Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-102853
  • PI}
  • 26 Jan 2013

AnonD-22214, 26 Jan 2013hi.. how to move apps from phone memory to sd card? i cant ... moreHi Raj, this function is not available in the Current Jelly Bean version.

    • R
    • Rip
    • J29
    • 26 Jan 2013

    Razor, 26 Jan 2013hey guyz i recomment u use a flip cover or a cover if u are... moreI had n7000 before and google play stopped working showing an error message i just did a factory reset and it worked.of course you need to back up your apps,which i totally did thought of at the time,so i lost all my apps and had to start all over but i did not root it.

      helopilot, 26 Jan 2013Neighbor i agree securing our notes from thiefs hands sho... moreThe app is interesting. I'll be trying it out and give a review.

      For some level of security, I use a Sonyericsson Liveview watch to control music, read emails & social friends status, reply to messages with 15 pre-programmed ones, see who's calling, get news feeds, and change settings, all via bluetooth with the Note II. It's only P1000 now, but I recommend the newer Sony Smartwatch of just under P5k ($120). Only down side is they disconnect sometimes and you now need to manually pair them. I didn't have that problem with Gingerbread.

      I have an HTC Chacha (2nd hand) as where I get my main and as a wifi hotspot. I won't cry if that is stolen. This is what I use in the bus or commute van. It has the role of the smoke screen unit. The Note is unseen tucked away in a secret compartment in my carry bag, used to stream music to my stereo bluetooth receiver, downloading torrents at times, and takes in some calls & text.

      Needing 2 phones was the reason why I sort of lost interest with the dual SIM Note II. I only maintain 2 SIMs - my really old prepaid (for emergencies & those people who can still contact me there) and the newer unlimited internet postpaid. I think it's a good idea to have service from 2 competing networks in case one system is down. I interchange them between the two devices.

      This is a wonderful tool but not worth dying for because some idiot(s) want to take it away from you. Just calmly hand it over. Only use it in safer places.

        • D
        • AnonD-22214
        • 7q9
        • 26 Jan 2013

        hi.. how to move apps from phone memory to sd card? i cant see the function which was there in ICS by which you could easily move apps to sd card.. OR is there any setting by which you can directly download apps on sd card from play store? Please help..

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • tUM
          • 26 Jan 2013

          Spice, 26 Jan 2013Is SGN II (32gb) avilable in titanium grey colour??? any bo... moreits available..i bought one already!

            • D
            • Derhunter23
            • IWd
            • 26 Jan 2013

            TheNeighbor, 26 Jan 2013I can't confirm that as I managed to find only the 16GB Tit... moreThanks for your info. Really appreciate your reply. BTW I am waiting for the new 8" Note or Tab 3.

              • h
              • helopilot
              • U7u
              • 26 Jan 2013

              TheNeighbor, 25 Jan 2013Haha, I'm a person who would just like to get the most of t... moreNeighbor i agree securing our notes from thiefs hands should be our first agenda nd priority often enough we are so proud to own our notes we omit the securing issue,we simply want to show it off neglecting common senses that someone else also is admiring it,often enough the end results is robbery or pocket picking,my personal rules nd that of family members is to make use of a bluetooth in places other then indoors and or secured locations,i dont drive in china and from the heloport to home, i rely on pubblic transportation, my note is secured in my flight bag, my plantronics pro takes care the calls,messages and text can wait till opportune. I never take out my note to be a show off,beign in a flight suit is target enough.of course should if in peril no note is worth boddly injury happy noting neighbor

                • D
                • AnonD-102853
                • PI}
                • 26 Jan 2013

                PLEASE HELP
                Every time when I try to open GTA3 game in my Note2 it always ask for Internet connection to fetch some data.
                However, game is already fully downloded as when I connected this with Internet connection it fetch some data and then start.

                  Portraiture with the Note II, using the Sketchbook app.


                    • S
                    • Spice
                    • rJ3
                    • 26 Jan 2013

                    Is SGN II (32gb) avilable in titanium grey colour??? any body plzzzz....

                      • B
                      • Baberick
                      • iKT
                      • 26 Jan 2013

                      this is absolutely amazing device by Samsung!

                        • j
                        • joh-joh
                        • PT}
                        • 26 Jan 2013

                        does N7100 and CDMA has the same specs?

                          Razor, 26 Jan 2013hey guyz i recomment u use a flip cover or a cover if u are... more"i recomment u use a flip cover or a cover if u are using a white galaxy note2." - That really depends from person to person. While most are into making their Note II prettier, I'm into making it much more unnoticeable.

                          "And if you google play does not function ,u have to root your phone" - how is Google Play not working and the solution is rooting?

                          "Note3 is 6.3 inch and thats 2big 4 samsung users 2 handle,maybe if u can tailor your trousers and make it deep thats the only option" - If that's true, the screen being 6"+ and it's the new octa-core processor, I'm the type who would use that. Who knows what the design is. It could be the fold-out design using the flexible screen. That's be something. My contact will be ending and I won't mind the free device that comes with the contract renewal.

                            • R
                            • Razor
                            • NvS
                            • 26 Jan 2013

                            hey guyz i recomment u use a flip cover or a cover if u are using a white galaxy note2.And if you google play does not function ,u have to root your phone.Note3 is 6.3 inch and thats 2big 4 samsung users 2 handle,maybe if u can tailor your trousers and make it deep thats the only option.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-105516
                              • sUw
                              • 26 Jan 2013

                              beast !!!

                                Leo, 26 Jan 2013how can I know class 10 memory card I bought SanDisk 32g bu... moreSandisk has 3 classifications for their micro SD card, namely microSD, microSDHC, and microSDXC. They sometimes call it micro, ultra and extreme pro. SanDisk's 32GB microSDHC is class 4. You can see the little 4 on this all black colored memory card. This is what I currently use and just falls under micro. This has a shower rate of data transfer than the next type is ultra (gray & red), which has a faster transfer speed of 30MB/second. The extreme pro (gray & gold) has a data transfer rating of 95MB/second. They are classified as UHS-I. You can see the little U and I on these cards. The UHS types can actually hold up to 2TB of data, but just like the first generation of memory cards, manufacturers are limiting up to 64GB capacity to milk us consumers!

                                Only the Ultra and Extreme pro has 64GB memory cards. Ultra is ok for the Note which cost some 30% to 40% more than the normal micro SD.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-41223
                                  • U@P
                                  • 26 Jan 2013

                                  Leo, 26 Jan 2013how can I know class 10 memory card I bought SanDisk 32g bu... moreNo class 10 written but it's color is different i.e red and HC written on
                                  class 10 32GB micro sd card

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-41223
                                    • U@P
                                    • 26 Jan 2013

                                    Just got 32GB version, love it

                                      • L
                                      • Leo
                                      • fuN
                                      • 26 Jan 2013

                                      TheNeighbor, 26 Jan 2013I can't confirm that as I managed to find only the 16GB Tit... morehow can I know class 10 memory card I bought SanDisk 32g but can't find class 10 written on it

                                        • N
                                        • Neet
                                        • XpQ
                                        • 26 Jan 2013

                                        Awesome mobil