Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-428489
  • sXN
  • 12 Aug 2015

Right, people keep saying that there is not going to be a removable battery and no SD Card Slot. I have 111 apps, 603 tracks of music and 139 videos/photos on my note 3 and that only takes up 26 GB of my 32 GB internal Memory. I will be the first to admit I prefer phones with a removable battery seeing as how after a year they need changing out for a new one anyway. But what I am trying to state here is that it is ALL Rumours we won't know the true specifications until they announce it on the 13/08/15. I just wonder why you bash the phone before you know the TRUE specifications of the phone.

    • b
    • bigronbo
    • 4YM
    • 12 Aug 2015

    shouldn't have to buy the 128g it should have a card slot. really I think other than a octo core and a gig of ram its not even as good as the note 4 with card slot

      • D
      • DonIVK
      • q}j
      • 12 Aug 2015

      You're on drugs if you think the LG G4 is a good phone. The Processor is HORRIBLE. Instead of moving forward they moved backwards! Im one who definitely wanted a removable battery and a microSD slot so my current 128GB didnt go to waste but what can you do. The microSD would actually slow down the phone because the harddrive being used in the Note 5 is similar to a SSD. Yes everyone is sad over the minor issue but get over it and move on.

        • D
        • AnonD-387934
        • 4$8
        • 12 Aug 2015

        I figured out something by reading comments from various different websites. All of these comments seem to be repetitive and cut and paste,no removable battery or SD and I won't buy. What I figured out is about 65% of them are apple trolls attempting to discourage buyers 10% actually care about no removable battery and SD and about 25% really don't care one way or another,they just like to distance themselves from that gawd awful iPhone and I can't blame them. I know a litiny of people who own an Note; including myself and sit at airports all the time where people are using them and I have never,never,ever ever,ever seen someone whip out an battery or an SD card to change out. Doesn't mean that they haven't, just never seen it.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • jZH
          • 12 Aug 2015

          The way I understand it, the SD card had to go because after numerous attempts and configurations, it couldn't accommodate the phone's data speed. No sense keeping something that's hobbled.

            • t
            • thctexan
            • kJ3
            • 12 Aug 2015

            I switched to Samsung with the Galaxy Note 3 because a lot of smart phones making the sd card slot a thing of the past. It really disappoints me that Samsung has decided to ditch an SD card slot and will most likely make me go to another brand. I am really sad because Samsung has made a pretty great product so far.

              • A
              • Alex
              • 32G
              • 12 Aug 2015

              What i want to know is if that battery really is 3000mah cuz if it is, thats absolute rubbish, less than the note4 and same as g3? They planning to run a display that big and powerful with such little mah? It's like a step back from the note 4 but also 32gb should not be the lowest storage option since they got rid of sdcard slot as with pixel counts getting bigger within mobile cameras, so will the size. Video files are massive, even just a few minutes of video takes up a large amount of ur available storage. Samsung seems to only try to cater for either the rich or stupid or both with this new line

                • A
                • Alex
                • 32G
                • 12 Aug 2015

                ThePhoneGuy, 11 Aug 2015Ok people no SD card slot and no removable battery does not... moreApple has icrap which is rubbish and honestly there should be no need for that. They just need an excuse to control how and what uses can put on their devices.

                  • D
                  • Dan.
                  • Ibx
                  • 12 Aug 2015

                  Disappointed with Samsung is turning in to Apple. :(

                    • A
                    • Alex
                    • 32G
                    • 12 Aug 2015

                    AnonD-128639, 11 Aug 2015This effects nobody but yourself directly. True Samsung own... moreToo much money to burn man. I bet u won't even use them lol just hang them up or use them to show off. Must be compensating for something heh heh. Ur one of the few that seems like they would like to get their hands on this phone lol. There's much less to this phone than the previous version other than a premium price and feel so good luck with ur iphone cloned devices xD u should have just been with apple in the first place lol

                      • Y
                      • Yolanda
                      • q5C
                      • 12 Aug 2015

                      I was looking forward to getting the Note 5, after reading the specs I am very disappointed. Samsung y'all went and ruined a good thing. Well honestly I need to start doing my research. I guess is LG G4. I was never a fan of LG but it has the specs I need.

                        • A
                        • Alex
                        • 32G
                        • 12 Aug 2015

                        Honestly i was hoping to see more once i clicked on this link but only to find so much disappointment. Sucks cuz the display really is one of the things that lures me to samsung. Too bad they ruined a what could have been good line of phones/phablet

                          • a
                          • android
                          • sbr
                          • 12 Aug 2015

                          Anonymous, 11 Aug 2015Then just by the 128G insteadHe/She meant to transfer data they need memory card. It's not a space issue.

                            • S
                            • Scott
                            • 4Jw
                            • 12 Aug 2015

                            Im sad to say.......this will be the first Note series i wont be owning. im sure its great in its own right but not changing my own battery or upgrading my own battery or memory just doesnt settle well with me. hopefully i can rejoin the Samsung family when the 6 is launched. hopefully. of course that depends on how good the phone i decide on takes off. im very loyal to my phones manufacturers. i had motorola from 1998 -2010. then joined the samsung family...till now

                              • c
                              • ce
                              • Ibx
                              • 12 Aug 2015

                              I was really looking forward to the note 5. After reading all the speculation and hoping it wasn't true, now this. I guess I'll stick with my note 3 that I like very much. Doesn't Samsung want to set the pace anymore!!!!

                                • L
                                • Lollipot
                                • EYb
                                • 12 Aug 2015

                                Been using Galaxy SI S2 Note 2, Note 3 and Note 4. Time to STOP. Not into Apple wanabe phones. The fixed Storage doesnt work for me, i transfer data and photos a lot using my phone and i dont want to bring my phone everywhere to do so. Also, a fixed battery means i cannot use a replacement battery and need to bring a HEAVIER battery charger around. Not workable. Switching to LG then.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • I4}
                                  • 12 Aug 2015

                                  Had a Galaxy S4, I was waiting for Note5 to be released. I keep phones quite awhile, no removable sd card was too much. I purchased a new Note 4 Edge last week. I'm not alone on this one Samsung!

                                    • A
                                    • Alan Tan
                                    • IVP
                                    • 12 Aug 2015

                                    The selling points of Samsung as compared to other brands is the that it still has removable battery option. BUT....DAMN... the recent NOTE 5 is following the footsteps of APPLE is not
                                    pleasing. Samsung famous to have a lot of bloatwares which users cannot remove. System
                                    hang is a norm and you need to remove battery in this case. Furthermore, rechargeable battery
                                    can failure at any time who knows if you not handle recharging with care.

                                      • l
                                      • lab
                                      • jBu
                                      • 12 Aug 2015

                                      AnonD-428426, 11 Aug 2015Apple phone determines the market, so long as they are sell... moreI phone is not the number 1 selling phone.

                                        • W
                                        • WazZaa
                                        • 8I@
                                        • 12 Aug 2015

                                        Damn Samsung it's,,,, no words for this.
                                        I have been fan from Samsung Galaxy 1
                                        I have buy all galaxy only for battery change and SD card sorry it's for my over with Samsung super bad really bad. Bee special, don't bee iPhone nothing special with the note 5 and the edge+ shame on you Samsung