Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G
- K
- Kmike Hunter
- i}A
- 05 Sep 2020
This review is for the USA T-Mobile version. A great phone overall. Excellent display, blazing fast, clear voice on calls. Battery lasts all day, phone doesn't get hot. Fingerprint sensor works great. Pics look good. One negative and my biggest complaint: There is no LED light when charging, when charging is complete, or for missed calls and texts. I miss that LED light.
- D
- Don
- 0C3
- 02 Sep 2020
Fantastic phone, amazing camera, lightning fast internet
- W
- Welly alex
- fkJ
- 30 Aug 2020
MindMaster, 24 Aug 2020this is the worst device i have ever used. Purchased S20+ 5... moreIs yours snapdragon or exynos version.?!
I think snapdragon one don't heat that much... Is it 2 sim
- M
- MindMaster
- J2d
- 24 Aug 2020
this is the worst device i have ever used. Purchased S20+ 5G in the beginning with a high cost & used for 4 months, problems that i faced battery drains very fast aslo if you use 5G network device will get hot from Back side, 4G is ok. Immediately i sale it with big amount of loss and planned to buy Galaxy S10.
- s
- s20 user
- dZr
- 21 Aug 2020
Sunny, 16 Aug 2020Its a very good phone. I am using it since it is launched. ... moreany problem while using 5g network?
- S
- Sunny
- nyj
- 16 Aug 2020
buddy, 15 Aug 2020friends I am planning to buy this phone, but after reading ... moreIts a very good phone. I am using it since it is launched. Just format the phone when you buy and start using it.
- b
- buddy
- gMx
- 15 Aug 2020
friends I am planning to buy this phone, but after reading so many reviews I am a bit confused here. There are people who have said good about this phone and also some people have said it is a waist of money. Right now the phone which I am using is non other than samsung a7 2017. One of the best phones ever been made by Samsung.
So i need a little help here friend if you all could spare some time. just a suggestion needed if at all to go for this phone or to should I wait for something better to come in the future. I am no hurry.
- D
- Deena
- 475
- 09 Aug 2020
So completely disappointed with my Samsung S20+. First off, i was completely taken aback when i purchased 2 samsung phones through samsung and their policy is if your phone under warranty needs service you have to send it in for 11 plus days and have no phone to use in the meantime. I WOULD NEVER BUY FROM SAMSUNG AGAIN. Also, my speaker is really garbled I have tried everything and it is completely distorted and people have a hard time hearing me or vice versa. Really ticked i bought this product.
- S
- S20 plus user
- dZq
- 28 Jul 2020
Hello guys,
I have a problem while using 5g.
When I use whatsapp on 5g network, no messages or data incoming or outgoing from whatsapp. Just says notification " you may have new messages, but nothing comes in. Even playstore is slow while in 5g.
But internet browser, Instagram, fb all works fine.
Any one know whats the problem. Please advice.
- v
- vonqueror
- mVD
- 22 Jul 2020
ok, I need an HONEST experienced opinion ! so is it true, this time in the S20 series there is 240hz touch sampling? I had used S6 edge, S7edge, S8+, S9+ and now in S10+ and the touch of the phone is soo crappy, that whenever I try to type..for each word I have like about 4 backspaces, so I want to make sure wether this time now phone touch is smooth as Apple? cause I found in Apple phones I can type so accurately with less mistypes.
- G
- GrimReaper
- 07 Jul 2020
Sunn , 26 Jun 2020S20+ 128gb at $899 or Note 10 plus 512gb @$779..Which one s... moreYou should go with Samsung Note 10 Plus + 512GB
- M
- Malik
- n2d
- 05 Jul 2020
Sunn , 26 Jun 2020S20+ 128gb at $899 or Note 10 plus 512gb @$779..Which one s... moreI think s20 is better option
- M
- MindMaster
- J2H
- 30 Jun 2020
Received july update today KSA
- S
- Sunn
- Nue
- 26 Jun 2020
S20+ 128gb at $899 or Note 10 plus 512gb @$779..Which one should I go for?
- M
- Mahmoud
- fqf
- 23 Jun 2020
I have it and I didn't receive any updates since April
Any news
- ?
- Anonymous
- Dku
- 06 Jun 2020
This is the right thing to buy ...
- joe nodden
- jpa
- 31 May 2020
Dennis.K, 19 May 20201. Of course the price is gonna depriciate, I'm talking abo... more1) The factors that affect its launch? Now you're diverting the topic even more! What do those have to do with anything.
2) What does that have to do with anything. Knowing about a phone doesn't make you want to buy it. And "How do you think OnePlus introduced their forst phone, did it just appear out of nowhere and people all of a sudden recognized it? No"? Yes that's basically exactly what happened. It was an amazing phone for the price so reviewers got it, they did the advertising for OnePlus, and the rest is history. Like do you really think they did any major advertising with that $300? I don't get how anybody could be so clueless.
3) Oh my god you really are something else. Do you know how to read? I said word for word, "Either give me evidence of their significant spending on an insignificant piece of glass that's been done thousands of times, or ADMIT YOU'RE WRONG! Don't repeat your terrible points over and over again!" And what do you do? Repeat yourself for the fiftieth time without any evidence!
4) I'm convinced you have no clue how to read at this point. Go show me a test of the OnePlus 7 Pro dying before another phone in a water test. I'll wait. And you want to know what's better about the 5W? It charges faster obviously! Y'know, it does the only that that 90% of users use their ports for, but better. And people who don't like insanely bad looking footage want to shoot at 30 fps. Have you even looked at the footage. It doesn't even look like it's hitting 24 fps. It looks more like 18. And at least last years Nubia phones could shoot in 8K. Every other company only allowed 4K, Samsung included. Why are you comparing a latest generation product to a last gen product that even costed hundreds less at launch.
- joe nodden
- jpa
- 31 May 2020
Anonymous, 31 May 2020Are you having a laugh?? A good phone will sell itself?? Te... moreAnd why do you think they don't sell. They're not good phones of course. No high refresh rate. Low resolution camera sensors. No 8K video as a result of that. Slow charging speeds. Bad batteries. They aren't good phones at all. Their only selling points are a pointlessly high resolution display that rarely gets taken advantage of and the headphone jack.
What a dumb comment. Go back to 2014 and see how much OnePlus spent on advertising.
- ?
- Anonymous
- BiP
- 31 May 2020
joe nodden, 18 May 20201) The Mi 10 is taxed as well. Yet it costs $650. 2) I don... moreAre you having a laugh?? A good phone will sell itself?? Tell that to Sony mobile, great phones that don't sell. What a dumb comment
- D
- Dennis.K
- N7{
- 19 May 2020
joe nodden, 19 May 20201) Wow and why am I supposed to care about the launch price... more1. Of course the price is gonna depriciate, I'm talking about the factors that affect its launch
2. So you're trelling me anywhere that you have gone or anytime you have been to YouTube, anytime you have been to their page or even on amazon you have not seen a single poster, commercial trailer or deals from other carriers? How do you think OnePlus introduced their forst phone, did it just appear out of nowhere and people all of a sudden recognized it? No, Did Samsung juat get known out of nowhere? No, and that $300 is what it all comes down to all those factors
3. Again, aas much as you don't like the dull and boring colors of the S20 series (and neither am I a fan of them, don't get me wrong", it still costed cash from the research department whom i don't know what they were thinking whem they made it) to implement it, they can't just make the back panel for no cost.
4. Before you call the IP ratings useless actually go take your time and watch tests, see how they compare, you'll see that anIP68 rated phone actually lasts longer, people actually enjoy the privelage of using their phone in the showeror being able to go for a swim with it and no, nothing good about USB 2.0 over USB 3.1 or 3.2, especially for content crearors, explain how the find X2/X2 Pro's charging speed is 15W faster and still has USB 3.1, and why exactly difference of 5W significant? You could have atleast said a difference of double the speed which would have made more sense since the average user who was conned by buying an S20 Ultra probably won't upgrade to the 45W as said by Samsung, and seriosly, who wants to shoot a vlog in 8K which 30fps would be good for? Rather just have it at 24fps, no big deal, both of them are 8K, it's not like samsungs is a laggy 15fps like last year's Nubia phones.