Samsung Galaxy S5
- D
- AnonD-1385
- ri0
- 29 Sep 2017
Undoubtedly the best and fastest phone I have ever had.
Even after nearly three years of use, the battery is still chugging along nicely. I'm not getting the 5-6 hours of On Screen Time (OST) like I use to get when I just got the phone but I can easily get a few hours just the same, sometimes 2 1/2 hours sometimes more than 3 hours.
The proprietary Samsung browser uses very little power. I'm constantly impressed at how it barely uses any power...over Wi-Fi while on Facebook, it takes 5 minutes - 7 minutes before it loses a percent. I was shocked the other day when it took 12 minutes at one point before a percent was depleted while browsing around on Facebook. Visiting other websites using the Samsung browser generally yields the same results. If I should conduct a test using the built-in Samsung browser ONLY after fully charging my battery it would be interesting to see how much OST I would get. I'm sure at least 4 hours if not more.
Even internet telephony doesn't consume a whole lot. For instance, a one hour Whatsapp call generally consumes 10% of battery power, sometimes 12% and sometimes 13%. Of course it all depends on what is happening in the background while you are on a call.
The Samsung browser is just amazing and the Galaxy S5 is totally amazing. I see no reason to upgrade (or downgrade) as I still consider it the best smartphone to date.
- N
- Naheel
- X{k
- 29 Sep 2017
I have my samsung s5 for 3 years ago
I have this phone yet
It's battery timing too good
It's camera too good
It's fingerprint too fast
- D
- AnonD-702072
- v0q
- 28 Sep 2017
nil, 24 Sep 2017my s5 is very heat when i use some app.olx, uc browser,yout... moreNormal
- s
- suarez07
- 28 Sep 2017
not bad.haha
- m
- molamojo
- Nu7
- 27 Sep 2017
Joni, 26 Sep 2017From Ethiopia. My S5 has problem begining from purchase, th... moreif you can remove the panel.brush with alcohol spirit and heat with 60 to 200 watts of electric bulb.problem solved
- J
- Joni
- 26 Sep 2017
From Ethiopia. My S5 has problem begining from purchase, the screen do not light but when it exposed to excessive heat, it will light and function properly until power key has in touch.
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- AnonD-697425
- 25 Sep 2017
Hima, 23 Sep 2017I was having the same issue I think you buy a phone from ot... moreOkay I've checked sammobile. And it's weird. Only the firmware from Philippines are stucked on Android 5.0. It is still receiving updates though.
I feel sorry for my sister. Haha
- n
- nil
- U@5
- 24 Sep 2017
my s5 is very heat when i use some app.olx, uc browser,youtube etc..pleas any suggestions ....
- D
- AnonD-700704
- v0q
- 24 Sep 2017
MdN8, 20 Sep 2017If you can find one for a good price or in a good condition... moreClone phones, copy phones the design, bottons, touch,skins... etc.Thats why orgnal phones are expensive because in the inside, there is the secrets. And clones are cheap bcause if they copy all of it, its d same price as d original. Orgnal phones have lots of sensors. S5 has 17
- D
- AnonD-700704
- v0q
- 24 Sep 2017
AnonD-700704, 24 Sep 2017But u can manually update it.. go in the settings> abou... moreTen now check>settings > about device > android version.. if its 6.0.1 now ur in marshmallow
- D
- AnonD-700704
- v0q
- 24 Sep 2017
AnonD-697425, 22 Sep 2017Guys? Can you update to marshmallow? I really wonder why my... moreBut u can manually update it.. go in the settings> about device>download updates manually..
- D
- AnonD-700704
- v0q
- 24 Sep 2017
AnonD-697425, 22 Sep 2017Guys? Can you update to marshmallow? I really wonder why my... moreTry this 1. know first ur bootloader or ID using CPU X.afk you download ds in googleapp store. Then download Odin.exe and install it on PC. after you know d firmware or ID, Bootloader. search it _ex.G900SKSU1CPL5 firmware free download.. then dowload it. The file was in zip or .md5.. (remember: every s5 model have diffrent firmware; know urs using cpu x or any cpu reader app. If u download wrong firmware. Thats ur another problem u need to solve) search: how to flash and restore galaxy s5.. then select websites u like and follow steps.. if the firmware is in zip, extract it in a folder u will remember. Follow steps to flash it. Hope im correct.. in my experience.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wiT
- 24 Sep 2017
Hima, 23 Sep 2017I was having the same issue I think you buy a phone from ot... moreNo, if you update using odin, It'll not trigger knox don't have to worry
- H
- Hima
- 3LA
- 23 Sep 2017
AnonD-697425, 22 Sep 2017Guys? Can you update to marshmallow? I really wonder why my... moreI was having the same issue I think you buy a phone from other country than where you use the phone . I ve done the update manually using Samsung odin . Download the official software from Sam mobile and upgrade using odin . But remember that the knox flag will set .
- D
- AnonD-697425
- P%u
- 22 Sep 2017
Guys? Can you update to marshmallow? I really wonder why my sister's S5 is stucked at lollipop. She only receives security patches. But no marshmallow upgrade.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wiU
- 22 Sep 2017
NIMALAN MOOPANAR, 22 Sep 2017south africaIt's available in India but not sure for south africa my friend
- N
- N9p
- 22 Sep 2017
Anonymous, 21 Sep 2017Which country you belongs to? south africa
- ?
- Anonymous
- wiU
- 21 Sep 2017
Nimalan Moopanar, 20 Sep 2017where can i buy a brand new samsung s5 Which country you belongs to?
- M
- MdN8
- 3%2
- 20 Sep 2017
Anonymous, 20 Sep 2017should i buy this smartphone ? anyone ?If you can find one for a good price or in a good condition, yes. I was looking and I still can't find a better new (not even Chinese) phone for my money, and this was not a budget phone when it was released. It was a flagship, and everything works on it, no unpleasant surprises (my relative bought a Chinese phone for more money, with 3GB, but compass didn't work, things like that.). If 2 GB of RAM is enough for your needs, I recommend the phone. The only downside is that it's going to stay on Marshmallow but if you don't do risky things you'll be fine. One of my nephews got an old S5 from his dad, the phone is completely scratched and beaten and still works, I couldn't recognize it until the kid told me what phone it was.
- ?
- Anonymous
- tug
- 20 Sep 2017
should i buy this smartphone ? anyone ?