Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-197946
  • uSN
  • 12 Jul 2014

Been using this for almost 3months, so far no flaws or difficulties :3
Money well spent..
More power sgS5 here on phil.!!!!

    • D
    • D9
    • NF9
    • 12 Jul 2014

    Tcool, 11 Jul 2014Yeah that's right, USB v3.0 cable is not a problem. It is ... moreIt's not that much of a problem but why Samsung need to that? Note 3 come with Micro-usb3! If the device have usb3, why give usb2 cable?

      • r
      • rodriguez
      • KZ8
      • 12 Jul 2014

      Can my galaxy s5 upgraded to ois?

        • D
        • AnonD-89109
        • ute
        • 11 Jul 2014

        LOLBOT, 11 Jul 2014Very very nice look! The look of gs5 brings us to victorian... moreSome of this comment are stupid, some are not.

        S5 is really easy to handle, and it's comfortable too. Thanks to the band-aid design (no sarcasm here). It's way easier to handle than an M8 or Z2.

        It is actually fast, but you don't see any of it because it's running TouchWiz. When the GPE is out check it out, it will surely be one of the fastest device out there.

        Every sane person uses a mobile phone for texting and calling and some chatting and a little browsing. However there are some kids who purchases a phone and try to replace it with other stuffs, which is ridiculous at it's prime. So your point is moot here.

        Battery life is great too. I mean if you are low then that UPS mode works like a charm. I am more or less battery life will be more or less same with all the other flagships out there. Maybe Z2 will be a bit better because of larger battery but if you use a phone extensively then at the end of the day you will have to plug your charger.

          • D
          • AnonD-114803
          • XuT
          • 11 Jul 2014

          darkgamer, 10 Jul 2014You must have kept power saving mode on. It underclocks the... moreJust download CPU-Z app from play store. And run it at mormal condition when power saver is off. U can easily understood what im trying to say..

            • t
            • thakuribalkumar@yaho
            • Hu$
            • 11 Jul 2014

            i wanna to buy a set of galaxy s5 but i am in confuse which model no is good in quality among SM-G900K/L/S in korea ?

              • n
              • normie
              • fjR
              • 11 Jul 2014

              Bought a new galaxy 5 7 days ago. When I phoned people could not hear the ring tone or the person answering. Vodacom told me to switch off the phone and restart every time it did this as there was a glitch in the software!What a good reference for a very expensive phone! Very disappointed with this phone and the back-up service in SA

                • T
                • Tcool
                • nTR
                • 11 Jul 2014

                D9, 11 Jul 2014Thank, darkgamer. I was referred to the USB cable.Yeah that's right, USB v3.0 cable is not a problem.
                It is available not only in Amazon, it is in every mobile phone stores at very cheap price.
                So it should not be a big problem since the unit charging port supports USB v3.0.

                  • L
                  • LOLBOT
                  • iwp
                  • 11 Jul 2014

                  Very very nice look! The look of gs5 brings us to victorian edge. Not sutable for today. No lags? What the... R u kidding me?

                  Battery life not bad. If u want to use it a day, u have to start charging at yesterday and to fully charge, u need to wait a half of a day.

                  Very very fast. My god. What a fast phone. Im still in start page.

                  Very easy to handle it. My gs5 felt down 2 times in this week.

                  Very easy to use by one hand. So im holding it by rite hand and operating it using left.

                  Just like a coumputer! U can do everything on it! Very happy to say. After my experiances, i only using it for txting and calling. Im using my pc back.

                  Im laying? Oky go head , buy it , then cry like me! Good luck! (its too long. Isnt it?)

                    • D
                    • D9
                    • NF9
                    • 11 Jul 2014

                    darkgamer, 11 Jul 2014He was telling about the USB cord that was supplied with th... moreThank, darkgamer.
                    I was referred to the USB cable.

                      • r
                      • r
                      • wHs
                      • 11 Jul 2014

                      Getting one...

                        Tcool, 11 Jul 2014You're holding a fake one. It's supposed to be micro USB v... moreHe was telling about the USB cord that was supplied with the phone. In many regions, Samsung is supplying the regular USB 2.0 cable.

                        But yeah, the 3.0 cable is available at dirt cheap prices at Amazon.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • scY
                          • 11 Jul 2014

                          This phone helped rescue my son and I from a remote area in Virginia.
                          On the 4th of July, my son and I rented a canoe to do some whitewater. I decided to bring my s5. I put it in my pocket and forgot about it. 3/4 through the trip we flipped the canoe in a set of class 3 rapids. The water pinned me between the canoe and a rock. I was under water for about a minute, while my son and I attempted to free me from the canoe.We where successful. We then continued to float down the river, through the rapids,without the boat, for several hundred feet. We lost everything, but did eventually recover our stuff; except for my glasses. We both had minor injuries and due to the fact I was unable to read the river without my glasses, we decided it would be best to just find a place to get out.
                          The phone was under water, in the rapids, for several minutes. We eventually made it to a road. I reached into my pocket, pulled out the phone,and to my surprise the phone worked. I called 911 and we where picked up within the hour.

                            • T
                            • Tcool
                            • nTR
                            • 11 Jul 2014

                            D9, 11 Jul 2014Holding in my hand with my S3 on the table...awesome! one d... moreYou're holding a fake one.
                            It's supposed to be micro USB v3.0 (MHL 2.1), USB On-the-go, USB.

                              • T
                              • Tcool
                              • nTR
                              • 11 Jul 2014

                              [deleted post]Amazing phone!

                                • T
                                • Tanu
                                • u1D
                                • 11 Jul 2014

                                I'm using this for 2weeks, touchwiz is a little slow, but the display, battery, net speed, gaming and overall its good enough at 34k range. The backcover is much better to grip, those who say its cheap actually even they use plastic case for their mob, ip67 is much useful, moreover its a reliable mob.. feeling good to hv it.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-114803
                                  • 7qy
                                  • 11 Jul 2014

                                  Nicolas82, 10 Jul 2014Most benchmark apps are made to determine the performance o... moreI bought this phone with some expectations. Not to resell it. Im just telling that its not working the same which I expected. No offense atall.

                                    • p
                                    • phony
                                    • PGW
                                    • 11 Jul 2014

                                    AnonD-114803, 09 Jul 2014If u have octa core s5 then download CPU-Z app from play st... moreIn India Octa core is previous 5420 processor at 1.9Ghz+1.3 ghz. Samsung site classify this processor as Exynos 5420. 5420 doesn't has HMP and hence good things coming from Exynos 5422 are not available in India.

                                      • T
                                      • Tcool
                                      • nTR
                                      • 11 Jul 2014

                                      [deleted post]For telling the truth.

                                        • s
                                        • simonh
                                        • mpg
                                        • 11 Jul 2014

                                        Where are the music voice control settings? I used them on my s3 to skip tracks whilst in the shower but would also like to do the same on s5 but can only find the camera ones in the camera settings...thanks if you can enlighten me on this matter...