Samsung C170

Samsung C170

User opinions and reviews

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  • v}P
  • 24 May 2008

its network coverage is not so good in india but also menu is not nice and not nice themes(only one)
wallappers is not good,its sound on speaker on fm is brilliant.

    • m
    • mahfuz/ uttara
    • PZA
    • 24 May 2008

    this phones is very nice service for when u use in phones cos no other options. so i am very happy to use this. my sun alos like this color phones.
    Mahfuz. uttara

      • S
      • Sowmitro
      • M@T
      • 21 May 2008

      Hi i'm interested about this phone. Can anyone tell me about its actuall memory please...
      You can email me at

        • H
        • Hindustani
        • 4nb
        • 14 May 2008

        Dear Madan,

        If you keep a white shirt in the open for a week and not wear or soil it, even then it will become dirty and you will have to wash it again. Likewise, the world lacks in universities to teach hatred and anger, still both are found aplenty in the mass.

        You are quite a lucky (wise) guy for having virtues like satisfaction, thankfulness, peace. And it means only one thing, you have successfully saved your soul from the contagion of GREED outbreak. Feel gifted.

        Keep up your love for both GSMArena and C-170. As it so happens to be that wise people think alike. Isn't it so? Will soon write to you.

          • a
          • ashraf
          • PGx
          • 12 May 2008

          *good sound for both call & ring
          *also good sound for fm radio
          *screen is clearly visible under strong sunlight!!
          *excellent style!

          thnx a lot samsung.

            • S
            • Samsung_C170 user
            • PUZ
            • 12 May 2008

            It is a superb sleek stylish model.(Black one)

            1.FM Sound feature is the loudest and most clearest of all mobiles.
            2. Call Ring very loud...
            3.Games also good..
            4.Very colourful... Very bright clear... nice wallpapers..
            Overall Cheap and Best phone.. which i like among on samsung models...

              • M
              • Madan Dutt
              • wdR
              • 11 May 2008

              I bought the Black C170 a fortnight back and have been very satisfied. Though the manual was not very helpful, I have learnt all the function thanks to Hindustani's tips and excellent advice. Once again, thankyou Hindustani.

                • T
                • TyTN
                • M3W
                • 11 May 2008


                there are no games here.
                And I have one in my hand right now, it belongs to my son's friend.
                It is an originally unlocked set, so not branded or anything.

                The sound while on call is amazingly high.
                Nice phone, this one.

                  • S
                  • SM
                  • 2SU
                  • 08 May 2008

                  in the mobile samsung-c170,you say that there is no games at all!!!but the information shows that there are games allready stored in it..then what does your statement mean!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    • S
                    • Suv
                    • w46
                    • 06 May 2008

                    Is there any way to snooz alarm in Samsung C170?

                      • h
                      • haylee
                      • RJd
                      • 05 May 2008

                      this handset is good for its price.very cheap.. the best bit is its slim and fits neat and nicely in your pocket. thank you samsung for your cool cheap thin phone :)

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Sd8
                        • 01 May 2008

                        IN this mobile there are not any games at all !!! That sux man

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • ijx
                          • 23 Apr 2008

                          I got this phone few weeks back. It is a basic/ compact stylish phone. I find the buttons have bit of extra resistance when you try to press them. I don't find the menu system that bad, when you get used to it, its ok. Other than that I really like it

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 4nb
                            • 20 Apr 2008

                            dear decp, as a nok user you ARE quite habituated to charging your phone every night and also mid-conversation switch-offs as if the phone revolts to be a phone and prefers more to be a over-priced cabir-prone jack-of-all-trades that can-do-all-but-won't-do-any. that's what the nok users say these days, i.e, they prefer and pretend to be happy with the brand rather than the much deserved performance for what the price was paid. please DO regret the purchase of C-170 because "regret" is the only thing that suits the flashy nok users.

                            btw: before any swift angry retort, try to "learn" what a cabir-prone phone is.

                              • s
                              • salma
                              • wuc
                              • 17 Apr 2008

                              is this headset has answering machine?

                                • d
                                • decp
                                • Sju
                                • 15 Apr 2008

                                guys hello. i saw this phone and liked it though I am a nokia user i wanted a 2nd phone for my job, though its slim and stylish i cant get my batter to hold not even half a day and i dont use it. does anybody know if there is any feature enabled on the phone that eats up my battery? i have taken this phone twice in the shop and they keep telling me its ok, but i cant have even the battery life that says on the phones specs, can anybody help? if yes pls email me
                                thanks any help / idea is appreciated xxx

                                  • H
                                  • Hindustani
                                  • 4nb
                                  • 14 Apr 2008

                                  Guess what? Samsung has disabled the software list for SGH-C170. Better late than never. People there are in serious need for an "apt" SQA personnel like Hindustani. After all, they've got both of my mail-id and cell # :) LOL :) No taunts. Just an open-heart joke.


                                    • P
                                    • Pundit Moshai
                                    • 2W5
                                    • 12 Apr 2008

                                    Hi! great phone like i said before!! --my Motorola C261 refuses to get the network inside a car but C170 gets connections everywhere on the same network, loud and clear!!!Thanks Samsung!

                                      • M
                                      • Mikael
                                      • pIB
                                      • 11 Apr 2008

                                      Thank you for your answer Hindustani.

                                      Of course it's humane to make errors. I can't get your link working, which means that I can't read the answer of FAQ Nr. 15 as you refers to. But even though it's humane to fail it is also common sense to correct the errors you make and I can't understand why Samsung hasn't removed the software programs from their webside regarding the C170. Because if you don't correct a known error it can't no longer be excused as a humane error, then we are talking about misleading the custormers.

                                      Anyway I still miss a well-ordered manual to phone in stead of the lousy manual there comes with the phone. When other mobile producers can make it, it should also be possible to Samsung to do.

                                        • H
                                        • Hindustani
                                        • 4nb
                                        • 10 Apr 2008

                                        Dear Mikael & other SAM enthusiasts,

                                        Probably we all acknowledge a very old saying, "To err is humane." The same thing goes for SGH-C 170 software listings.

                                        On one hand, there are 4 packages listed as supporting software. On the other hand the Answer Centre FAQ No.15 says C-170 doesn't support PC-connections.

                                        SAM tech-support personnel personally satisfied my dilemma -- officially, of course.
