Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Anonymous
  • HBC
  • 13 Jul 2021

Fore, 13 Jul 2021A phone should not exceed 25w charging. Otherwise battery d... moreI hate to say it to you, but it has nothing to do with damaging the battery, you probably have a defective device that does this when charging

    • F
    • Fore
    • XDj
    • 13 Jul 2021

    A phone should not exceed 25w charging. Otherwise battery damage.!!!!!

      • A
      • Anonymous
      • HBC
      • 13 Jul 2021

      Azo, 13 Jul 2021I don't want to read it cuz I have been using smartpho... moreSame, I really don't mind reading these naysayers, Their claims are full of hoaxes, you probably shouldn't listen to them!

        • A
        • Azo
        • sUv
        • 13 Jul 2021

        SgRepeat, 13 Jul 2021If you charge till 80%, 0.25 cycles of your battery will be... moreI don't want to read it cuz I have been using smartphones for very long, there is no harm in charging your phone till 100% only getting it below 5% is dangerous for battery, understand this and get your facts right.

          • A
          • Azo
          • sUv
          • 13 Jul 2021

          SgRepeat, 13 Jul 2021You're extremely misinformed about battery technology.... more7 hours you are joking, if you use minimal setting with FHD adaptive display, no AOD, 30% brightness and additional options turned off you can quiet sequenced in more power, like I said it depends on how individuals use their smartphone and looks like you don't know how it goes.

            Yours truly, 12 Jul 2021Are you guys seriously creating this smartphones?! Worth mo... more"I can just buy Redmi Note 10 or the pro variation and I can have 33w for only just less than 200$"

            Then you'll have a $200 phone, lucky you! It takes an hour to fully charge the 5000 mAh battery in the Ultra. Who is going to trade a racehorse for a donkey? China doesn't make any topshelf devices. Since you don't own the Ultra your opinion means little. Money is only a problem when you don't have any!

              SgRepeat, 13 Jul 2021If you charge till 80%, 0.25 cycles of your battery will be... moreVery few keep a device long enough that battery cycles are an issue, very few. If you're one of this miniscule number of users who keeps a device until the battery is significantly degraded you get the battery replaced or upgrade to a newer device, it's a non issue.

                Azo, 13 Jul 2021And you know the reason why Samsung cut their 45w charging ... moreIf you charge till 80%, 0.25 cycles of your battery will be consumed as opposed to 1 cycle by charging it to 100%.

                You're subjecting your battery to more wear by charging it to 100%. It's basic science. Go read up on this before you come here to comment.

                  Azo, 13 Jul 2021And you know the reason why Samsung cut their 45w charging ... moreYou're extremely misinformed about battery technology. No one can help you with that.

                  Also, I have the S21 Ultra since April & the max SOT I've ever got on it is around 7 hours on a full charge. And this is on WQHD+ and adaptive refresh rate. Several people I know have the S21 Ultra & all of them get anything between 5-6 hours of SOT on a full charge. Your claim of 12 hours is hilarious.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • nw}
                    • 13 Jul 2021

                    Yours truly, 12 Jul 2021Are you guys seriously creating this smartphones?! Worth mo... moreFast charging is not a necessary feature not everyone wants or needs it. It's fine if your in a hurry to go out and want to charge up quickly, but most people charge their phones overnight so fast charging not needed. It's getting stupid now this race to have fastest charging

                      • A
                      • Azo
                      • PTp
                      • 13 Jul 2021

                      SgRepeat, 12 Jul 2021Your battery has a certain number of cycles. If you charge ... moreAnd you know the reason why Samsung cut their 45w charging on the beast S21 Ultra bez its fast charging and charging it everytime kills the battery, it does not matter if you charge at 80 or 100% battery cycles will count and its up to your personal preference how you charge your phone, its not going all the way to 0% for charging thats bad for battery but with charging everytime it kills the battery and charging to 100% is fine and for 12 hours SOT it could be done on the Ultra as battery is bigger and stronger, get the Ultra and you will know it.

                        Tech.Hunter, 29 Jun 2021Got this last March. I normally plug it in to charge when t... moreIs there any specific reason you switch off your phone to charge it? Also, why are you switching off fast & super fast charging?

                        It's been proven that charging the phone to less than 75% consumes less battery cycles, thereby contributing to lesser wear. Charging your phone to 100% consumes 1 cycle, while charging to 70% consumes 0.1 cycles.

                        If you aren't comfortable to letting the battery drain to 5%, charge it when it's around 10-20%, but never let the charge exceed 80%. Also, ensure you don't use the phone a lot while it's charging or else the charging time will get prolonged.

                          Azo, 28 Jun 2021No that's the wrong theory my friend, go do some resea... moreYour battery has a certain number of cycles. If you charge a phone from 5-100%, it takes around 1 cycle. If you charge from 5-80%, you would only be using around 0.25 cycles.

                          So you could charge your phone any number of times a day as long as you don't charge it beyond 80%. This ensures your battery doesn't degrade as fast.

                          Also, your claim of 12 hours SOT on a single charge is crap.

                            Yours truly, 12 Jul 2021Are you guys seriously creating this smartphones?! Worth mo... moreSo charging is the only requirement you have.

                              • Y
                              • Yours truly
                              • y6V
                              • 12 Jul 2021

                              Are you guys seriously creating this smartphones?! Worth more than a thousand dollars and the charging speed is measly 25w? Are you serious?

                              I can just buy Redmi Note 10 or the pro variation and I can have 33w for only just less than 200$.

                              Well, I really need to go to China's manufacturers to get the bang for the buck as of today. I don't really get why its humongously pricey. 😁😂

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • p6y
                                • 11 Jul 2021

                                V, 11 Jul 2021Want to get USB-C to 3.5mm adaptor for S21u so I can use my... moreI'd say go with an adapter, this way you have the freedom to use any headphones you want with it. I have this one from Amazon Germany, but I'm sure there's something similar in your country. Works perfect, good sound quality, microphone working, volume and pause/play button working, even Google Assistant works with it:

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • P$I
                                  • 11 Jul 2021

                                  V, 11 Jul 2021Want to get USB-C to 3.5mm adaptor for S21u so I can use my... moreThey are either hardly available or too expensive. Go for the AKG earphones. They are beautiful.

                                    • V
                                    • V
                                    • 2Cd
                                    • 11 Jul 2021

                                    Want to get USB-C to 3.5mm adaptor for S21u so I can use my older earphones. What's your recom? Or should I go for Samsung USB-C AKG earpone instead?

                                      • F
                                      • Fred
                                      • 80i
                                      • 11 Jul 2021

                                      Anonymous, 09 Jul 2021Wait, Exynos still overheats?? I thought it would’ve improv... moreMine overheats even when in idle..Im disappointed and sad. I will change my phone and switch to another brand soon..

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • kA2
                                        • 10 Jul 2021

                                        Anonymous, 10 Jul 2021Samsung introduced 45w with s20 ultra last year yet went ba... moreYep no point having that fast of a charger, it's already fast enough, no patience these days