Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Anonymous
  • pdw
  • 29 Feb 2024

SteveUk, 29 Feb 2024Not really... the S24U also has: - a better build & ... moreIf you use case your flat screen and better build probably disappears.

A faster chip to load instagram 0.05seconds faster?

Both s23u and s24u has an amazing battery.

Gcam on both devices are on par with each other(stock camera app is oversaturated on both). Useful AI features will come to s23u too.

7Years of software updates are worth mentioning if you plan to use for that long. For most users 3-4 years at most are perfect. S23u will get 3 more major OS updates and that's probably more than enough.

All in all both devices are great.

Things you didn't mentioned but worth mentioning: anti glare screen which is big plus, more modern speaker grill at the bottom, more brighter screen which helps outdoors.

    Starbee, 28 Feb 2024Still 23 only anti glear is gret on it.that allNot really... the S24U also has:

    - a better build & flat screen
    - a faster chip/performance
    - longer battery
    - better all-'round cameras
    - new AI features
    - 7 years of OS updates

    Personally, I think the display on the S24U is fantastic... I haven't had any of these issues that some people have mentioned(?).

      It's a great device, finally some Android dude giving apple tough time.

        • o
        • ooOOZzz
        • J2G
        • 28 Feb 2024

        Starbee, 28 Feb 2024 I put side by side my s23u and s24u ,adaptive brightness ... moreI absolutely agree with you. I never needed extra brightness on s23u but this s24u' major problem is that for me.

          Ehsan6000, 28 Feb 2024Which bes s23 ultra or S24 ultra?Still 23 only anti glear is gret on it.that all

            I put side by side my s23u and s24u ,adaptive brightness off,extra brightness on and my s23u is much brighter, also the white looks "whiter".
            With adaptive brightness on amd the s24u is way dimmer than s23u. I hate the new displays

              • m
              • mikamika
              • pdi
              • 28 Feb 2024

              I switched to S24U from S21U, and display is visually much worse.
              - Grainy screen. It is no so pronounced in well-lit environment, but at the evening with Dark mode on in the phone or using GMaps navigation, it is terrible
              - Very low viewing angles. Tilt a phone a bit, you brightness will drop simnifically, and green ting will appear.
              - The whole screen has thin horizontal lines. Like a space between pixel rows on IPS screen. Especially visible on white background and smaller elements with a lot of details.

              I compared S24U with my old Note9. And damn, Note9 has better viewing angles, it's white is pure, and brightness degrades slowly when tilting the device in hands.

              What is very bad, this this seems as an intended screen behaviour: Samsung is silent, there are a lot of reports on Reddit and Samsung forums. Other users replaced their units, but the issue persists on each device.

                • S
                • Sierra 117
                • s87
                • 28 Feb 2024

                vjx012, 26 Feb 2024When you brick your phone or lose internet connection or so... moreThat has happened to 3 of my phones during last 14 years. One had its top portion destroyed in an accident, miraculously the battery and memory card were unharmed, so I was able to save essential things. Next was Windows Phone, bricked during repair of faulty USB connector. Again, data saved due to memory card. Third was a Nokia 8.1, never booted after an update. Service Center informs that repairs will factory reset the phone. This was a blow as I had very important things on this phone. Only the photos and documents survived due to being on the memory card.

                I understand that many here consider a memory card as an obsolete concept, but after going through the above experiences, it would be hard for me to get a device without a removable storage.

                I know regular backups are another option, however it’s not always possible as I have to travel a lot, sometimes for days, and have to use by phones for photos/videos and documents. Those always are saved on both Internal memory and on the memory cards. Essentially, my phones have become my workstations [in addition to being entertainment system :-) ].

                Still rocking my 4 years old S-Series with 512 GB internal, 1 TB Memory card and Audio jack, although I have more recent phone with recent features [or lack of thereof ;-P ].

                P.S. One issue is that the memory card required in next phone has to be bigger than previous one to move all data. Not an issue though, as the card prices remain same but capacity gets doubled every few years.

                  Mr. Anonymous, 28 Feb 2024What if you lose the phone? SD card won't help. The same as if you get banned or don't have a reliable internet connection - hope you used all methods I guess 😏

                  PC, cloud, MicroSD... If the data's important to you you use all methods.

                  Also, what if you can't pay for storage for whatever reason? It may be cheap but MicroSD is free after a front-up payment. Music? You got all that on PC you copied it from.

                  Only thing you must regularly sync, IMO, are the pictures.

                  I must say though, while a valid point, personally I've never lost a phone. As said, I use cloud, PC and MicroSD. And MicroSD is the fastest and easiest way to sync data if something goes wrong.

                  You can also sync another MicroSD. Depending on how far you're willing to go. Heck, why not fill a warehouse full of MicroSDs connected to a PC which syncs cloud to all of them if you lose a phone?

                    Tree , 28 Feb 2024The microSD is important for offline backup.. What happ... moreWhat if you lose the phone? SD card won't help.

                      • T
                      • Tree
                      • q@6
                      • 28 Feb 2024

                      The microSD is important for offline backup..

                      What happens if the phone fails? (Yes, I know about online backup.)

                      All flagship phones should have it.

                      It is 2024 and still ...... no SD slot.

                        • M
                        • Maria
                        • PA7
                        • 28 Feb 2024

                        Ehsan6000, 28 Feb 2024Which bes s23 ultra or S24 ultra?The best? Of course, S24U. The new one is always better than the old one.
                        Worth it? Of course, the old one won. It pays the time you have been waiting for a year LOL

                          • E
                          • Ehsan6000
                          • L1q
                          • 28 Feb 2024

                          Which bes s23 ultra or S24 ultra?

                            Anonymous, 28 Feb 2024You are in the wrong page then. No present premium phone ha... moreOh just lay down then.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • xhn
                              • 28 Feb 2024

                              Anonymous, 27 Feb 2024For me, lack of 3.5mm jack is not a big deal, but,micro sd ... moreYou are in the wrong page then. No present premium phone has both or alternatively you can buy old premium phone.

                                • M
                                • Moo
                                • 32x
                                • 27 Feb 2024

                                scaramanga89, 27 Feb 2024About 1% of people root or need that functionality. How did you obtain this data? Any link?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • XDp
                                  • 27 Feb 2024

                                  For me, lack of 3.5mm jack is not a big deal, but,micro sd slot must be essential .

                                    vjx012, 26 Feb 2024When you brick your phone or lose internet connection or so... moreAbout 1% of people root or need that functionality.

                                      SteveUk, 27 Feb 2024With respect, neither an SD card slot or headphone jack are... moreAs again, shame.

                                      Maybe there should be another New Coke fiasco lol!

                                      Oh well, I'll stay until they quit with 3G or whatever.

                                      It is absolutely essential... And that's the truth... For me. Therefore 🤣

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • sEB
                                        • 27 Feb 2024

                                        vjx012, 27 Feb 2024Shame. To ask for so much, yet to omit that easy to impl... moreI knew you are not saying you do not need the flagship one. I did not assume it too. But your writing indicates that.

                                        What on the earth, the current flagship of all brands has microSD slot.
                                        You said what you have said (e.g you need a complete flagahip phone with microSD slot) and you used Ferrari as your example of your writing. This is an indicator that you do not need flagship one and are dreaming.