Samsung D600

Samsung D600

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • TC$
  • 19 Aug 2005

Nokia's N-series are high-end phones with 3G and are operated by Symbian. There's no way comparing D600 to those phones, which they belong to 2 different categories. You should compare D600 with the hit Sony Ericsson's K750i and the hippy W800i, which are 2 of SE's greatest inventions, and most importantly they share almost similar functionalities with D600. I hope someone will compare those 2 phones with the D600, and state out their pros and cons.

    • J
    • Jeffrey JMP
    • Nam
    • 19 Aug 2005

    I am sick of w8n 4da d600. it shud available nw, unless der nt even gona come out wit it all. guess il hav2settle 4dA d500, or look at da new nokia's. bad business 4samsung. just like der phones battery power-nt gud enough.

      • S
      • Ste
      • mXA
      • 18 Aug 2005

      Hi. I asked the assistant in 02 when the D600 will be out. She said the start of September, as she has her name down for one.

        • s
        • shahram
        • M8c
        • 18 Aug 2005

        only 3 hours talk time !!!!!!! very poor battery!!!

          • s
          • shashikumar
          • Uiw
          • 18 Aug 2005

          can someone pls give the english translation
          of that turkish review.plssssssssssss

            • K
            • Kozo
            • n9x
            • 18 Aug 2005

            Do you noticed that d600 on mobile-review has black side buttons from volume and camera, and d600 from turkish test has silver ?? :)

              • O
              • Ozgur Cetin
              • M5U
              • 18 Aug 2005

              Hi shashikumar
              I wrote this review about Samsung D600. And it language is Turkish.

              You can download full size pictures end of the review (red text)...

              Ozgur Cetin

                • y
                • you
                • Yc$
                • 18 Aug 2005

                good one Koureas G

                  • n
                  • noname
                  • 4U9
                  • 18 Aug 2005

                  jEster you got scammed !!!
                  the phone is not out yet...
                  The probability of being it a scam is 90%
                  BUT if it isn't a scam and when u get the D600 in your hands plz mail me!! click the email button.
                  I always heard it was scamms but I never saw anyone actually buy one.. So plz let me know when you get the phone or when you realize it's a scam.. Just curious :) I'm not gonna buy one on Ebay even if it's not a scam..
                  Just curious thx!

                    • K
                    • Koureas G
                    • mjk
                    • 18 Aug 2005


                    What is your problem for those people who see the features ,even the good looking of a phone before buing it?
                    As far as i know Samsung D600 is the only phone on the market having TV output,which for me it's a great feature for a phone.I never said that i am Samsung fan.I only stated my personal opinion and i don't mock people for their choices .Surely it's not an ideal phone .Everyone has different taste,opinion and not everyone will like this phone but you must learn about this phone and then talk.
                    Check this link:

                      • p
                      • poemba
                      • Sn4
                      • 17 Aug 2005

                      The battery life is a bit disappointed (as with all samsung mobiles) and the photo quality is not as good as the SE K750i, nevertheless, it's still a solid phone.

                        • p
                        • poemba
                        • Sn4
                        • 17 Aug 2005

                        For a long time i only liked clamshell phones, but now even samsung has got me convinced of buying a slide one, simply because is has everything you desire in a phone. Not only that, i looks great as well!
                        I think it will be available in the beginning of september.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 4Ua
                          • 17 Aug 2005

                          If they don't release the damn thing it doesn't do any of us any good. It's something we all want, but if something similar in style and quality comes by, I'm not going to keep waiting for this phone. They're late and getting later.

                            • d
                            • dope land
                            • 2Am
                            • 17 Aug 2005

                            Couldn't say any better than that, noname...

                            Nokia uses crappy earpiece for their handsets, even the HS-4 headset (which the high-tech they claim) is not even compatible with most 60 series phone. Now look at N90, all equipped with Nokia's eversince traditional headset which doesn't have real good audio wut would you expect from N91???

                            I have used more than 3 nokia phones. What irritates me is that DUST GETS SO EASILY ON THE SCREEN, its really frustrating to clean it off, gotta take off the housing, then have to get isoprophyl alcohol and polystir to clean it. Furthermore, the headset jack WIGGLES OFF AFTER FREQUENT USE, now I can't even listen to my mp3's thru earphones...F

                              • n
                              • noname
                              • 4U9
                              • 17 Aug 2005

                              oh btw. in your comment you said you looked both at the specs of D600 and N91 and found ot that N91 has way better specs.

                              That doesn't look like your personal opinion.
                              You said something about the 'specs' and that comes from 'facts' which CAN'T be a personal opinion becuz in fact D600 is way better in specs.

                              So anyways, if you weren't trying to say what you said it's your fault. Try to learn how to deliver your thoughts correctly ok?
                              Becuz what you said and what you said after doesn't make sense.
                              I think I've learned that in my elementary school .. lol

                                • n
                                • noname
                                • 4U9
                                • 17 Aug 2005

                                trashmeister lol
                                hey read your previous comment.
                                you said N91 is way SUPERIOR to D600.
                                but I found NOTHING superior and wanted to tell you that it is not superior both designwise or specwise.
                                And then after pointing that out you say it doesnt matter cuz its ur personal choice lol. Then why do you say it's WAY SUPERIOR?
                                You should've just said 'in my personal taste I like N91' because by saying N91 is way superior to D600 ur giving wrong information to people in this forum ok?

                                Btw, Nokia is known for their cheapness.
                                They're not very good at making high-tech phones and ofcourse they started making one very late. But they're still not very good at it.. Look at the N90 the specs is very good I admit it but the fact that it is so weak it doesn't even have vibration lol.
                                I don't wanna babysit my phone everyday.
                                Just tellin you that cuz I think you got the wrong perspective of Nokia. (not trying to say Nokia sux but trying to say the facts)

                                  • d
                                  • dodosem
                                  • PU2
                                  • 17 Aug 2005

                                  Hey guys, calm down. Both the D600 and N91 is nice and must to have. All I can say is that whatever choices you have in a phone, be sure it will satisfy and meets on what you looking for a phone. Of course you must have the money to buy this expensive things.

                                  As for me d600 is very fashionable phone and it is the product of samsung mastery of semiconductor chips and design. It is very obvious that d600 is a lot lighter and smaller than N91. It has also an advance screen with more pixels not to mention the vast features it could offer but i am sure that everybody could not utilize everything frequently what d600 can do. On the other hand N91 is not far behind for nokia also offers great features which samsung is lacking. As we all know that Nokia is expert in software even though it lags behind it competitors in design now a days,most especially with samsung. Nokia still leads in developing software and features which they have the edge in mobile communication and I cannot deny that. All other major manufacturers are also not far behind when we talk about software.

                                  So it is your choice and preference. Anyway customers has always the last decision.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Ybs
                                    • 17 Aug 2005

                                    This is a great phone, everything that I wanted, but just one complain, camera is on the back without a lense cover. Nokia 6270 is the same. What was the designer thinking?

                                      • t
                                      • trashmeister
                                      • MSR
                                      • 17 Aug 2005


                                      get a life pal. what a sad case. i never said nokia was great and samsung sux. if you learnt to read then you will see that i like both but hate people who proberly don't like nokia's because their mates don't. Have your own say. you will always pay for quality and thats why nokia is the biggest in the world at what it does and has a price tag that reflects that. Samsung make great phones and the D600 is a great phone without a doubt but i personaly would have a N91. thats my choice. To all the saddo's out there who go on about the features of a phone here is a little message for you. You will buy a phone for the way it looks and what it does. every body has different taste's. Choose what YOU like but don't mock people for their choices. I write these statements on here as i am sick and tired of people mocking other phones just cos they think that one is better than the other. make your choice and leave it at that. As for all the nokia haters out there here is a little fact for you which i found out today. I work for one of the major mobile phone networks in the U.K and 43% of our customers choose nokia over any other make. Simple fact. That leaves 57% made up of the other 12 phone brands we sell put together. Need i say more........... No i don't think i do!!!!!

                                        • n
                                        • noname
                                        • 4U9
                                        • 17 Aug 2005

                                        just in case you say the 7 mega pixel phone is not coming soon. I'm not really trying to talk about the 7 mega pixel phone. I'm just trying to say D600 is way superior to N91.
                                        I'm sure you never used a phone with QVGA resolution. I have used one and that's why I know how important and superior it is. Anyone who used a QVGA phone before will agree to that.