Samsung Galaxy S5
- U
- 3bm
- 25 Feb 2014
this Fingerprint sensor(Ultra-violet sensor) this is bad for health, beacuse everyone know ULTRA-VIOLET stimulating the body makes cancer, I do not understand what he wanted to do, please remove this production and cancel this smartphone model
- A
- Ahura
- xJY
- 25 Feb 2014
Rubbish and silly, big heavy thing not 4K !!?? i expected as such: metal body 120 x 58 x 80 mm, weight 110 gm, Ram 3-4 GB, 20 megapixel camera, 3000 mAh battery
- D
- AnonD-237542
- 9AY
- 25 Feb 2014
What a load of rubbish. Yet again Samsung favours bombarding the consumer with big numbers rather than focusing on innovation. Still can't believe the speaker is still on the back! I want to look and hear what I'm watching at the same time.
- D
- AnonD-112758
- 7Xb
- 25 Feb 2014
Do not condemn it, just don't buy this phone if you feel bad for you.
But we know Samsung is the best seller of the year 2013 and android is much better to other OS. According to s4 hardware all of these are new technology.
- W
- WarPig
- t7y
- 25 Feb 2014
One word to describe this device...
-Powerful but ugly
- o
- ottis
- D8X
- 25 Feb 2014
Not very happy at all, Was a big fan of samsung until the S5 was announced. It's crap and I will never get a samsung handset again I know how Iphone fans feel now and will end up going back to iphone as I like there design the S5 looks cheap they can get lost
- r
- rameez
- U@Y
- 25 Feb 2014
SAME_SUNG... Lack of innovation, Lack of size , Lack of style...Anyway better Luck next time...
- H
- HyperWink
- 25 Feb 2014
Looks just like a cheap, $100 Chinese Android phone. Maybe a tad bit uglier, with a back cover reminiscent of chicken pox pockmarks.
Way to go Samsung, what a classy design.
- A
- Afghan
- KcW
- 25 Feb 2014
Samsung has biggest problem in Design, that is the main problem of Samsung that company should think about that in design the best are Apple,Nokia,Sony but in work and internal Samsung good luck
- r
- raihan
- uNV
- 25 Feb 2014
This time samsung will fail to beat iphone 6..
- D
- AnonD-210607
- Sr{
- 25 Feb 2014
Absolutely Amazing I Just Can't Wait ... Heart rate monitor 4k fingerprint dust/waterproof .. 4.4.2 + latest touchwiz .. the back is amazing.. I will Get the Copper Version .. Although I'm a fan of Exynos so I guess I'll Have to wait a little more :/
- ?
- Anonymous
- 35U
- 25 Feb 2014
Not that bad!
- b
- b.d.s asansol
- KAe
- 25 Feb 2014
Totally awsom.excellent.fantastic.
- ?
- Anonymous
- w6L
- 25 Feb 2014
Shifting from s4 to htc now...really dissappointing...a good design with aluminum body is what i wanted...this 2.5GHz plastic phone would get heated up very easily
- P
- Pathfinder
- Ld9
- 25 Feb 2014
Absolute disappointment. Compare it's specification to LG G2's one, and u will understand all. Especially in terms of prices...
- g
- gaurav Rajput
- rJi
- 25 Feb 2014
ranjha, 25 Feb 2014Very cheep design. Ram should have been at least 3GB if not... morenice ph yarr .. but not up to mark as I expected ..100% agree with u
- k
- nC2
- 25 Feb 2014
I actually do not like the design as we were promised something different. It is a good phone but not worth upgrading from S4. Its definitely gonna be expensive. I think Samsung needs to release mobile after every 2 years. Imagine, how wonderful it'd be if s5 came after s3. It would have been a global hit1
- J
- Jon
- vaS
- 25 Feb 2014
Is that the S3 Neo ?? What a disappointment... And a heart rate monitor,but no FM radio ? Big failure, waiting for LG G3.
- D
- AnonD-192951
- J9R
- 25 Feb 2014
Copied the camera apps from Sony. Haahhaha!!!!!!. First they use to copy from apple sony took out water resistant phone they copied it sony release baground defocus app they copied it and released single defocus.
But no one can beat sony interms of design and photography and even water resistant capacity
- h
- hellobib
- Ibx
- 25 Feb 2014
Samsung you are suck.... really, now I know why you and tmobile cant update the note3 to kitkat. I will not get this phone, probably the watch if it's priced with us in mind. Samsung sucks, T-Mobile sucks. S5 is crap. You better make up with that on the note 4 or well you already lost me