Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-428433
  • qJj
  • 12 Aug 2015

Well samsung lost another customer (not that they care). I just bought a new Blackberry Passport Silver Edition, which has SD slot. I dont play games or watch movies on my phone so the PP is the best work phone money can buy, imo.

    • D
    • AnonD-389805
    • 39x
    • 12 Aug 2015

    PhoneUser82, 11 Aug 2015I have read a lot of comments here with people with note 2'... moreYeah the Note 2 is still an incredible phone and for many there's no reason to upgrade since they can just stick a bigger memory card and fresh battery in to keep it going as long as you want, but do you think anyone will be saying that about the Note 5 or S6 in 3 years?
    By then people will just be throwing them in the trash when they run out of memory and have to pay a fortune to get the battery changed.

    To me Samsung built such a strong and dedicated fanbase because their old phones can still hack it against the New phones coming out now but their reputation will quickly sink now making these phones.

      • s
      • sasad
      • S39
      • 12 Aug 2015

      Anonymous, 11 Aug 2015Then just by the 128G insteadno sd is a deal breaker

        • D
        • AnonD-428430
        • FEA
        • 11 Aug 2015

        As a Galaxy line user, removing the SD card and removable battery is nothing to big. At first I was dissapointed to hear about these removals, but I remembered I never had the need to remove the battery because it was too much to carry. As for the SD card having different locations where your photos/media/files/videos get saved too is annoying to me. I'd prefer everything to be in one spot and then upload them to my 1 terabyte harddrive. Then clear everything out. Having that option to remove a battery and have an SD card where nice, but in the end they are pretty much not needed, in my opinion.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • khq
          • 11 Aug 2015

          Anonymous, 11 Aug 2015Then just by the 128G instead"to transfer data"

          When I move large files to/from my card (which I do with regularity) I find it much more convenient to remove the card, place in an adapter, and insert into my laptop. No removable card is deal breaker for me.

            • D
            • AnonD-428426
            • 4Gg
            • 11 Aug 2015

            Apple phone determines the market, so long as they are selling the most phones compaines will continue to creep their products closer to the best selling phone in the market. Sux for consumers with a brain though, who unfortunately are in the minority.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 9HI
              • 11 Aug 2015

              Anonymous, 11 Aug 2015Then just by the 128G insteadare you going to give me to the extra 200+ dollars to pay for it

                • D
                • Digicall
                • FGE
                • 11 Aug 2015

                AnonD-428351, 11 Aug 2015This is rather no surprise being that Samsung keeps trying ... moreI agree that samsung is NOT listening to their customers. They insist on making a android I phone Not the answer to keeping long time customers. That LG g4 is looking better and better. LG cares what their customers want that's why they went from a sealed g2 to a expandable g3 and g4 BECAUSE THEY CARE ABOUT THEIR CUSTOMERS

                  • B
                  • Brown man
                  • 4xP
                  • 11 Aug 2015

                  The no removable battery is fine.but the SD card slot is a meager killer for a lot of people who use a card to transfer data. Samsung has lost a lot of apeal with this.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 44U
                    • 11 Aug 2015

                    Ronnieho, 11 Aug 2015Samsung has under estimated the preferrence of current note... moreThen just by the 128G instead

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 95V
                      • 11 Aug 2015

                      I already have a 64g memory card for my phone, so what am I supposed to do with my card now? I switched from iPhone because of the micro sd capability and the removable battery. If I wanted a phone just like the iPhone I would just buy the iPhone.

                        • N
                        • NomoreSamsung
                        • qLH
                        • 11 Aug 2015

                        If I wanted an iPhone then I would buy an iphone. Goodbye samsung.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-428406
                          • M6F
                          • 11 Aug 2015

                          You might like a stupid thumb-drive sticking out 3" but most logical people don't!

                          SAMSUNG IS CRAZY AND HAS LOST A LONG-TERM CUSTOMER. I bought the S5 instead of S6 because of the microSD, the battery, and best of all, the USB3.0 support

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 7Ip
                            • 11 Aug 2015

                            No deal for me. 3000 mAh batter that isn't replaceable? No thanks.

                              • G
                              • George
                              • j$G
                              • 11 Aug 2015

                              A dream machine turned into a nightmare for me with no removable battery
                              I'll wait for a Hack or next year's Note 6

                                • A
                                • Anonymous 2
                                • qKj
                                • 11 Aug 2015

                                No SD card and removable battery isn't that big of a deal. It's still much more customizable than the iPhone, so losing two optional features is no reason to switch. It's still a darn good Galaxy.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-128639
                                  • 7AI
                                  • 11 Aug 2015

                                  Ronnieho, 11 Aug 2015Samsung has under estimated the preferrence of current note... moreThis effects nobody but yourself directly. True Samsung owners already have more than one handset available to them at any given time and those handsets alread have sdcard and removable battery capabilities. These new products don't have to be made the same way and thank god they aren't. The S6 and S6Edge sold 50 million plus handsets the Note5 and S6Edge+ will do the same thing. Ill be buying both day one of purchase.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 7AI
                                    • 11 Aug 2015

                                    Ronnieho, 11 Aug 2015Samsung has under estimated the preferrence of current note... moreThis will hurt nothing or nobody but you directly. True Samsung users have more than one handset that already have sdcard and removable battery abilities. These new products don't have to be like the old and thank god they aren't. The S6 and S6Edge sold 50 million so will the Note5 and S6Edge+ stop fooling yourself. Ill be buying bot the Note5 and S6Edge+ day one.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Q{N
                                      • 11 Aug 2015

                                      I ignored the Note 4 hoping they would go back to USB 3.0 and put back in my SD card slot but still not a thing. I was also hoping for my removable battery and maybe some waterproofing. I go Samsung because they had the features Apple didn't and now it doesn't. Looks like Im going for LG G4 but I am gonna miss my stylist.

                                        • D
                                        • Darkman6092
                                        • k1i
                                        • 11 Aug 2015

                                        Samsung has under estimated the preferrence of current note users, I myself own a Note 3 and love the SD card and removeable battery, by removing sd slot and removable battery, This will hurt their number of sales for the note 5 because there are alot of upgraders who are going to turn away including me. The ability to add memory via the SD slot, and change batteries as needed well these are two of the biggest selling point features on the market and what has kept Samsung ahead of the rest, I believe the lack luster sales of the S5 and S6 can prove that.
                                        For Samsung who keeps trying to "Keep Up" with Apple instead of being the better option, for Samsung to remove the Micro SD Card (Something Apple has never had), and to include a Non-Removable sealed battery (Something Apple has always done), it just goes to show that Samsung believes they can steal Apple Users by making the Note 5 similar to what the iPhones are, but in fact they are only giving Apple followers more ammunition to poke fun at and drag down Samsung Note loyal customers even more now and make samsung look like a iphone wanna be or clone.
                                        Wanna be Apple Phone lover is not what I want to be called, so Samsung needs to sit back and once the numbers are in on the Note 5 and they realize they didn't sell 1/2 of what they wanted or expected, hopefully they will scrap this model and come out with a Note 6 or revised Note 5 ASAP with Micro SD and Removable Battery which is what has kept most Note users from switching to iPhones. All this model will do is have me looking for a new manufacturer to switch to, also one other feature they should include are front facing speakers, if Samsung wants to emulate anything than, use this from the HTC line it would be a vakue added feature.