Samsung D600
- T
- TechSavvy
- 43H
- 16 Sep 2005
Speakerphone?-It has dual speakers-that of course works as a speakerphone, and I assume of fantastic quality since it`s dual.
To compare it with SE K750i? Well, I have the latter one, and I`m looking to switch to a quad band phone to have a better signal, and so far even among tri-band phones SE K750i is 3 or 4 out of 10. Nokia has far better signal. But I need features, light weight and small size to go with, so I`m not with Nokia-the only solution is D600!!!
- M
- 4Ua
- 16 Sep 2005
- M
- Mpumza
- C{x
- 16 Sep 2005
u guys are depressing me further- if this phone is still not out in Europe then it's only gonna be out in South Africa when we get the world cup (2010)!!! My friend from the UK got here this morning (obviously without the phone)and i upgrade here on Oct5- I'm SURE the phone will still not be out. What does a gal have to do to get this phone?????
- I
- InMobil
- mbE
- 15 Sep 2005
Anyone has noticed that in the manual draft posted in the FCC page appears a section (number 3.4) for FM RADIO?
Maybe a lovely surprise in production model?
Well, i dont think so but... you know... dreaming is free :).
- r
- richard
- nEi
- 15 Sep 2005
Hi i also work for o2 in northern ireland. The date we originally had in our future products page on our retailer website was the 19th, however a couple of weeks back they removed all the expected dates for new phones so without ringing anyone we are kinda clueless. However we do get weekly stock updates and 1 came through today and there was no mention at all of a D600 but just that we were now getting the D500 on prepay and a few more w800i's. I am tempted to get the D600 however i feel that my trusty k750i has better features in ways that i make use of, sure as radio, better camera. However the screen quality and video capability and overall style of the d600 could persuade me yet i believe.
- ?
- Anonymous
- SeL
- 15 Sep 2005
out very soon, now on samsung uk site
- M
- Mobilo
- mKB
- 15 Sep 2005
quote C [apparently its out some places -]
No it's not out yet, because when you push the 'buy now' button you will come at the 'pre-order' page.
- s
- samsungfan
- E9w
- 15 Sep 2005
hey milkguy the specs on this website says no speakerphone thats y i asked the question
- T
- TheOne&OnlyDazz
- MF{
- 15 Sep 2005
I get what many of you are saying. This was first set for retail back in July. I wanted this phone since it got shown on GSM in February, being a fan of the D500. However in August I got frustrated at the dates being put back. So I got the SE K750i insted. Very happy I did this as the K750i is the best phone I have ever used! Unlucky Samsung you lost a customer and no doubt many more have done the same.
- T
- TheOne&OnlyDazz
- MF{
- 15 Sep 2005
Thats 26/09/2005 not 26/09/20005! A mistake there,sorry. I was in a rush.
- T
- The One&OnlyDazz
- MF{
- 15 Sep 2005
I work with O2 aswell and we are supposed to get the D600 w/c 26/09/20005 for online contracts. Must say that this will be subject to demand. However all device launch is subject to accreditation, production, testing and inspection. Fingers crossed then for those who want it and those who want to sell it.
- 3
- 384069
- MF{
- 15 Sep 2005
i work for o2 an we are supposed to be getting them on the 26th of this month.
- S
- Spiritualized
- nue
- 15 Sep 2005
No it hasn't, it's just onestopphoneshop lying about having stock.
- M
- 4Ua
- 15 Sep 2005
No it's not true, Read the specs. and reviews please.
- s
- samsungfan
- E9w
- 15 Sep 2005
is it true that there is no speakerphone on the d600?
- M
- 4Ua
- 15 Sep 2005
It comes in two colors. Which color do you prefer?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Se8
- 14 Sep 2005
dont worry it hsould be out end of this month
- s
- samsad
- 14 Sep 2005
Some of us cant wait!
Me and im sure others are on contracts that need renewing soon.
Mines up at the end of September and if this phone aint out im looking else where.
I would love this phone but if everyone is dragging heels releasing it I'm sure others would appreciate mine and other peoples business.
- S
- SE Supporter
- 14 Sep 2005
If u guys really like tis phone .. u will wait for it no matter how long it takes for it to come out.. & its just only about a month more b4 it comes out so y not wait rather than buy another phone which u do not really like as much as this phone? think about it? if u r really a supporter for certain thing u will DEFINATELY wait for it.. dont u?