Samsung U600

Samsung U600

User opinions and reviews

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  • a
  • ahf
  • 4fV
  • 30 Sep 2007

Really Lesley??? Please go back to sleep and do not undermine the reviews of the unhappy. This phone is a piece of garbage. You obviously have never used a real phone that actually functioned. You would have to be insane or just stupid to rate this phone a 9.5. Relative to what? Look at the reviews. You do not see a recurring problem with the phone being too slow? Why don't you actually put a 2gb memory card in and then you tell me how great this phone is. When you are waiting nearly 45 seconds to play a video and current Motorola phone can play in around six seconds. Please do not come on here suggesting you did research. What research? You read a bunch of reviews from people who own the phone. But you chose to ignore some of the major faults of this phone because you want to like it in the first place. The camera is slow, every function that involves the memory card being read is slow to the point of being bizarre. It is not only strange, but astonishing as to how slow this phone operates when reading the memory card. It is not even the case of this phone just being a bit on the slow side. IT IS SO SLOW. What about the battery life??? Are you going to say that it is also good? The battery life on this phone is shocking. The battery drains so quickly that even I was baffled. What about the bluetooth functions? Having to connect every single time you want to make a call even if the headset was recognized? You think that is acceptable? My 1999 Ericcson T39 connects without any bs, why not this phone? Have you compared the text messaging to any other phone? I can tell you I have, and this phone is terrible to text with for so many reasons. I have addressed many of them previously. There are other issues that may be preference/taste related. The horrible battery life and slow speed of this phone are nothing to laugh about.

    • V
    • Venon
    • Pn2
    • 30 Sep 2007

    Hi, guys!
    This mobile can record in format Cif or Qcif?

      • L
      • Lesley
      • qJw
      • 29 Sep 2007

      I did a lot of research before buying this phone. From hundreds of opinions I've read, I've come to the conclusion that most people who are unhappy with it are those that have a hard time with high-tec things. I bought it unlocked for a great price. I'm very happy with this phone. It doesnt freeze on me at all. I rate it a 9.5

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Tkh
        • 29 Sep 2007

        I have had my U600 for 3 weeks and it has not been function as well as it was wen i got it :O
        e.g. cant save edited photos and it gets so hot when it shouldnt.
        Has anyone else had this problem????

          • R
          • Rafsan
          • 2F2
          • 29 Sep 2007

          Hey any guys halp me out. How to use rds in u600

            • r
            • romulus
            • nit
            • 29 Sep 2007

            use the's easy boys and, messagges, all it's easy...if you have time and patience to read the manual...and get a taste of the phone...

              • R
              • Rafsan
              • 2F2
              • 29 Sep 2007

              Hey guys how to use rds...plsss tell mee

                • A
                • Adam
                • nF9
                • 29 Sep 2007

                Yay! after a long wait i am finally getting my u600!

                  • v
                  • vibez
                  • 4Bd
                  • 29 Sep 2007

                  DEFINATELY do not choose the u600 if you want quality pics. Most ppl here think that the shitty 500kb pics it produces are "good quality"...dont be fooled

                    • S
                    • Shaman
                    • PSd
                    • 29 Sep 2007

                    I am interested in buying a Mobile with 3MegaPixle Camera,
                    I have found 2 strong candidates that fulfill my requirements. (1) N73 ME, (2) Samsung U600.
                    I need your suggestions/recommendations to finalize my selection.

                      • v
                      • vibez
                      • 57S
                      • 29 Sep 2007

                      4XUh, what are the sizes of these fantastic pictures that you take? Im really curious to know if mine is defective or not

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 4XU
                        • 28 Sep 2007

                        you must be defected because when i upload my pictures they look like the were taken with a luminix digital camera!

                          • v
                          • vibez
                          • 4ms
                          • 28 Sep 2007

                          How come the camera for this phone SUCKS SO BAD! For a 3.2MP camera this is the worst quality yet. In daylight and normal conditons the best i can get is like a 500kb photo and is pretty blurry. WTF is up with that. My D807 took better pics than this pos. I heard that it is possible to get 3MB pics but in my opinion this is just impossible...What kind of quality pics do you get with your U600?

                            • g
                            • gits
                            • jIU
                            • 28 Sep 2007

                            this is one cool phone for that kind of price. two questions, has anyone found a proper fitting case/pouch this phone and what videos are compatible for setting as wallpaper?

                              • T
                              • T
                              • prM
                              • 28 Sep 2007

                              Block messages: First country Nr. ++00/0000
                              Music player: From microSD to play list than play all songs

                                • L
                                • Leanne
                                • iGR
                                • 28 Sep 2007

                                can you please tell me how can i block someone from sending me massages? i put the number in the block messages and by address but i keep receiving massages from the me plssss

                                  • R
                                  • Rafsan
                                  • 2F2
                                  • 28 Sep 2007

                                  Hey guys how to play music files from memory card one after another..Whenever i play song from memory card the player stop after playing a song. And there is no way to play memoty card music files from main music player...... Pls help me out... And how to record from radio ??????

                                    • p
                                    • p
                                    • mV7
                                    • 28 Sep 2007

                                    Important: U600 video 352x288 :)) very good
                                    U700 video 176x144 :( sad and bad

                                    U600 much better if you dont need UMTS. U600 has also fast data EDGE.

                                      • m
                                      • mmm
                                      • 0x9
                                      • 28 Sep 2007

                                      Sensor keys are very good like normal keys Not so sensible like by E900 or LG Chocolate. Much much better.
                                      Best phone!!!!!

                                        • k
                                        • kakamaka
                                        • prM
                                        • 28 Sep 2007

                                        Video 352x288 CIF 15-20 or more fps..this is enough good. It looks really useable and cristal clear.
                                        Smart search, Voice rec, FM radio, SMS-all tones, better alarm, new melodies, New Music player, 3,2Mpx horizontal view with zoom function before and after picturing. Video also horizontal view (like by SE).
                                        DISPLAY is larger than D900. Near 2,3 inch 34x45mm.
                                        Web browser for normaly web browsing like on desk PC. All SMS stay in sentbox without choosing send&save, only send. E-mail has new inbox separat of sms.
                                        Camera recognises Visit cards and save data to contacts--smart of samsung. All No. saves in tel, fax, etc, mail. Very good thing. TFT has sunlight mode for better visibility in the sun....also good function. Set up wizard for set up the phone...time, day, ringing tone etc etc also good. Alarm event is louder and better than by older models. Loudspeaker very good and natur-sound by speaking. Rings are loud 1-7. A lot of new function.
                                        The best cell I ever had, and I had a lot of cells 30-40