Samsung Galaxy S5
- N
- Nick Stkr
- Dh@
- 23 Jun 2018
Enjoy guys ! 7.0.1 for s5 its available !
- S
- Sexy Boy from Nigeri
- Nug
- 22 Jun 2018
AnonD-63544, 14 Apr 2018PLEASE I want to use my s5 as universal remote to control... moreAm using Samsung s5 and it is in 4.4 version and it is function well and am afraid if I upgrade to 6.0 it will affect the battery life Pls reply me, I how about yours? I Iean your phone battery.
- M
- MdN8
- ak8
- 17 Jun 2018
Device boy, 13 Jun 2018Can Samsung make the Galaxy s5 2018 with regular s5 feature... moreYou're not the only one with the same wish... Android Authority just published an article called "A lot of you want another Samsung Galaxy S5"
and they make a lot of sense. I got mine more than a year ago, it was already 2 years old, still very satisfied with it.
- D
- Device boy
- q$f
- 13 Jun 2018
Can Samsung make the Galaxy s5 2018 with regular s5 features and the active button in the regular s5 colors
- D
- RnT
- 13 Jun 2018
jk, 11 Jun 2018Have the same problem. Just happenedProbably the same problem as the S5 Mini has. Put your finger over the ambient light sensor, and it wakes. It's a bug that usually only happens in super-bright summer conditions.
- a
- anonymous
- 2Ir
- 13 Jun 2018
offerz, 12 Jun 2018bought it used for 30 euros. works great like new release phoneAgree it's a very good phone till now and with removable battery mine works great and still using it no issues at all
- o
- offerz
- Sgr
- 12 Jun 2018
bought it used for 30 euros. works great like new release phone
- j
- jk
- 11 Jun 2018
Chris , 08 Jun 2018Phone is on but the screen is off, totally blackHave the same problem. Just happened
- C
- Chris
- Px1
- 08 Jun 2018
Phone is on but the screen is off, totally black
- L
- Leonitis
- 7s$
- 08 Jun 2018
4 years and still going strong, no need to upgrade my S5 does everything that I need plus more,I know that it's a old phone but it is still awesome
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nvx
- 03 Jun 2018
GSM ARENA- You work helps to easily compare phone but I think if you add either current price or the price of each phone when it was first sold, one will have no reason to use another site except yours.
- s
- sylvie
- 08c
- 27 May 2018
before when i add text in my MEMO I needed to save in order to get the text registred
now i add text and cannot come back to initial one : it is saved automatically
how can i come back to previous control? i want to save before changes are taken into account. Thank you
- a
- anonymous
- TKk
- 27 May 2018
Gbadoh, 26 May 2018I love this phone die! Very sharp camera, my battery na rea... moreYes agree very good phone and one of the most reliable phone with removable battery. This is the last flagship with removable battery and i will keep it. Good camera, smooth, still fast for me
- y
- young carlito
- 27 May 2018
is the galaxy s5 that good compared to its predecessor s4??
- G
- Gbadoh
- Nu7
- 26 May 2018
I love this phone die! Very sharp camera, my battery na real machine. Since I bought this phone as fairly used, I don't carry charger around again! Very strong battery. Smooth in browsing, very sharp display...
- E
- Ern
- 24 May 2018
ROHIT, 21 Mar 2018This review is posting after using this device for 10 month... moreDid you just say this phone not 4G? But it is a,b ,g ,n, ac, wlan
- I
- Indian
- ut2
- 22 May 2018
Throw Ur Galaxy S5 Into Dustbin or Give It To Others...... Now 4G Vo LTE Compulsory...... Don't Waste Ur Time :)
- D
- David
- g06
- 22 May 2018
If your S5 is lagging, it's probably because of a recent OS update. You need to clear the cache partition. I did and it runs like new now.
1) Turn off the phone.
2) Hold down the Home button, the Power button, and the Volume Up button all at the same time. After a few moments, the phone will turn off and it will indicate that it is going into Recovery mode.
3) Use the volume keys to navigate and power button to confirm. You'll want to wipe the cache partition. You won't lose any data, it's just a cache.
After the wipe, reboot the phone and voila!
- a
- anonymous
- Kxv
- 21 May 2018
Philip, 20 May 2018what best to do? My S5 keeps lagging and slow performance m... moreupgrade to latest software marshmallow it should improve. mine is ok
- P
- Philip
- x7w
- 20 May 2018
what best to do? My S5 keeps lagging and slow performance my Os is 5.0 lollipop version