Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0

Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Alamir
  • JFx
  • 07 May 2013

can anyone help me regarding the screen
I can see it is IPS TFT capactive touch, is the the same as TFT capactive touch?
the problem that I have already motorlla Xoom which has normal TFT capactive touch and so when you stay in front of screen for more that two hours , you feel like dazzy or you eyes is not clear,
so do you feel the same with note 8 if you set for more thn 2 or 3 hours?

appreciate really any replay
thank you

    Anonymous, 07 May 2013for the price of this, you can get a 32gb ipad mini. s... moreFor this price, we get a Wacom Digitizer system, use a 64 GB micro SD card to expand media content (making it 80GB total), make phone calls & SMS, transfer files DIRECTLY through wifi or bluetooth, and most of the major features of the Note II.

    All you can brag about with the mini are how good is exterior is and slightly more apps available. It is certainly "cheaper" but less. I didn't have to pay an extra $70 to $80 just to have an extra 16GB model of the mini. A 32GB micro SD card cost less than $30, and a 64GB one some $68. I just slide in my old 32GB capacity card from my previous device into my Note 8.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • QYn
      • 07 May 2013

      for the price of this, you can get a 32gb ipad mini.

      samsung fail.

        Anonymous, 06 May 2013Hi,can anyone tell me whether I can connect by hard disk dr... moreYes, if you root it first, like with how I did it in my last post below. You need to then install the free app called Paragon. You'll also need to get an OTG USB connector to connect to a hard disk.

        Remember, you void your warranty of you root your device. But you can still unroot it with the app I mentioned (Framaroot).

          • K
          • Kristine
          • PSv
          • 06 May 2013

          Anonymous, 27 Apr 2013yes 30k is too high, when it wasn't launched, the dollar co... moreYou can buy it at 22,600php to 23,000php on Samsung Outlets here in the Philippines :)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • tT{
            • 06 May 2013

            Hi,can anyone tell me whether I can connect by hard disk drive with the device? Basically, I want to know if I download stuff from the Hard Disk directly on to the note and vice versa? I'm planning to use a tablet full time rather than having to carry around my office laptop everywhere.

              sammy, 05 May 2013can it be connected to the projector for presentations Yes, you need to have the correct HDMI connector dongle. You can even have the he wireless AllShareCast accessory. I'm getting that today for my class presentations. You don't need to be stationary. Good for drawing demonstrations.

                • s
                • sammy
                • bCh
                • 05 May 2013

                can it be connected to the projector for presentations

                  I managed to root the N5100 using the Framaroot app shared at the XDA Developers Forums:


                  There's even a YouTube video of the method:

                  Remember, only root if you really need it and you know what you're doing.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-142252
                    • gDh
                    • 04 May 2013

                    Where is S Choice? Does anyone know why it is not part of the rom?

                      • D
                      • AnonD-142252
                      • gDh
                      • 04 May 2013

                      The first charge was empty after 30 minutes, the second full charge I could use for 1 hour, the third charge lasted minimally longer. Then I did not disconnect it from the plug socket any more for circa 7 hours. After disconnection of the charger, the duration of discharging lasted eight hours inspite of me browsing extensively, listening to internet radio, up- and downloading gigabytes of files.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-124112
                        • 61L
                        • 04 May 2013

                        Anyone here have test note 8 for gaming... like real racing 3? Can you give review about game performance... I read an article say note 8 stutering when play real racing 3.. sorry for my english... thanks... please if anyone already have n5100 please help me...

                          yahia, 03 May 2013Very bad batteryWhat do you mean by bad battery? Please clarify. What is good for you?

                          From experience of more than a week getting the Note 8, 80% of the charge seems to go to powering the screen. Despite this, it can hold some 8 hours of moderate screen on usage over a period of 16-18 hours. This is with WiFi, bluetooth and auto screen brightness.

                            • y
                            • yahia
                            • Nu$
                            • 03 May 2013

                            Very bad battery

                              • R
                              • REN
                              • JFx
                              • 01 May 2013

                              Why GSMArena team didn't mention the IR blaster feature which includes with this device??! It actually a very good feature in modern tablets. People can control their Home appliances through IR with this device instead of the typical IR remote controllers.

                                • D
                                • Derhunter23
                                • IWd
                                • 29 Apr 2013

                                TheNeighbor, 28 Apr 2013Then you don't need this. A Note 8 is bigger & more ver... moreAgain thanks for your info/comments. This time I have to take your advice knowing that you really do know how to make use of your device. Guess I just have to wait for the full HD then. Good day to you.

                                  • D
                                  • Derhunter23
                                  • IWd
                                  • 29 Apr 2013

                                  TheNeighbor, 28 Apr 2013Then you don't need this. A Note 8 is bigger & more ver... moreAgain thanks for your info/comments. This time I have to take your advice knowing that you really do know how to make use of your device. Guess I just have to wait for the full HD then. Good day to you.

                                    AnonD-140610, 29 Apr 2013it supposed to have Samsung PLS display, just like the othe... moreIt says TFT for the Note 8's screen. It's clear enough for me. Brilliant and very readable with no angle view discoloration unlike the Sony Xperia Z' TFT screen.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-140610
                                      • 6%j
                                      • 29 Apr 2013

                                      Anonymous, 26 Apr 2013does it have IPS display?? non IPS displays are very badit supposed to have Samsung PLS display, just like the other Samsung tablets.
                                      you can always google when in doubt about how good this PLS is, compared to the IPS. :)

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-140610
                                        • 6%j
                                        • 29 Apr 2013

                                        I wonder, Do Samsung provide this model with 4G LTE capability regardless its release in countries without 4G connectivity at the moment?