Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5

User opinions and reviews

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  • T
  • Tcool
  • Nyj
  • 26 Feb 2014

AnonD-77892, 26 Feb 2014my vote is 1-5-10Who cares?

    • D
    • Dracula
    • vj1
    • 26 Feb 2014

    Made in what country?

      • D
      • AnonD-77892
      • UNA
      • 26 Feb 2014

      my vote is 1-5-10

        • c
        • charan
        • YT1
        • 26 Feb 2014

        hi frndz..
        Samsung comes with new high end device S5..

        FEATURES :-r some wat better than previous mobiles ..

        RAM:-but ram 2gb is less for high end smart phone ,it should be 3gb..

        CAM:-front cam is gud , but coming to rare cam it should be more improve 20MP & above..

        processor:- its simple superb

        body:- cmg to body
        firstly when ever v buy mobiles v all ll c d best design body look .. and secondary features..

        s5 body design is very big disappointment..

        d mobile comes with high cost,
        but d body design & style is very cheap looking like ordinary mobiles low range mobiles ..

        new golden colour seems to be look ugly ..
        finally body design is nt up to d mark..

          • D
          • AnonD-238047
          • bJh
          • 26 Feb 2014

          AnonD-22556, 26 Feb 2014Wat u gonna do with design wen ur phone cant perform... and... moreI telling about luxurious, it look like cheap thats it, how can u spend 50k for this type of plastic bođy mobiles, at 50k price ,every mobile hardware is same, check Nokia , Sony, HTC, iPhone , LG even micromax same performance but see the design of Samsung s5, RAM also low

            • D
            • AnonD-238071
            • 4YW
            • 26 Feb 2014

            Does it meet Mil Spec for shock proof? Will there be a model that is mil spec for shock proof?

            Can you tether a device like a desktop computer to it?

              • D
              • AnonD-152935
              • snN
              • 26 Feb 2014

              I like it!!! i realy like the old school SAMSUNG design,no need for drastic changes for S series,its a simple filosophy. new design will come with new just shut up,haters,stick to your SONY's,Apples,HTC's and other brands,nobody forces you to buy it.Anyway,nothing specialy new from SONY,except thiner bezels...same goes for HTC,no drastic no need for hating!!

                • j
                • jay
                • t7X
                • 26 Feb 2014

                AnonD-22556, 26 Feb 2014Wat u gonna do with design wen ur phone cant perform... and... morenot now my friend!!!

                  • M
                  • Master chef
                  • 0rR
                  • 26 Feb 2014

                  What a old fashion ugly peace of....of what? Oh it,s the s5...well....smoking! Go for htc. More reliable, pretty and yes not a samsung!

                    • T
                    • Tcool
                    • Nyj
                    • 26 Feb 2014

                    Pravi, 26 Feb 2014when is the s5 out :)April

                      • D
                      • AnonD-22556
                      • vIh
                      • 26 Feb 2014

                      AnonD-238047, 26 Feb 2014Hiiiii guy...... Don't try to buy this type of cheap mobi... moreWat u gonna do with design wen ur phone cant perform... and regarding al glassy design drop it once lets c which sustains better glass or the cheap plastic... and regardg specs samsung has always given the best hardware and its own home brew softwares....
                      Design is not only the point to call it as inferior.. use both for somedays and then draw inference out of it. Till now nobody has used it.. just by luking at the pics hiw can anybody decide on its capability.. samething people bragged wen s4 was released.. as far as facts say s4 was the best selling smartphone of 2013 crossing over 40million and counting.. compared to any other brand. So its a top notch brand lets not brag much without even using it..

                        • A
                        • Anonymous
                        • IWS
                        • 26 Feb 2014

                        AnonD-132210, 26 Feb 2014Well done for this crap hahaha :D Worst design ever! Ep... moreI Hope you enjoy your phone that was designed by a Poor Rapper, but stop trashing on SONY. You will NEVER know what premium feels like. Good Luck purchasing your samesung

                          • D
                          • AnonD-7834
                          • r0q
                          • 26 Feb 2014

                          hey there. The fact is s5 is still the monster. only drawback is the design, the rest, it's super. don't you worry about the ratings. it's obvious some mongrel is jumping from page to another, rating the phones from unreasonably opposite extremes

                            • A
                            • Alex
                            • jML
                            • 26 Feb 2014

                            This phone has lacked any innovation. It still maintains the same design since the Galaxy S3. What disappoints me is that Samsung did not upgrade the RAM from 2GB to 3GB. I for one will be buying the Xperia Z2 simply because it is what the S5 should have been. Samsung is surely going to lose ground to Sony over time. Can't believe Samsung settled for those meager specs.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-238057
                              • HjB
                              • 26 Feb 2014

                              I expect the best smartphone designs from Samsung but it is not. :/

                                • s
                                • shawaal
                                • rvi
                                • 26 Feb 2014

                                samsung is the best,i got a s4 i never had 1 promblem. go samsung

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-182953
                                  • vbJ
                                  • 26 Feb 2014

                                  walking your dog and fixing dinner for you. Out of all of those rumors, none of them happened. Does that make the Galaxy S5 a bad phone? In my humble opinion, no. Perhaps this is a direct result of realizing that any and all rumors need to be taken with a grain of salt, but mostly I think I just realized that even if the Galaxy S5 isn't the be-all, end-all of phones, it still has some pretty significant upgrades from the Galaxy S4 that are worth mentioning.

                                  First of all, I would like to point out that even thought metal housing didn't happen, Samsung at least made the effort to get rid of the smooth plastic backing that they had used for so long. Instead, the back of the Galaxy S5 is now optimized for natural gripping, which is better than being optimized to slide out of your hand like a warm stick of butter. It also didn't follow the same slightly-cushioned pleather design of the Galaxy Note 3, so in that sense the Galaxy S5 really did bring something different to the table when it comes to design. Overall, I would see this as good news for people who prefer to go without cases so at least the risk of dropping the phone isn't as high. I see opinions saying that the Galaxy S4 and the Galaxy S5 look identical from the back, but in my opinion that's going to be one of the biggest indications of which phone you're dealing with. Everything else heavily relies on inner tweaking to differentiate between the two.

                                  I think what I like most about the Galaxy S5 is that Samsung seemed to take the time this year to improve on features they already had rather than releasing gobs and gobs of new features and bloatware. As for the specs, while it doesn't exactly look like next-generation specs from the get-go, you also have to realize that Android seems to be heading in a direction where faster specs aren't exactly needed to make a platform run quickly and smoothly. KitKat was designed with lower-end handsets in mind, which means that high-end flagships like the Galaxy S5, among others released this year, don't have to worry so much about getting that octa-core processor or 4GB of RAM or anything like that. I mean yeah, it would be cool, but in the end it doesn't really matter what the specs are as long as the software runs smoothly. It's kind of like how Windows Phone is able to make their flagships run on 1GB of RAM and dual-core processors and still run like a champ. I imagine that KitKat is just the first in a long line of well-optimized updates from Android to come.

                                  Another bonus about the Galaxy S5 is that Samsung was able to do one more thing that I had wished for last year - mashing the features of the Galaxy S4 Active with the Galaxy S4 from the get-go. Everybody's smartphone is vulnerable to elements, so it made no sense to me that they made a separate smartphone designed for protection against water and dust. I always thought it would have been better if they had just implemented it in the original Galaxy S4 to begin with, sort of like Sony did with the Xperia Z. Apparently I am not the only one to think this, as the Galaxy S5 did just that, and I can't say I'm disappointed with it (as long as it works like it's intended to).

                                  The Galaxy S5 also managed to make improvements to the 16-megapixel camera. Although the megapixels remained the same, the features and other aspects of the camera didn't. The camera is now able to focus and snap pictures in just 0.3 seconds, which is faster than any other smartphone out there. The Galaxy S4 can also provide HDR in real-time, which is something other smartphones can't do as of right now. My biggest issue with the Galaxy S4 camera was that it did take too long to take pictures, often resulting in blurry photos. However, the camera application on the Galaxy S4 was one of the most detailed I had ever seen, so it was a shame that the camera itself wasn't as great as it could have been. It seems that the Galaxy S5 was able to implement changes that make those issues irrelevant at this point.

                                  Last but not least, I would like to commend Samsung for not making their phone that much bigger than its predecessor. I seem to get nervous these days that next generation flagships are heading in a larger-than-life direction, and even made a post not too long ago on my opinion that next generation phones don't have to be larger in order to be better. Although the screen size did increase to 5.1-inches over the Galaxy S4's 5-inch screen, it's not something I could find myself complaining about. It could have been worse, but it wasn't.

                                  The Galaxy S5 is not perfect, but I think it managed to address a lot of problems that the Galaxy S4 suffered from. Really, I don't think this phone is as bad as some people are leading it on to be. I just think that hype and rumors translates into fact far too quickly in this industry, and blinds people from seeing a phone as it truly is sometimes.

                                    • P
                                    • Pravi
                                    • fXN
                                    • 26 Feb 2014

                                    when is the s5 out :)

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-220432
                                      • SwA
                                      • 26 Feb 2014

                                      slam One, 25 Feb 2014I own the LG G2,I watch 4k videos,great display, small beze... moreThe LG G2 definitely beats most phones in terms of value for money...thats the brand itself...however you can't really compare Samsung quality to LG....the clue is in the price, and for good reason

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-238047
                                        • bJe
                                        • 26 Feb 2014

                                        Hiiiii guy...... Don't try to buy this type of cheap mobile , before going to buy this mobile please check photos once , worst body design , very cheap body, it's look like China mobile, go for sony xperia z2. Better features than this, or wait for HTC New model