Samsung X510
- ?
- Anonymous
- wYE
- 27 Feb 2008
hi there, great features, great design, great structure. i love this fone so much.... so can any one, gve this fone. cause i still dnt hve it plz..............
- h
- hatem
- fvC
- 23 Jan 2008
i can't use the infrared to exchange picture.
pls,i want help.Is there any another way to send them to computer.Is there a cable for this phone.
- C
- Chandrima
- RKj
- 21 Jan 2008
I can't operate the Infered activity and Data cable of this particular set. Please anyone help me.
- M
- MuyGuapo
- wHr
- 14 Jan 2008
Heres the sad truth. The Infrared of the phones is good onle for sending contact information... meaning you can only send phonebook entries through IR. This is rather disappointing. The only way for you to get your pics out of your phone is by MMS it to a phone that can be connected to a computer and vice versa.
- r
- ratna dewi
- ibq
- 03 Jan 2008
can anyone please tell me how to recieve or transfer picture....relly crazy about it....
- r
- rg
- whA
- 03 Jan 2008
i'm unable to transfer and recieve tones and pics through the infrared. what can i do to achieve this tasks?
- l
- leth
- w0Q
- 02 Jan 2008
please help me...i don't know how to send my picture to my laptop. i'm using infrared to send the Pc is looking for an installer and i don't really know where or how to get that.thanks a lot!!!
- Y
- Yasser khan
- PEn
- 28 Dec 2007
hi there the problem in ma fone is that the Infra port doesn't working wid any fone so is there any one that got the same problem plz let me know ...
- ?
- Anonymous
- PEn
- 17 Dec 2007
can anyone plzzz tell me how to transfer pix to pc...
- n
- nature_boyHH
- v0q
- 07 Dec 2007
i've had this phone for just over a week and i'm already looking around for a different one to buy. the x510 sucks. the most basic of functions like calling and texting takes more steps to accomplish. fine, its supposed to be an inexpensive phone, but samsung should have atleast given it a decent system.
if you think you're interested in getting the x510, i suggest you look elsewhere.
- j
- jac
- NaD
- 07 Dec 2007
can u program the phone to answer on opening clamshell
- J
- Jason
- Tbq
- 16 Nov 2007
Excellent phone, great design....i dont care about pics musics and stuff..if i wanted good picture quality ill just buy my self a Canon D40, Music i'll buy an IPOD...
- d
- ddebug
- mgg
- 16 Nov 2007
X510 has little memory, no PC communication (IR acts only as modem). However the screen is bright, has big letters, loud sound. A good cheap phone for little kids or seniors.
- j
- jsolisre
- mdb
- 06 Nov 2007
The infrared can only be used to transmit contacts from the address book to a PC or another X510. It will not communicate with my PDA.
There is free software from Samsung to manage the contacts, ringtones and wallpapers but I am unable to get it to work, even with the proper datacable.
No Bluetooth, and the camera is of abysmal quality.
The T9 text input aid is terribly quirky and annoying, always the first thing I disable when I try to send a text message.
Polyphonic ringtones only in 2007?!?!? Come on Samsung, this is way below an entry level phone, this is mocking your clients.
- c
- candyxoxo
- PGi
- 03 Nov 2007
copper roxxx. this fone is the bombbxx
kisses, candyxoxo
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nhd
- 31 Oct 2007
how can i load my mixit
- G
- Gopalakrishnan
- mJe
- 21 Oct 2007
I am very much impressed on Samsung X510 and I would like to know whether I can send/receive data/pictures either from computer or any other mobile, by using Data cable or Blue tooth.
Awaiting your valued information.
- p
- pao
- vx6
- 20 Oct 2007
hi!!where can i find the 'sent messages' folder????
- ?
- Anonymous
- N7T
- 19 Oct 2007
make it FM Radio,MP3,sms ringtones facilities. it will rock !!!!!!!
- r
- rukia
- mqc
- 12 Oct 2007
can some1 please tell me how u can send things to this Phone via infrared on this phone please