this phone long enough for a full detailed review rather then a comparison. I already know about the galaxy s2, what i want to know more about is the xperia s.

              give us the full review

                • T
                • TMach
                • sXM
                • 13 Mar 2012

                AnonD-9023, 11 Mar 2012Actually its funny how u miss whole point about optimizatio... moreDude, each to their own! Had the GNexus and sold it due to insufficient memory, poor reception but otherwise probably the best phone I have had to date..well until now. IPhone 4S, Okay but I keep it more for the iconic thing but was missing my android experience and have picked up the Xperia S from P4U today. I usually have around 3 phones on the go so have ordered the HTC One x.....sorry but not a Sammy in sight oh, and by the way, I did have the GS2 a few months back and sold it to CEX!

                As I say, I am not in the numbers race but interested in the phone that gives me the best user experience and that was not the GS2! Sorry.

                  • d
                  • danar kobow
                  • vfx
                  • 13 Mar 2012

                  my samsung galaxy sII is excellent....

                    • D
                    • AnonD-1748
                    • 3Ea
                    • 13 Mar 2012

                    I'll buy next year, im poor i need to save money, for sure the price would be half by then!

                      • m
                      • mixa
                      • 3VQ
                      • 13 Mar 2012

                      Sony just have shot Samsung in the head.Until Samsung brings out a better phone, all the fanboys can bite the dust, and then again, will there be a better dual core than XS?No.

                      Also if any of you fanboys had a little bit of knowledge, you should know that there isnt much of a software that uses more than 2 cores in the PC world, what use a smartphone will have of 4 cores?

                      And 1920x1080 @ 4,8"? thats insanе, they should sell it with a pair of glasses.1080p is a pain to read even at a 15,6-17,3 laptop screen.....

                      Face it, swallow it, understand it - Sony just have won one of the major segments of smartphone market.

                        • A
                        • Aman
                        • L6V
                        • 12 Mar 2012

                        The Sx looks good but I don't think it's good enough for ppl with the S2 to go out and change their phone and if they do they may regret it.I guess it depends on the person. I have a Galaxy Note and an S2 and I can tell you that if you like customizing things and are into custom roms that the S2 is allot better.I think it's best to wait for the S3 and whatever cool new device the competition brings, till then enjoy what you've got they're all cool devices.

                          • j
                          • jack skellington
                          • 3sr
                          • 12 Mar 2012

                          AnonD-38309, 12 Mar 2012No, we are not spec hungry like some people and we do not j... moreWow. I like how after my comment you didn't use a single hurtful, bashing, name calling, or anything like that. lol. Though you lie through your teeth as usual non the less. So you don't care about or judge by specs or design? In what reality? Then you wouldn't be here favoring the phone you like defending what you believe to be better specced and looking.

                          Next. Duh that is that phone, but there could be other phones with those specs and higher. 12mp has been out for years and there is higher. Remember that one? Yup Samsung came out with it first and it was better and still the best, remember how i schooled you on that? Though this probably beats it. HD screens been out a bit now and there is HD Amoled. There are better CPU/gpu sets that could be clocked higher. They could have more memory. You really do try to play on the ignorance of others. lmao

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 3sr
                            • 12 Mar 2012

                            AnonD-13379, 12 Mar 2012Xperia S! GS2 looks like garbage :))March and April. it is March! how are you gonna question March to March being a year? fanboyism is at such an ignorant horrid state

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Iw@
                              • 12 Mar 2012

                              AnonD-9023, 12 Mar 2012If u really want to compare , iPhones and Nexus Series are ... moreThey are disgusting and again this is not about them. nothing here said apple. But if you want to go that call taking until months after the release of the third iPhone to get mms doing the right thing at the right time or consistant or fast updates???? lolololololololololololololololol

                                • D
                                • AnonD-46002
                                • RmC
                                • 12 Mar 2012

                                i buy this super phone i hate from samsung sony like no other

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-14560
                                  • Kxn
                                  • 12 Mar 2012

                                  If you ask me to choose, I would say Xperia S all the ways. Why? Because I'm using Galaxy SII, and it's all good and fast. But apart from specs, in reality, what I hate most about SII are

                                  1.) SII has a weird position of light meter and speaker. Of cause, this's a careless design and when I use my device on horizontal mode(rotate my device to the left) my hand will be over both light meter and speaker. And if you play games, that's really bad if the game doesn't have the ability to play on right hand horizontal.

                                  2.) Battery life is far to shot, materials looks cheap especially battery cover.

                                  I'm not here to cheer Sony, but to share my experiences with SII. All in all, SII is the best droid you will ever have to date. If you're holding your SII, I think it doesn't have much reason to go for Xperia S. But if you doesn't have both, and if it's me, I will choose Xperia S for sure.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-38309
                                    • Hxc
                                    • 12 Mar 2012

                                    AnonD-45588, 12 Mar 2012S2 is a year old in a time where today's flagships are next... moreNo, we are not spec hungry like some people and we do not judge a phone by it's design only, but by the whole user experience.

                                    And just to make this clear for you, there is no possible better specs this phone can have at the current time. Perhaps after 3 months or so other phones with equivalent specs can compete with it.

                                    There is no phone right now in the market that offers a 720P reality display with Clearblack technology screen, 12 mp shooter, front HD camera, PS certified, HDMI, Solid Build quality, NFC, 1.5 GHZ processor and a spectacular design apart from the Xperia S.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-13379
                                      • UD}
                                      • 12 Mar 2012

                                      AnonD-45588, 12 Mar 2012S2 is a year old in a time where today's flagships are next... moreXperia S! GS2 looks like garbage :))