Samsung I9000 Galaxy S

Samsung I9000 Galaxy S

User opinions and reviews

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  • C
  • Chichu
  • u{6
  • 10 Dec 2010

I had synced fb and gmail before(contacts and calendar)..........i removed the contacts and calendar from being synced bt still wen i try 2 send group msg(20 msg at a time) it shows all the names(from both fb and gmail) can i stop it from being shown...........also disabled from contacts(unticked view contact from fb)..........any have a solution????

    • m
    • max
    • ibe
    • 10 Dec 2010

    Goku, 09 Dec 2010I'm generally not a guy who posts on forums, but I couldn't... moreThat's what i thought so that the "swype input mode in my set stops working' after it's upgraded to Froyo. Not really so because your setting will go to its original setting after being upgraded to Froyo and all you have to do is go and reset it. My set works much better after being upgraded to Froyo.

      • V
      • Varun
      • PGj
      • 10 Dec 2010

      Kabalyero, 10 Dec 2010Some corrections there buddy... SGS had a task manager (... moreThanks for the info. I didn't know SGS had a task manager, as I told you my info is completely from reviews. I don't own it.

      As far as sound quality goes, there are 2 aspects -
      1) real quality - distortion, SNR, etc. etc.
      2) loudness
      I'm talking about both perspectives.

      When Bose sells its products, it does not tell you any specs. No impedance, SNR, frequency range etc. etc.
      Because, numbers are just numbers.
      It's about what one hears. For e.g. lots of people say Sennheiser is better than Sony. Maybe, but if you listen to music from low range headsets of both companies, if you know music well, you'll definitely observe that Sennheiser has noticeably distortion. And it irritates, especially when you want to listen to soothing music.
      Sorry, to take the whole conversation on the wrong track, but my point is
      "I believe in what I hear", I don't care about the benchmarks especially when it comes to music.

      And guys, pls suggest why I should buy SGS, not why I shouldn't buy N8. Because, as I said, I want to be convinced about what I buy! (not about what I don't)

        • S
        • SGGGS
        • iba
        • 10 Dec 2010

        addie, 10 Dec 2010it's one of the great phone n i'll buy it if its upgradeabl... moreYay...I agree wif u!
        I'm having a I9000 currently. If I get upgrade it to 2.3 Gingerbread ... My next phone will definately be a "Samsung"! Then only it is considered a reliable phone manufacturer!

          • D
          • Dk
          • s8e
          • 10 Dec 2010

          Kabalyero, 10 Dec 2010Some corrections there buddy... SGS had a task manager (... morei've seen some games on ios, pleare tell me weather android can beat symbian in gaming, i've read that hw graphics chip has even overpassed ios benchmarks, pleare guide me weather gaming is better, please list some titles which are also available on symbian and ios so that i can compare. Talking strictly gaining please tell....

            • C
            • Cambodia Sgs
            • PWa
            • 10 Dec 2010

            Kabalyero, 10 Dec 2010Some corrections there buddy... SGS had a task manager (... moreHi is there any safety way to root and lag fixed?

            Ps. I'm running froyo now..but lag than before..

              • K
              • Kabalyero
              • A5t
              • 10 Dec 2010

              Varun, 10 Dec 2010Dude.. As soon as you start abusing it makes things clear... moreSome corrections there buddy...

              SGS had a task manager (built-in, not from app store) since an update made by samsung to eclair. This is the kind of OS that I had upon purchasing SGS so I can tell you that it had a task manager since eclair. Also, upon upgrading to Froyo, this task manager was still present and had some improvements.

              For the screen, I disagree with you. I've looked side by side at the screen of an iPhone 4 against the screen of an SGS and I can tell you that SGS blows IP4, and most reviews agree with this.

              For the speaker quality, what exactly is your basis? Have you done actual comparisons? Did someone perform benchmark tests? Prove it!

                • V
                • Varun
                • PGj
                • 10 Dec 2010

                [deleted post]Dude..
                As soon as you start abusing it makes things clear that you yourself are not convinced.
                Atleast write sensible english when you are commenting.
                Going one by one:-
                1. I agree Android has many more apps, then I should go for iOS instead. It has many more. The point is,what one needs is available on OVI store. I specially checked that last night.
                2. I agree web browsing is really good on Android and it's bad on N8. But Nokia has promised a new browser in the coming month. And I know when Nokia says it delivers it. Second thing is I tried Opera 10.1. It's good.
                3. Non-replacable battery is not an issue with me. (even the iphone has it, though i'm not a big fan.)
                4. Restarting and hanging problems are there in faulty handsets mostly. I had nokia 5800xm long back, it NEVER hung. It's about handling the handsets and putting in quality apps. If you use too many unsigned 3rd party apps, it hangs.
                And, while going through youtube I found this video regarding SGS, pls have a look:

                I'm assuming this is not a regular feature. It happens . And it happens in any OS.
                In fact, till Froyo, there is no Task manager in android, and some apps just keep running in the background, leaving it to the OS. Now there are apps to kill apps available on android app store, but they hamper the memory management of the OS, and they do not do a clean exit of the app ( Can be harmful in the near future). And as I said, gingerbread may/may not come to the SGS at all, which does have a Task manager.
                You can always kill apps cleanly in symbian.
                5. Well most of the reviewers don't agree that loudspeaker quality is not good in N8. But keeping your point, I would say it is still better than what is present in SGS, that is for sure.
                6. And for my friend who asked me to google stuff. I guess he's not googled enough to see that there are plenty of reasons for people who like the iphone to buy the iphone. Even the best feature of SGS - its screen - is not better than the screen of the iphone. It's their choice, they buy it.

                I like android as an OS, especially because anything related to Google is damn good in this OS. But it's the hardware/price.
                Samsung Wave a similar featured phone, given 2-3 things (smaller screen etc. ) here/there everything is same. Still SGS is almost 12k costlier just because it has Android. And that's where it gets unacceptable.

                  • a
                  • addie
                  • ibp
                  • 10 Dec 2010

                  it's one of the great phone n i'll buy it if its upgradeable.. to Android 2.3 Gngbrd. Pls !!! Hope so

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • t4n
                    • 10 Dec 2010

                    web browsing is not n8

                    n8 has a non replacable battery

                      • V
                      • Varun
                      • PGj
                      • 10 Dec 2010

                      choy, 10 Dec 2010Dude....this phone is way better than n8.....i never got an... moreN how if i may ask?
                      It's only if what u only care about is moving around in the UI of ur OS and doing small little things or you just want to watch videos.
                      N8 vs Galaxy:-
                      1. Camera - needless to say no comparison
                      2. video - In N8 you can actually zoom in and the video is still 720p without any distortions. The video taken has a wider range thanks to its wide angle lens.
                      3. Music quality - Samsung is very very well known for making phones that have really really bad loudspeakers.
                      4. Build quality - It's cheap plastic. Every where critics have pointed this thing in their reviews. N8 - anodized aluminium rock solid.
                      5. SGS has TV-out. N8 has hdmi.
                      6. N8 has OTG - really really nice feature. No other OEM apart from nokia has it.
                      7. N8 will regularly get updates - nokia has always been generous to give updates at regular intervals. Google will give updates. But samsung may/may not use them . As is the case with Gingerbread, where they're are somewhat backing out. Plus Android updates are not so frequent - maybe once in 6 months types and then OEM's take time to port. So by the time you get the update, your phone's half life (atleast mine) is over.
                      8. Current prices of the handsets are :-
                      N8 - approx 22.5 in the market
                      SGS - approx 27.5 in the market.

                      One big positive I see in SGS is its 4 inch super amoled screen. N8 has AMOLED which is not bad. But ya,even the real estate of the screen is much more in SGS which would be handy in browsing n all.

                      I'm planning to buy a phone close to new year. Wanted to buy an android phone, but not convinced. Pls convince me if someone really thinks SGS/Android has got the bang for the buck.


                        • C
                        • Chichu
                        • u{6
                        • 10 Dec 2010

                        I had synced fb and gmail before(contacts and calendar)..........i removed the contacts and calendar from being synced bt still wen i try 2 send group msg(20 msg at a time) it shows all the names(from both fb and gmail) can i stop it from being shown...........also disabled from contacts(unticked view contact from fb)..........any have a solution????

                          • H
                          • Hk
                          • tDN
                          • 10 Dec 2010

                          PravSg, 09 Dec 2010I formatted my sd card after taking backup. After that when... moreMaybe you go to samsung service centre,have they update froyo for you..if anything wrong after update you still have warranty..
                          In my case,i updated to froyo dxjpa myself,mobile ap not working,i have to pay to fix it...

                            • s
                            • sanju
                            • Uqr
                            • 10 Dec 2010

                            HOT!!!, 23 Nov 2010does anyone feel that our galaxy s will sometimes become ve... moreupdate teh firmware

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • u3x
                              • 10 Dec 2010

                              Anonymous, 10 Dec 2010how to check the benchmark?Just download "Quadrant standard" from the market.

                                • H
                                • Hk
                                • tDN
                                • 10 Dec 2010

                                PravSg, 09 Dec 2010I formatted my sd card after taking backup. After that when... moreIt means your mtp application working now,not blinking anymore
                                Is your kies latest version,try install latest version,old version difficult to connect..

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • v3L
                                  • 10 Dec 2010

                                  how to check the benchmark?

                                    • c
                                    • choy
                                    • PS6
                                    • 10 Dec 2010

                                    Anonymous, 08 Dec 2010Can anyone please advise which phone is the best - I9000Gal... moreDude....this phone is way better than n8.....i never got anything other than nokia before....this is my frst time....believe me

                                      • R
                                      • Rex
                                      • ftV
                                      • 09 Dec 2010

                                      My galaxy s RAM is 326 though 512 Mb was what was written on the specs

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 4xh
                                        • 09 Dec 2010

                                        I've had this phone for a few days now, the only thing I'm impressed with is the 4.0" Super AMOLED screen. The interface is somewhat laggy and choppy (using stock 2.1 Eclair) compared to the HTC Desire (2.2 Froyo)I used to have...

                                        Does anyone have recommendations on how to fix the lag? I've already done a factory reset.