Samsung i8510 INNOV8

Samsung i8510 INNOV8

User opinions and reviews

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  • b
  • brynn
  • nFU
  • 25 Jan 2009

Arnold, 25 Jan 2009yeah i read the reviews both products and my best judgement... moreI tell you what i would like to see and that a battery report..

The thing is i do not have 905 to compare with but if gsmarena did cam/vid/mp3/battery/gps tests and give them a star rating out of 10 it would be good,,for eg,,

battery 7 stars
cam 9 stars
video 9stars

battery 6 stars
cam 8 stars
video 7 stars..

With this rating we could see that of the gsm team that do the same test on every model it would be accurate against each fone leaving the 10 star mark for absolutly blown away...

Lets say you only wanted the gps part of the fone thats mega important to you ,,by skimming thru the results lets say the htc pro was the best then you go for that..This should have been done from the start..Some folk may come on here for good battery and good cam but not care less about mp3 or video quality,,by comparing the bigger rating stars in cam and battery ratings they could find a suitable fone.

If people are serious about a gadget they will buy the standalone item,,however the cam/video/mp3/screen/series 60 makes it perfect to replace the said devices in the innov8 ,but, if i was going for a satnav judging by the resolution and size of innov8 it would not be able to beat a standalone device..So all in all hard for people to swear their lives to a mobile in cases where japanese and south korean mobiles shame the european and american counterparts...I still have not found my perfect mobile,the xperia is to hard to txt an operate in crowds or whilst walking etc,, but anyway my perfect mobile would be a clamshell so i am no where near any mobile that i am going to shout from the rooftops about...

    • P
    • Preya
    • M@T
    • 25 Jan 2009

    Any user plz giv me ans plz.
    Does its icon can animision as n78,n85. If i cange my theme by download nokia theme, does it fully cange as nokia ? Plz reply me.
    dust in the screne is ture, all the same problem ?

      • A
      • Arnold
      • v0q
      • 25 Jan 2009

      brynn, 24 Jan 2009Stop winding us up,,this question has been asked over and o... moreyeah i read the reviews both products and my best judgement is the PERSONAL EXPERIENCES for people who got to buy and tell something first-hand based on their constant use of product and that would tell me which is which.... i read all the opinions here few are having some good grasp of posting personal experiences of the phone... so i am retrieving well... the very recent experiences (either after software upgrade and/or improvements on new phone releases via hardware etc...) coz i can't rely on previous postings after every release of batch of these phones....


      > In reply to arnold @ 2009-01-23 23:56 from v0qu
      Stop winding us up,,this question has been asked over and over again...3 points for you,,,

      1)At the bottom of the page is a search option

      2)Go to google and type in either,,

      innov8 specs reviews "or"
      s/e 905 specs reviews

      read reviews and compare

      3)Go to c905 forum who will tell you to buy c905 and you will also read all the problems..

      I over years have had to study and endure report after report and swap fones under the 14 day exchange and most are awful..The xperia i have is refreshingly different and so is innov8 but if you go for 905 it will just be same s/e but poorer photos and vid..

        • p
        • phari
        • Srh
        • 25 Jan 2009

        my father bought for me this phone in germany about 671 euro I am waiting for it,its look the best samsung phone

          • N
          • Neo
          • 0Fp
          • 24 Jan 2009

          Nice looking phone feels and looks solid with a nice finish, fantastic sound and video quality with DivX playback on top, not as easy for quick pictures as say an N95 and the phone dose not support mobile youtube quite like the N series Nokias even with the Nokia OS it comes with, optical touch pad is good for browsing the web, the i8510 also come with a dictionary that can define words that would make some people blush, great fun when first used, the phone is or was subject to dust collecting in the top right hand corner.

            • v
            • vgrigor
            • TjE
            • 24 Jan 2009

            why so SLOWLY WORKING GARMIN ?
            (in comparison with Nokia N95)

            car navigation is critical for many people,
            some actions on the way can make delay for tens of seconds for one action or minutes on big picture...

            DISGRACE!!! Lead must not loose so much on most serious application.

            how to correct this?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • ji{
              • 24 Jan 2009

              Yosra/Iraq, 23 Jan 2009hey i got this phone a week ago juss after my sister got SE... moreThe second camera is only for video call..... It cant be used for taking photos

                • I
                • Innov8 is best
                • ji{
                • 24 Jan 2009

                George, 23 Jan 2009I had on my hand both phones,Sam.Innov8 and SE C905.Testing... moreSE C905 is for kids..... Innov8 is a smartphone and its for SMART people.....

                  • G
                  • Geri
                  • Ui$
                  • 24 Jan 2009

                  brynn, 23 Jan 2009Here are my non stop mp3 results,, settings...gsm mode,,... morebrynn, you've been of great help. i enjoy reading your write-ups. They are very informative and helpful. U are one of very few who posts such interesting reviews. Keep it coming. I stay tuned.

                    • b
                    • brynn
                    • nFU
                    • 24 Jan 2009

                    arnold, 23 Jan 2009hello guys... too all those guys that already got this... moreStop winding us up,,this question has been asked over and over again...3 points for you,,,

                    1)At the bottom of the page is a search option

                    2)Go to google and type in either,,

                    innov8 specs reviews "or"
                    s/e 905 specs reviews

                    read reviews and compare

                    3)Go to c905 forum who will tell you to buy c905 and you will also read all the problems..

                    I over years have had to study and endure report after report and swap fones under the 14 day exchange and most are awful..The xperia i have is refreshingly different and so is innov8 but if you go for 905 it will just be same s/e but poorer photos and vid..

                      • a
                      • arnold
                      • v0q
                      • 23 Jan 2009

                      hello guys...

                      too all those guys that already got this phone, i am still wondering which fone to buy.... sec905 or innov8?

                      my main concerns:

                      battery/camera/mp3/vid player/fone build.....

                      any comments will do thanks!

                        • G
                        • George
                        • 0Ur
                        • 23 Jan 2009

                        I had on my hand both phones,Sam.Innov8 and SE C905.Testing them i realise that SE is the winner.It's solid,smooth,fast and everything you can desire,but of course,neighter this phone isn't bad at all.It just seems to fragile...and more

                          • Y
                          • Yosra/Iraq
                          • p@I
                          • 23 Jan 2009

                          hey i got this phone a week ago juss after my sister got SE C905...well its a good one but I dont know how 2 turn the speakers on during a phone call, plus I was wondering if I can take pictures or video with the second camera cause there is no function in the phone that makes it work!!!!
                          & my last confussion: y the phone does'nt have a user's guide?????!!!!!
                          4 the camera..mmm I can rate it as 5 mega pixels not 8
                          but its great that u can watch movies with it..I watched "taken" 2 hours ago & thinking 2 throw my creative Zen ipod away!

                          Guys 2 years ago I got N71 & believe me or not its the only phone that I was comfortable even fell down stairs today & still alive working like a brand new one!

                            • b
                            • brynn
                            • nFU
                            • 23 Jan 2009

                            Here are my non stop mp3 results,,

                            settings...gsm mode,, bluetooth w-fi switched off,,volume 9,,rock equaliser setting..

                            11.5 hrs till it entered emergency mode,,then i rang a mate until battery ran out (he knew i was running my usual tests) and got 12 minutes..

                            The last time the phone entered emergency battery mode i got 10 minutes on web sent/ recieved 3txts and phoned my old fone for 7 minutes so the emergency mode may differ each time..At least it can get you help ...

                              • D
                              • Dian nao
                              • ji{
                              • 23 Jan 2009

                              Anonymous, 23 Jan 2009with a samsun or sumsan or what is it called, all what you ... moreMy friend, please buy C905 for me. I will compare it with INNOV8 for u.
                              I don't want to buy SE anymore. They're no quality, no innovation, and no high end phone, just boring product.

                                • S
                                • Slim Shady
                                • M{3
                                • 23 Jan 2009

                                I am having another problem with this phone.When i play my recorded videos in fullscreen mode by realplayer the vids get discoloured and the sound doesnt sync,but in normal mode it plays fine.Does anyone else have this problem?Every1 check plz

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • U2A
                                  • 23 Jan 2009

                                  Samsung were the last phone manufacturer from the Top 3 to announce their financial results. The Korean company recorded 22% increase in their mobile handsets sales totaling approximately 200 million units shipped worldwide in 2008.

                                  Samsung have also increased their profit by 10 percent over the last year, which given the plummeting demand recently is quite an achievement.

                                  how'd Sony Ericsson go??? :)

                                    • b
                                    • barrack
                                    • U2A
                                    • 23 Jan 2009

                                    Anonymous, 23 Jan 2009with a samsun or sumsan or what is it called, all what you ... moreLOL!!! i tried both bro... thats why i own the innov8.. full of bugs??? rubbish... had mine for over 2 mths and hasnt froze/ nor crashed on me once!!!
                                    u can try convice yourself the c905 is better all u want bro!!! no skin off my nose...
                                    read the reviews!!! game...set...match!
                                    let me get this right...non smart phone....only 2.4 256k color screen, no stereo speakers, no 3.5mm jack, only qvga video @ 30fps... errr...sofware problems, build quality issues...(loose slider/keys become scratched/flimsy lens cover/poor battery etc.).. every second comment in the c905 forum is someone on their 2nd or 3rd return of the phone due to quality control.

                                    read the reviews bro... o yeah wheres my quote?????
                                    LOL take it easy :)

                                      • b
                                      • brynn
                                      • nFU
                                      • 23 Jan 2009

                                      Anonymous, 23 Jan 2009c905 all the way. believe you wont regret itc905 all the way?????

                                      You must come up with the reason why you said this..You have not quoted any specific reason why..I would not reccomend it with all the reports ive read and would not pay such a price for a poor device..S/E rushed out the fone to keep up with the crowd but even nokia held back till they can create a worthy device,,anyway samsung had hdd and 10 mp fones out 3 years ago and never continued the race because the fones were not that good so waited until they could produce a decent 8 mp fone and seem to have discarded hdd for favour of flas memory..

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • mD6
                                        • 23 Jan 2009

                                        Anonymous, 23 Jan 2009bro... your only gunna regret it buying the c905...go check... morewith a samsun or sumsan or what is it called, all what you can find is bugs, errors but with SE you will enjoy everything about it. Just try a C905 and than tell me which one is better. I bet you will say SE