Samsung Galaxy Note9

Samsung Galaxy Note9

User opinions and reviews

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Ewww, 25 Aug 2018No Notch, No buy? You really want Notch? Ewww. Thats the Di... moreSome people like the notch, including myself. It looks a lot better than the cheap knock off versions of it. Plus, I have used the iPhone X in the past, you forget its there almost immediately. Chill out, because even though Samsung is usually stubborn, theyll be adding a notch and removing the headphone jack sooner or later ;)

    Macbeth, 28 Aug 2018They're not AS greedy as Apple.Apple isnt greedy. Cut your crap. They strongly strive to THINK DIFFERENT, and strive for simplicity. Unlike Samsung users who want the very most out of their device, Apple users expect Apple to give them a simple and unstressful experience.

      Anonymous, 29 Aug 2018Bad battery life.... regret buying....its there any other w... moreDownload CleanMaster or use the Medium power saving mode. Or if in emergency situations, use Maximum power saving mode.

      Turn off Bluetooth unless you need it, keep the brightness low or at least at medium, try to not keep too many apps in the backround (at least keep 3 apps in the backroud if you need it, other than that, keep only one app open (the one you are using).

      If none of these solutions work, then there has to be some type of battery defect in your unit.

        batalito, 29 Aug 2018i reported this post. Remember this is a phone not a profe... moreWhat on Earth is wrong with you?! That was awful and absolutely unnecessary of you to do that to him/her. I understand you cannot handle hate towards the company you love, believe me, I love Apple and its so hard for me to maintain myself when someone says something bad about them. But this person obviously bought the Note9 for a certain reason, and not to goof off with the device like a typical consumer would. They wanted a great camera, since more and more consumers are heavily expecting the modern smartphone to have the very best camera in the industry, and wasnt satisfied with what the Note9 unfortunately lacked.

        You should be ashamed of yourself, this person obviously isnt a troll, and struggled with the Note9, why else would their comment about it be so long and in-depth?

        You should realize that theres no such thing as perfect. Apple isnt perfect, Google isnt perfect, Samsung isnt perfect, NO ONE is perfect! And not EVERYONE on the Earth will be satisfied with what Samsung offers to them, everyone has different needs, and no device can satisfy everyones specific need.

        Like me, I love my iPhone SE because of how small it is. I desperately need a compact device, and also I needed a device that was affordable, not $1000. (And has a headphone jack...). Your needs may be different.

        Argue and get all snippy all you want. But that was absolutely unacceptable to do that. Youre insane. He/she had an actual issue with the device, and you immaturely just slapped him/her in the face. Wow. Just. Wow.

          Papooze4, 29 Aug 2018Samsung........ I was once a big fan of samsung phones and ... moreYeah. I personally wish Samsung would stop making the experience so complicated. I understand that their fans expect it from them, but there are SO MANY useless features in the Samsung Experience software. Not to mention theres two of practically EVERY pre-installed app (Google and Samsung).

          Also, I dont know why Samsung always has the back panels of their phones so unsturdy even now still. Like the front is made of the same glass so why does the back break easily? Is it because they secretly use older technology or something? I have always questioned that. However, I do not know too much about Corning Gorilla Glass technology, so I wont criticize too much.

          Overall, Samsung still is great, but they are going too overboard lately with certain aspects of their phones I feel.

            In order to get the Galaxy skin on Fortnite, you can still get it in two ways.
            1: By purchasing it.
            2: It you own this device, you must play around 3 matches (and win if I'm not wrong), and then you will get it.

              Marc, 28 Aug 2018From Iphone to Note 9. Just one word: AMAZING. nuff said.Wise choice mate.
              Enjoy your Note 9.

                Keluxgorax, 29 Aug 2018Good screen. Nice bluetooth spen.....bad battery life....un... moreEver searched before you post?
                This thing has a HUGE heat pipe with liquid cooling into it.
                Why do you think this phone launched with Fortnite. It sure must've been for a reason, and it indeed was!

                  Dude, 29 Aug 2018So many haters there haha samsung will remain samsung and n... more100% Agree with you.
                  At least there is a reason why, but there are so many people that won't realise that.

                    Papooze4, 29 Aug 2018Samsung........ I was once a big fan of samsung phones and ... moreLG phones that barely get updates lol.
                    I once had an LG and it was full of BUGS and it never received any updates. Yes the software had some fun features to work around but it was killed by tons of BUGS. Mine also got malware out of nowhere so the protection on that one was awful.
                    Even worse is that LG makes phones with Notches and yet still they keep pushing them with IPS Displays that are bad in true tone color reproduction. They even said that it was expensive for them to produce OLED Displays LOL.
                    Samsung has been going with Super AMOLED Displays for more than 9 years and they never said that it was expensive for them.

                      memes are cool, 29 Aug 2018hows the stanby time overnight when the always on display is on ?9h SoT
                      Sometimes even 10 SOT, when not under heavy usage.

                        Anonymous, 29 Aug 2018Bad battery life.... regret buying....its there any other w... moreLmao, what...
                        4k mAh.
                        Since when has that been considered bad?
                        I see, nobody complains on other phones that have even less than 4k mAh.
                        This phone even beats Mate 10 Pro and Huawei P20 Pro.
                        Before you write something, as said in the rules search out before you post and you will see.

                          memes are cool, 29 Aug 2018hows the stanby time overnight when the always on display is on ?E

                            hows the stanby time overnight when the always on display is on ?

                              • P
                              • PARAG
                              • Dkd
                              • 29 Aug 2018

                              Tang0N0vember, 29 Aug 2018Read my posts properly. I do not hate the Note9. I highly r... moreOk dude I am bugged off :) lol

                                • P
                                • PARAG
                                • Dkd
                                • 29 Aug 2018

                                Andreas Toth, 29 Aug 2018I am *incredibly* disappointed with my Note 9 purchase! ... moreSo the bottom line is u are not happy that u only got a noisy wireless charger with time try and pick a better offer

                                  • m
                                  • mozart3
                                  • 8xk
                                  • 29 Aug 2018

                                  Do you know the Model Code for Unlocked Note 9 For LATAM?????

                                    • s
                                    • shah zack
                                    • vxx
                                    • 29 Aug 2018

                                    Akfa , 29 Aug 2018Note 9 is the best phone of the year lol Yes i am a galaxy note 8 user but do let me know what is best in it? Except that Bluetooth S Pen??? a slightly bigger battery.
                                    It could have been best if the provide 8GB of ram with all varients.

                                      • P
                                      • Papooze4
                                      • fu{
                                      • 29 Aug 2018

                                      Samsung........ I was once a big fan of samsung phones and had no issues while using them. But am just tired of them and had to change to LG with a new experience putting so many things into consideration like accidental falls and had to spent lots of money to repair (samsung).

                                        Bought one for $1000 without any deals or cashback. I'm so sad that I didn't get a chance to get a free TV and I find it as expensive.

                                        Did you regret it? Of course yes, I regret it when I purchased on 21th. I should pre-ordered on 11th which will get the free TV.

                                        However, this device I find it as a cheap one. Why? You said that this was expensive, how? Because when I compare to my high end pc gtx 1070, ddr4 3200mhz, ryzen 1600, asrock am4 itx, etc... I find note 9 is not expensive. My computer cannot go anywhere, she doesn't have camera, high temp when playing most aaa games, and I got bored that the industry of gaming didn't release a good game. So I sell my computer to get this phone to focus a real life.

                                        And I didn't regret it!