Samsung i8510 INNOV8

Samsung i8510 INNOV8

User opinions and reviews

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  • N
  • Nick
  • wk1
  • 17 Oct 2008

The battery life is the common problem for all smart phone users. We usually blame for the phone manufacturers. I think it should be the battery manufacturer to blame for. We all know how big is 900 mah battery....i mean size. It's pretty big decent size. I don't understand why this damn battery company can not produce more power...lets say 2000mah outta same size of 900mah battery. Today we talk about nano technology and they can not make one decent battery. Its shame.

    • M
    • Mr G
    • mXm
    • 17 Oct 2008

    Guys, this is a great phone only experiencing one problem, which is downloading symbian apps, none of which seem to open once installed, any ideas anyone. thanks

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • P%n
      • 17 Oct 2008

      Simich, 17 Oct 2008Guys its still Samsung,if u have paid atention on the marke... moreSimich,

      The first camera phone was a Sharp.

      The first with a memory card was a Siemens.

        • f
        • f
        • nCb
        • 17 Oct 2008

        Bronco, 17 Oct 2008It doesn't help when all the Nokia fanboys vote 1 for every... morehow can you be so sure that people vote 1 for this phone are all nokia fans? maybe there are SE, LG, or Motorola fans rating 1 for this phone. =P

          • S
          • Simich
          • pKq
          • 17 Oct 2008

          Guys its still Samsung,if u have paid atention on the market for a long time u can see how samsung always release models with high specifications first and then get smashed by Nokia and SE...examples are the first phones with cameras and Huge memory handsets (back in time)...

            • B
            • Bronco
            • Uip
            • 17 Oct 2008

            Anonymous, 17 Oct 2008dis fone is fallin fast in d fone rankings It doesn't help when all the Nokia fanboys vote 1 for everything because it rips aparts Nokia's flagship model.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • whB
              • 17 Oct 2008

              those latest phones that are annouced and,n96 is the the phone that is better in over all specification than any other phone some are more expensive bcoz it has 8mp camera,touchscreens,has gold, or like the carbon arte that is very expensive but poor features and the samsung serenata that is is been combine with two phones is very expensive.they should upgarade n96 with greater memory capacity,xenon flash,mhz processor,camera lens,loud speaker,long batttery life,and talktime,infrared,DAB,DVB,DHB and all the broadcast and xvid,dvix.with amr,omg,wav and all the feature of other phones today.tnx.......

                • R
                • ReVan
                • 2@t
                • 17 Oct 2008

                I have used many high-end or up-market phones as you might call it. Samsung Innov8 is packed with ALL the features existing in today's competitive technology market.

                A TRUE value for money phone.


                I would like to know from some of the more experienced Samsung users here, where can I get a Software Update software for this phone?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • NHU
                  • 17 Oct 2008

                  dis fone is fallin fast in d fone rankings

                    • m
                    • midgetwearingabikini
                    • PP$
                    • 17 Oct 2008

                    Certainly a different looking Samsung. It's nice to see that they are making a move away from the "traditional", and if the camera and display on this are as good as any of the Samsung digital camera's or TV's then it is sure to be a great phone!

                      • c
                      • coolio_jo_mo_yo
                      • 0Bq
                      • 17 Oct 2008

                      you will never ever ever be able to keep up with the latest technology. my advice is get a good phone for calling and texting and music, like the se w890 and get urself a decent compact camera with 10 or 12 megapixels and 5 to 10 optical zoom. job done. never mind the innov8 or the c905 cos every few months phone companies will be releasing slightly better handsets to make money. Increase da peace, not only in da middle east!

                        • J
                        • John
                        • 2x5
                        • 17 Oct 2008

                        Striker, 16 Oct 2008@averset I completely agree with what the anonymous post... moreI have Omnia and Innov8 both. The both great phone that is why owen both phoen. But if I ahve to choose between one then I take Omnia based on my preference up to my needs. I like Touch screen. I you like others and liek to complain about battery pwoer then buy Omnia and if you no care and looking for good camera phone and look a like Nokia phone then buy INNOV8 phone. Any How both great phone. Omnia is a PDA and INNOV8 is smart phone.

                          • J
                          • John
                          • 2x5
                          • 17 Oct 2008

                          sena, 16 Oct 2008uhh, awful battery life, I charge it twice in a day with no... moreI think you guys no understand what is going on. The phoen technology has changed. All new phoens from all Brands now have 3G, Wi-Fi, and hi resolution screen. So, these options use alot of battery power. Before no have this features plus no color screen or low resulation like N70. So, If you look at HTC, Nokia and Samsung everyoen complaining battery problem since compair with the old phones. So, up to you what you like? if you need jsut a phoen then do not buy phoen with all featues such as Samsung INNOV8 or lets say N series from Nokia. Stop compaining about battery power and just plug in the phone to power.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • BdG
                            • 16 Oct 2008

                            Anonymous, 15 Oct 2008So Nokia has 8 or 9 megapixel prototypes in Rumania? Tel... moreSlide design like sony ericsson c905 thanks to n95. they cant make thier own design.

                              • S
                              • Striker
                              • 0pY
                              • 16 Oct 2008

                              Sorry, averest!

                                • S
                                • Striker
                                • 0pY
                                • 16 Oct 2008

                                averest, 16 Oct 2008Thanks SMS for your reply. But thats not all. Style matters... more@averset

                                I completely agree with what the anonymous poster has said below - I also chose the Innov8 over the Omnia for the buttons, and I've not once regretted my decision, regardless of the poor battery.

                                I've had 2 touchscreen phones previously - a HTC and an LG. I found both to be delightful gadgets, but not too practical when it comes to typing texts or emails, something I do a lot. I ended up ditching them and going back to my SE K810i.

                                The bootom line is, feature-wise, theres not a great deal between the two other than a few extra MP, so if you're happy with using Symbian OS, then I'd thoroughly recommend the Innov8. I'm pretty confident that it's only a matter of time before Samsung release a stronger battery, and if they don't, I'm sure there will be unofficial ones available, so until that day comes, it's just a case of making sure you keep it juiced up.

                                Although saying that, I do agree with Brynn's point - we shouldn't be sitting here waiting and hoping for a new battery, Samsung shoulda provided an adequate one in the first place. But hey, if they had have done, the Innov8 would then be the perfect phone, and what would we have to moan about on here then?!?!

                                And good to see it's back where it belongs - Number 1 in GSMArenas rankings.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • m4t
                                  • 16 Oct 2008

                                  averest, 16 Oct 2008samsung has made a break through among the big notch compan... morei think u should consider omnia and innov8 as 2 different things. the one is smartphone and the other is pocket pc..the omnia runs on windows mobile 6.1 and the other one on symbian..the one is touch screen operated and the other button operated.if u used both of these operating systems u should think which of the 2 suits u better and enjoy more when using..the same goes for the input method.. do u find more convenient touchscreen or buttons..? i personally chose innov8 because of the buttons.. i find it very inconvenient to use touchscreen.. the sure thing is whichever of the 2 u choose u will not be dissapointed at least specificationwise..most of the people will tell u go for the innov8 because of the camera.. but that's stupid because 5 mpix on a mobile phone is more than enough..

                                    • a
                                    • adliayob
                                    • RNy
                                    • 16 Oct 2008

                                    Yep, it's RM2899 + pouch + screen protector + 8Gb microSD from FMG Malaysia. It's the Innov8 8Gb version. Hop in to my site to find out more. Just do google search for 'adliayob' or 'blog symbian malaysia'. Better deal than N96 (RM3339)

                                      • a
                                      • averest
                                      • M{3
                                      • 16 Oct 2008

                                      Thanks SMS for your reply. But thats not all. Style matters to me but thats not worth enuff to spend on something if it is not upto a minimum usage or friendly user. Seemingly, the innovate at its bulkness will not be a reason at all for not buyin.

                                      After reading all the reviews I believe tat innov8 have lost its hype if battery a concern. Inspite of giving the best features ever with a break through in camera Samsung should have looked into it seriously. Cell phones are itself a consumer convenient product and it ranks top only if the battery is gud enuff.
                                      Though am looking seriously into buying innov8 despite of all these cons, reason being 8MP camera,
                                      i expect if anyone has anything to tell me about my choice. THANK YOU

                                        • b
                                        • brynn
                                        • nGd
                                        • 16 Oct 2008

                                        Looking round web the battery life is bad because of the poor attenae used in the innov8,,,right mobiles have been round for years if they cannot get the signal stength right in this day and age they should cease making phones..The primary function of mobiles is talk/txt and in 2008 they should have perfected this to gold standard,,no excuse,,if these firms cannot get things right and working what are they doing in this buisness..Te above goes to every single telecommunications manufacturer.