Samsung Galaxy S10+

Samsung Galaxy S10+

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-1090716
  • 8Fu
  • 07 Nov 2023

justasmile, 07 Nov 2023See the performance tests, other than RTX.I've seen the performance tests, and Exynos performs on par if not better in some tests.
I wouldn't call it downhill, I would call downhill their process fabrication node that have had worse yield nodes in the latest years for trying to rush before time, but now they are recovering.

    I'm planning on buying this
    Should I get the Exynos or the snapdragon?

      AnonD-1090716, 06 Nov 2023Explain why now its downhill. See the performance tests, other than RTX.

        • D
        • AnonD-1090716
        • 8Fu
        • 06 Nov 2023

        justasmile, 05 Nov 2023Nvm, you're right. Turns out Exynos 9825 was better th... moreExplain why now its downhill.

          AnonD-1090716, 04 Nov 2023shows me a source where the 855/855+ are better than the Ex... moreNvm, you're right. Turns out Exynos 9825 was better than the snapdragon chips. But now, it just gone downhill.

            • D
            • AnonD-1090716
            • 8Fu
            • 04 Nov 2023

            axn, 03 Nov 2023which os is better for this phone ? pixel experience plus... moreONE UI 5.1 Rom port by noble rom for the S10 series.

              • D
              • AnonD-1090716
              • 8Fu
              • 04 Nov 2023

              axn, 03 Nov 2023I am planning to buy this phone right now and later run lin... moreGo for Exynos, performs great and is stable also support custom roms, if you wan to install custom roms avoid Qualcomm variant since it has a locked bootloader and you won't be able to unlock it to install a custom rom.

                • D
                • AnonD-1090716
                • 8Fu
                • 04 Nov 2023

                justasmile, 01 Nov 2023In this case the Qualcomm is just better. Otherwise show m... moreshows me a source where the 855/855+ are better than the Exynos 9820/9825 and the A13 Bionic?

                  • a
                  • axn
                  • XU@
                  • 03 Nov 2023

                  which os is better for this phone ?
                  pixel experience plus or linage os
                  thanks in advance

                    • a
                    • axn
                    • XU@
                    • 03 Nov 2023

                    I am planning to buy this phone right now and later run linage os
                    I am not so familiar with how os reallly works but heard chipset matters
                    should I go for the exynos or snapdragon one
                    kindly help

                      AnonD-1090716, 31 Oct 2023you should be happy to have the Excellent Exynos CPU and no... moreIn this case the Qualcomm is just better.
                      Otherwise show me a source that proves Exynos 9820 is better than Snapdrgaon 855.

                        • H
                        • Hanoo
                        • n5B
                        • 31 Oct 2023

                        Radical, 08 Oct 2023Have the device from later 2019, when i got it new with ver... moreYes, me as well, I have had this phone S10+ since early 2019 (Almost 4.5 years). The best phone in resolution; charging; speakers; etc. and never had a problem.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-1090716
                          • Pdv
                          • 31 Oct 2023

                          Radical, 08 Oct 2023Have the device from later 2019, when i got it new with ver... moreyou should be happy to have the Excellent Exynos CPU and not the Garbage/junk Qualcomm CPU

                            • D
                            • AnonD-1090716
                            • Pdv
                            • 31 Oct 2023

                            Anonymous, 28 Sep 2023shoud i upgrade my iphone 11 pro(64gb) for S10 Plus (512gb) ?yes, if you want more reliability.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-1090716
                              • Pdv
                              • 31 Oct 2023

                              Iblaee, 25 Sep 2023I have tried Lineageos the other day, absolutely could not ... moreI suggest you to try the One UI 5.1 port for the S10 series

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • MLw
                                • 12 Oct 2023

                                Anonymous, 09 Oct 2023NoWhat on earth is that suppose to mean

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • CbF
                                  • 09 Oct 2023

                                  Anonymous, 28 Sep 2023shoud i upgrade my iphone 11 pro(64gb) for S10 Plus (512gb) ?No

                                    • R
                                    • Radical
                                    • a0p
                                    • 08 Oct 2023

                                    Have the device from later 2019, when i got it new with very good discount, was worth waiting to get cheaper... Gotta say this device is amazing, it is so good, never had even a single problem with it... The only 2 things that piss me off, is mostly the crappy Exynos CPU, that is working fine for the most part, but in the summer it get really hot, and is not nice to hold the phone, while is like 38c... Also i never liked the edge style of the sides, is hard to use, when the phone is naked, and has no armored case... Lucky for me, when adding case makes the phone feel way better, otherwise holding the phone naked with 1 hand i touch stuff all the time, cuz of the damn sides... The top and bottom sides of the phone are great, but the sides not at all... Outside of these 2 things, i dont have any other issue with the device, it was great back in 2019, and is great even nearly 2024... I guess i will maybe upgrade to newer Galaxy S, maybe some time after 2026 or even further in time lol...

                                      Got another advice for anyone buying flagships like me (ie. buying an older pristine flagship with specs good even today like 8GB of RAM on my S10+ and the latest supported flagship by a custom ROM of your choice like LineageOS for me, installing a custom ROM with latest Android without any bloat, getting features not found on newer flagships like MicroSD support and so on): if you buy an used flagship and it has problems with ports even though it's otherwise undamaged (for example, my S10+ would stop charging if I moved or bent the charging cable, only not moving it would charge uninterrupted, and the 3.5mm jack would stop sound to left and right channel alternating between the two and even disconnect the headphones if I bend the cable where it's connected to the jack, and especially if I spun the cable in the jack), or even if you bought it new and it still developed issues with ports over time even though you took care of it and are sure you did no physical damage to it, it may be that the ports are full of gunk/dust. Such was the case with my second-hand S10+ which was otherwise in pristine condition and the price was much lower than next undamaged S10+.

                                      So I cleaned the Type-C port which had issues with stopping charging if the cable was bent or moved by taking a sewing needle, going from left to right part of the port a few times to move all the dust to one side, then repeatedly pulled the dust upwards until enough was pulled it could be now extracted with fingers. I repeated this a few times on the upper part of the port, until I saw there was no more dust, taking care not to push too hard to the bottom of the port, as well as not to push on the pins in the middle portrusion in order not to damage anything. Then I moved the needle right to left. When the upper part was clean, I did the same to lower part too. There was an unbelieveable amount of dust there, and after cleaning it, there were no more issues with charging at all, no matter how much I move or bend the cable - this 100% effective fix took all of 5 minutes.

                                      As for the 3.5mm jack, I couldn't use a needle like with Type-C, but it was wide enough, plus it was perfectly round, meaning using a Q-Tip soaked in 40% alcohol solution was a logical choice (think vodka, nothing but pure alcohol, but medicinal rubbing alcohol would be even more ideal). First I turned off the phone to avoid short-circuits and things like that (the phone is IP68 water-resistant rated so I doubt anything would have happened if I didn't turn it off, but why risk it when it takes all of 15-20 seconds at the most for it to turn off). I soaked the Q-Tip in alcohol, ripped out some cotton from it (the alcohol made it easy to rip it off without much effort) so that it was slim enough to enter the jack much easier, but wide enough to touch every part of the jack, so it was just snug enough to push against the sides (thus coming into contact with every pin/contact in the 3.5mm jack) but slim enough to enter easily. I then constantly spun the Q-Tip around while pushing it in, as simply pushing it in without spinning pushed back the cotton and thus the cotton didn't enter the jack. When the Q-Tip touched the bottom of the jack, I spun it around for 2-3 seconds while it touched the bottom, then somewhat slowly moved it up and down to clean the sides too.

                                      The top of the Q-Tip was black, while the sides weren't as black but still it was black enough to indicate some dust/gunk was cleaned. I repeated this method 5 or 6 times, until the top of the Q-Tip ceased becoming black which meant I successfully cleaned the jack.

                                      I used a 1000w computer-cleaning strong air blower instead of a hair dryer (since the hot air from the dryer could damage phone components, weaken the adhesive holding the glass adhesive in place, or damage the battery) for about 3 to 5 minutes to accelerate the drying, then turned it on. At first it refused to recognize my headphones, but less than 5 minutes later my headphones got recognized and successfully played music through both channels, all the while not having issues with channel playback or disconnecting headphones no matter how I bent the cable or how hard or long I spun it in the jack.

                                      So there you go. This was the first phone with this issue, so it didn't occur to me right away. But doing this fixed those two issues, the only issues the phone had as otherwise it was spotless. Now it's truly undamaged, in pristine condition. So if your older phone, or a used phone you bought from someone, has issues with ports, it may need cleaning so no need to have the port replaced and waste money since it took less than 10 minutes total to clean both ports on my phone, plus 10 or so minutes waiting for the 3.5mm jack to dry (it may have taken 15-20 minutes or more if I didn't use the air blower).

                                        • s
                                        • scorpio
                                        • PPS
                                        • 02 Oct 2023

                                        Anonymous, 28 Sep 2023shoud i upgrade my iphone 11 pro(64gb) for S10 Plus (512gb) ?Yes