Samsung Galaxy A51
- R
- Rayappan
- DkZ
- 12 Mar 2024
NAN, 06 Mar 2024Is samsung A51 still availableNo.
- N
- fnD
- 06 Mar 2024
Is samsung A51 still available
- S
- Sauron
- gq1
- 04 Mar 2024
Beware, it hasn't received security updates since August 2023, and a pretty bad security issue (the libwebp vulnerability) was discovered and fixed in the October 2023 security update which never reached this phone. Really sad, it's a great phone which could have lasted for many more years instead of becoming e-waste.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 05 Feb 2024
I am happy to report 9910 does 6.64 tokens per second running TinyLlama-1.1B-2bit.gguf and 2.43 tokens per second running Rocket-2.31bpw.gguf, 2bit state of the art using a newer quantization technique. Local AI FTW!
That's okayish, Rocket is quite good for its size, but people mostly begin talking to AI earnestly once the model is 7Billion Parameters or higher.
- R
- Rk
- 7tS
- 04 Feb 2024
I feel proud Samsung A51 price had never dropped though I bought it on 18th January 2020.. never disappointed me. Samsung Monte and Samsung A51 are the best models ever in Samsung history. Using the phone in rough n tough scenario's also, there were no signs of either internal or external damage. Best model.
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- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 04 Feb 2024
I was amusingly rocking the phone back and forth in an arc, when suddenly the camera viewfinder/output stuttered, then froze for a long moment, maybe 0.5 seconds. That's unacceptable.
In a positive note, the camera's Pro mode contains many features, like setting Contrast, Shadow, Highlight, Saturation, Tint, all -10-10, as well as shutter settings 1/6000 - 10 (latter is less than 1/50), ISO 50-3200, control color temperature 2300-10000K...
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- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 04 Feb 2024
Anonymous, 04 Feb 2024Some observations after taking it out of storage:
1 I had ... moreOh, and there's something odd with this phone's RAM management. After opening only 5 apps or so, even the basic xmpp client, Conversations, "suspends" (white screen for about half a second). In simpler words you may or may not lose your position in apps often, and the browser may (will) close on its own.
It has only 3575 MB RAM instead of 4096 as it should.
Termux root htop: 183 tasks, 2395 thr, 3 running, 5 cores active (the others probably must toggle when they're required).
Load average 14.80. For comparison my J7 Prime only has 5.16 and that one has 4 cores active!
This means many somethings overstress the A51 CPU by almost 3 times its "strength"!
(If you have 5 cores and load average is 5.00, it means your CPU is 100% exerted, as far as I understand. Each 1.0 increment is a core at technical 100%)
(system_server using 200% cpu after turning the screen on, soon dips to 10% [blue: low priority threads, also eats 7% of ram in that brief period)
Despite this the phone is not frozen all the time. But it may explain its poor performance. It's just not suited for android 10, 11 or whatever. 9611 should be recycled
Ahhh i recalled when it had this brief "silence" (I haven't played a song yet to remember) every time it switched songs...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 04 Feb 2024
Some observations after taking it out of storage:
1 I had not used it since November 2021. The weather was last checked in September 2022. That's almost 1.5 years of sitting unused. ChatGPT was not public at the time, what a change, to give an example!
2. AccuBattery reported the battery is 3890 mAh, not 4000 per specs. It has 33 battery cycles (run cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/battery_cycle in termux).
There's a file in that folder containing the exact battery unit's name, how cool...
AccuBattery could report more details, for example, stating the OS version (a string it reads containing the kernel, if it's custom), the charge polarity, a high value I did not understand, and the refresh rate of 0.4 seconds.
3. When I booted it up it got hot (battery at 32.5C), but later it cooled down, specially after deleting some ancient big apps I no longer use.
4. I had rooted it and flashed a custom kernel (PrishKernel, likely outdated/deprecated by now), to control its CPU and overheating. KernelAdiutor (not a typo) only let me switch to a couple governors, like the `underclocking` one, else it crashed or did nothing. Maybe it's the kernel.
5. Its battery is poor. It lost 7% in 39 minutes just doing nothing, a xmpp app open and little else. When it has +1000 it will be fried and probably need an AOSP ROM to survive.
Charges quickly though.
But what's the point if when it has +1000 cycles it will discharge quickly too...
6. I had disabled google apps, but not GMS (sidenote: if you do so the Google menu in Settings fades away smoothly!). I forgot why, hehe...
7. I downloaded Roblox to test its gaming performance. It lagged in a simple game (most games look very unintensive graphically speaking), but then it stabilized more. It was slighly choppy and there were some lag bursts. I opened a buy item menu, and it had 2 microstutters while drawing the buy robux white bar. That's horrendous. It also got very hot. Its gpu has 3 cores for crying out loud!!
If it lags on Roblox, it can't play anything else. It probably lags on Minecraft too, how terrible...
8. The UI was smooth.
9. Camera was good. Display very nice. Vivid color great. Macro camera is extraordinary, but I say that because I had not actually used it and now I see why it's useful.
All of this on a Vietnamese CSC, one of the first Android 11 stock builds there were for the device. I had flashed a GSI years ago, but I rolled back because I had no CF.Lumen (super screen color app, can make it all red!) support, and the speaker was way quieter.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 30 Jan 2024
Minu, 14 Jan 2024The manufacturer 👍
>The Galaxy A01 is the third in the Galaxy A lineup for 2020 following the release of the A51 and the A71 in Vietnam. These two were produced by Samsung on its own.
As far as I know Made in Korea and shipped to Vietnam for final box stamp, for lower import fees
My own A51 does say Made in Vietnam. I know that in Canada for example, whether the box says Korea or Vietnam is 50/50.
I recall the A01 Core that did say Made in China. Maybe that one was ODM.
Many LG phones of the past were made in Korea; during its last years, manufacture of the cheapest ones (the ones with terrible specs) was switched to China.
HTC and Asus made/make their phones in Taiwan.
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- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 30 Jan 2024
Anonymous, 27 Jan 2024You support them for NOT going the extra mile for their loy... moreThis comment got mixed up with the "How about now, 3 years later?" one. site
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- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 28 Jan 2024
Anonymous, 17 Apr 2022As per usual, the naysayers are just that. All talk, all co... moreSteve Jobs right here😂
Whats ok for you batterywise is not for many others
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 28 Jan 2024
Anonymous, 13 Mar 2022Reason A51 is better than Redmi note 8:
1. A51 has softwar... more1. Updates are useless. Android 10-13 will be fine for YEARS. Even Android 7 runs everything I need just fine.
2. Subjective. Some people hate OLED because it has PWM (it flickers), and because it can burn in.
3. This is a very bland concern. It's just a different form of the camera hole.
4. Yes, but in the home button it's good too.
5. Yes.
6. Quite, but OneUI is bloated and only feels well in flagships.
7. Not everyone cares about that.
8. Xiaomi has more official stores than Samsung in my country. I am not even sure if we have even one fully official Samsung store. I don't know what makes an "experience store" different from a normal one.
9. Bland concern. Caring about societal expectations is sad. You must be your own person.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 28 Jan 2024
Anonymous, 15 Feb 2022That's a total lie since it's a glossy and smudgy... moreI heard the following:
"A52's back pops out (after some years)"
"A51's back fits better on the hand"
Also A51's back is prettier.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 28 Jan 2024
Jackhammer , 14 Feb 2022I've à Dutch issued A51 dual sim and using in the UK. ... moreNobody uses 3G in your area, so you get the full tower bandwidth. It's probably already shutdown as of 2024.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 28 Jan 2024
Anonymous, 29 Dec 2021Motorola is better but it's stuck on Android 10 and wi... moreUpdates are a scam. Android 7 works fine still, Android 10 is super up to date comparatively. Even youtube etc. require 9+, which means you have at least 1 more year.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 28 Jan 2024
Anonymous, 16 Nov 2021Yes. When your phone's screen is off, fast charging ta... moreCertainly batteries love coolness. When the environment is hot, the phone can unexpectedly heat up a lot, more than if your room had been cool.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 28 Jan 2024
Be smart, 19 Sep 2021I support samsung for not giving free motherboard (out of g... moreHow about now, 3 years later?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 27 Jan 2024
Therockfordfiles, 20 Oct 2021This is where a cheaper galaxy a12 is better than an expens... moreYou support them for NOT going the extra mile for their loyal customers?! Some bootlickers, I swear...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 27 Jan 2024
Therockfordfiles, 20 Oct 2021This is where a cheaper galaxy a12 is better than an expens... moreQuoting bc screen info
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxm
- 27 Jan 2024
tarra, 12 Sep 2021I've Googled "exynos 9611" "exynos 9611... more
And more