Samsung Galaxy A11
- A
- Anonymous
- KsN
- 04 Oct 2021
I got my so called greatest phone in the world a few years ago. I was told it's the greatest and one of the best most expensive kind just cuz it has a screen and a camera. When I first got it it was slow and when I downloaded normal apps like pou or fruit ninja it just started lagging the entire phone. Even when I go outside and turn the brightness to max it just start over heating like crazy. Then I start re searching and learning about IT and realised the machine it was "dumb." It only had 32 GB of storage and was outdated droppings. Whenever I try telling my parents (They bought it) they always start making random shit about I got it years ago and at that time phones used to be slow. Me in my mind "You think I stupid?" I'm not that stupid enough to know you bought a cheap ass phone from the dollar store and think I would like it. I really don't have much to say except that I'm sorry. Honesty :/. I don't relaly complain too much cuz I don't have nothing else to use. In fact my mother and father literally broke (sarcastic) and they can't buy nothing for me again. Not even a slipper. I can't wait for my time to get the Iphone 12 pro max. Samsung is bullshit. Apple is God
- U
- Uzair Setropawiro
- 8I2
- 01 Oct 2021
con. , 27 Sep 2021if I paid only $100 I might be happier,but I paid $299 aud.... moreYou should buy a Redmi note 8 pro
Or iphone x
They're being sold for Way cheaper
- k
- kai
- thf
- 29 Sep 2021
my sister owns it but its bad she doesnt like it when you taking a picture it will take 1 second and its so annoying when i want to change my wallpaper and the size of the wallpaper is perfect but when i put it its so small (also battery suck)
- c
- con.
- YTb
- 27 Sep 2021
if I paid only $100 I might be happier,but I paid $299 aud. The Q.R. recognition was troublesome,only after the Qld govt.brought in there check in app did it perform. I notice at q.r. check ins,it is slow to pick up the code,others scan & are gone,while i am still moving around to get the best focus. as a big name phone maker samsung have stuffed up,big time.So I got conned,not the first time,but please,don't buy it!!
- c
- con
- YTb
- 27 Sep 2021
this is a really bad phone.just to answer it without cutting yourself off is a mission.the apps are slow, camera not good,but prepared to cop that for the price.I am not into swipeing, flicking, ect. I find it awkward to go back,say youre on a call,someone asks you for a phone number,go back,lose the call.just a really crappy phone,samsung should be ashamed,maybe a Huawei spy phone,or go back to a cheap Nokia,still the best phones ever made.Nothing smart in smart phones. make em simple!
- S
- Steve
- y6V
- 22 Sep 2021
I discouragte anyone to buy this phone. its like buying an old touch screen phone. very laggy. touch is not as responsive as it should be
- F
- Falcon
- 0Gw
- 18 Sep 2021
Samsung Music Player doesn't have equalizer settings on this phone.
Why not?
Worse phones have it.
Maybe I can't find it. If it is so, then where is it?
Any help would be appreciated.
- B
- Batman
- I@a
- 16 Sep 2021
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2021i know it's supposed to be a budget phone but it'... moreYes i also experienced the notes not working but it was fixed after i updated it and it looks like a microsoft word(nice changes) but the phone is bad in top tier games such as codm and etc. But i would recommend not to play genshin impact in this phone😂🤣just like you've said it was a budget phone...even the mid-range phone can actually play genshin impact but in low graphics or theres a framedrops...i would recommend not to expect too much from a phone that cost 100 dollars above😂🤣you're gonna get disappointed I promise😂🤣😂🤣
- D
- Dick Tracy
- kUA
- 14 Sep 2021
Phonelover, 10 Sep 2021Trust me the phone are bad ,the camera quality are worst es... moreWith a nick name like phonelover, I'm sure we will all take your words seriously.
- D
- thf
- 13 Sep 2021
that my phone i love it (i think it will bust open)
- s
- sanford7575
- 0dP
- 12 Sep 2021
This phone is extremely slow, and the pictures are terrible! Complete dissappointment!
- P
- Phonelover
- Kxc
- 10 Sep 2021
Trust me the phone are bad ,the camera quality are worst especially after update. Picture processing are slow, it takes 1 seconds, so you cant move your phone when capturing photos ,i experience it when using my mom's phone ,its ungodly slow and soo laggy when switching between apps
- ?
- Anonymous
- sxr
- 09 Sep 2021
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2021i know it's supposed to be a budget phone but it'... moreoh by the 5th bug i actually meant that aside from the camera not being that good, it also crashes a lot. it won't even let me see the recent pictures when i tap on it, so i have to press back and manually go to the gallery to check it myself. additionally, the phone also lags and freezes frequently. still using it though because i have no other choice. i'm about to buy a new one and i hope it won't be anywhere near as bad as this one.
- ?
- Anonymous
- sxr
- 08 Sep 2021
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2021i know it's supposed to be a budget phone but it'... moreoh by the 5th bug i actually meant that aside from the camera not being that good, it also crashes a lot. it won't even let me see the recent pictures when i tap on it, so i have to press back and manually go to the gallery to check it myself. additionally, the phone also lags and freezes frequently. still using it though because i have no other choice. i'm about to buy a new one and i hope it won't be anywhere near as bad as this one.
- ?
- Anonymous
- sxr
- 08 Sep 2021
i know it's supposed to be a budget phone but it's not worth it at all. first and foremost, it can't even play high end games such as genshin impact and dead by daylight. as a matter of fact, a lot of apps and games are not compatible with it. next, after only a year of usage, i'm already experiencing a lot of bugs with this phone: 1) calculator, voice recorder & samsung notes can't even be opened nor do they work anymore; 2) it often doesn't respond to my touches and there are also ghost touches; 3) it has A LOT of glitches; 4) sometimes it overheats while charging (and i've never attempted to use this phone while it's charging); and 5) the camera is not that good. whether you'll use it for heavy or light activities, i don't recommend this phone to anyone because there are just a lot of phones out there with better specs at the same price. and just in case you think of me as one, no, i'm not a samsung hater - as a matter of fact, almost every phone i and my family have used is samsung. this particular model is just not it. i hope this review helped.
- A
- Ab
- NX4
- 02 Sep 2021
Lol, 23 Aug 2021The first time I used it , it was very nice the camera is g... moreThe same experience here,the blurring in screenshot is very annoying.
- k
- kingfish
- IbG
- 02 Sep 2021
How do you say it, "GARBAGE". Dictation to text, almost impossible. Speaker, I thought I was going def until I realized it was just the phone. The cord???, Don't lose yours as nothing else will fit, it's a damn proprietary cord, REALLY? A special cord? What total BS And finally, mine didn't even make it a year before the warranty had to replace it.
So what's my personal opinion? Samsung did nothing more than to rob the public, they should have taken every 11 they made & buried them so deep as to never be found. Samsung has lost my business forever. If this is the kind of junk they'll sell then I sure don't want to take another chance wasting my $$ on their products ever again. 1 to 10 I give it a 3
- ?
- Anonymous
- 30 Aug 2021
darryl and carol, 14 Aug 2021wife's phone A11 and it is the biggest piece of s**t w... more😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I have a similar experience.the comment was very funny but true
- ?
- Anonymous
- 30 Aug 2021
I advice any sober person not to buy this thing. It is Absolute robbery by samsung.The phone hangs,ghosttouches,I can only find use for two rear cameras..the topmost one is useless.very poor interface when you update,low speaker volume,the gallery photo editor does not allow you to keep a original photo.opens slowly like a flower after restart.overall a bad phone.
- D
- Don
- Ygd
- 27 Aug 2021
This phone was garbage 30 minutes after I bought it. I cant hook it up to track phone or even register it. Track phone tried to register it and they said it is junk take it back. They said they are having problems with all Samsung A11 phones. The service bars are 0. On my old phone the service bars are 5, because I live 2 blocks from a cell phone tower. I just hope I can get my money back for the phone, screen protector, case and refill card . $179.00 piece of SHIT.