Sony Ericsson W300
- g
- genepomelo
- 05 Feb 2007
Ei guys i have a question... Hopefully someone will answer this. Its about the memory card
Is it ok to use a Micro SD card instead of Sony Memory Stick Micro M2 card?
Coz i saw this guy trying to buy a 1gb memory card for his SE K610i (coz K610i & W300 has the same memory card, sony M2) and at first he was looking for a 1gb Sony M2 card, to replace its stock memory card 64mb, then he saw that his memory card isn't a M2 card its a 64mb micro SD card in his fone all along. so he just bought the 1gb SD card, then he inserted the memory card in his fone and worked perfectly that is it possible to use a SD card instead of a M2 card? SD card is cheaper than the M2 card
Answer pls.. thanks!!!
- p
- professor gilmar
- P2d
- 05 Feb 2007
I bought this phone 2 weeks ago and so far I can say that I'm very satisfied.
-really good at being a phone, that is the most important for me < very good earpiece sound, good signal, clear and loud speaker, good size, really good battery, quick at sending sms or mms, nice phonebook and last call record systems>
-very fast and easy interface, multi task (you can access and use several functions at the same time), run every java game or application that its tried
-internal display very bright and clear, but not as good as a 65k colors nokia display, at least for me
-external display surprisingly good, especially under sun were you can see the information totally clear.
-lots of nice extra features such as alarm, calculator, calendar, stop watch, timer, music mate, radio fm, some of the games, video/photo DJ (can't say the same about the music DJ feature wich is very lame), sound recorder (even the sound getting kind of low), bluetooth/infrared, complete software CD and walkman player*
-the walkman player is just perfect.Of course, that isn't a surprise, everybody knows, but I didn't expected to be that good. You have total and very easy access and control of all your songs stored in the phone and in the card, you can sort them as you want, you can set the equalizer yourself or select the preset ones, and there's the megabass one that is really awesome. Its quality boosts with the top high quality earphone that comes with the phone. There's more good things about it but not so relevant.
-its camera is not a megapixel one but I'm ok with it, have nice diferent effects, takes bright pictures. I didn't expected a digital camera and I didn't get one. For me it can be cosidered as a pro.
There's just a few cons, and all a little irrelevant:
-lack of the activity menu, were you can create and access a lots of shorcuts, bookmarks and were you can see the running apps. to me its a shame that this menu its missing, it is very useful.
-its possible to create just 2 shorcuts due to the lack of the activity menu
-can't see videos in fullscreen mode, and to see the pictures in fullscreen you have to rotate them, you don't have the specific option to do that.
-The browser of the phone its not as good as I expected so I had to switch to the good and old friend operamini browser.
-can't change the on/off animation
-the flip is a little little bit loose, I don't know if its my phone that came defective, but I got used to it. Also the phone make some creeky sounds depending on the way you hold it, I had to get used to that either.
Thats all that I remember now, if I remember something else later I'll write it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nxs
- 04 Feb 2007
when the phone is closed it liiks cool i love the out side display but i realy hate the when the phone is open it looks rely ugly
- T
- TC15
- Nxs
- 04 Feb 2007
this phone is to big and has a small screan and a bad key bord
- ?
- Anonymous
- pu6
- 04 Feb 2007
Hi! I have the w3ooi black since Thursday, it is a really graeat & value 4 money phone. However, I would like to ask a few things:
1. Can FM radio be displayed on the orange external screen?
2. When I listen to music or radio via hands-free & I have an incoming call, I don't hear the ringtone from the earphones. Is it possible? Bcos in Nokia phones with hands-free, music is interrupted & u hear the ringtone from the ear phones.
3. How can I change stations when listening to FM radio? Again, in Nokia I used to have, u can also do it by pressing the button of the hands-free. In the hands-free of w300i, by pressing it it says something about voice recording only.
4. When the phone is deactivated, I don't see the clock screened, although I have activated the function of displaying hour even in deactivated phone (I can see it only when it is charged deactivated).
Thanks a lot!!!
- L
- Laden
- imj
- 03 Feb 2007
This is the best phone in the world. Excellent performance.......
- ?
- Anonymous
- nX9
- 03 Feb 2007
Camera is NOT 1.3 but 0.3 megapix. 1.3 can be achieved with interpolation, which is not the same thing and can never give the quality of real 1.3.
- s
- sab40
- RN@
- 03 Feb 2007
This is the best phone around it has everything u need 1.3 mega pixel camera 256 megabyte stick and 20 megabytes internal also it has good quality and very loud sound. This phone is probably the loudest Walkman.Also it has a good standby so u don't have 2 recharge that often very light perfect design. And has the best headphones on a phone. Its got fm radio and and has quad band. I would recommend this phone.
- c
- cg
- nX9
- 02 Feb 2007
I tried in the store and man - what a terrible, horrible keypad! It's a real shame, because the rest is not bad at all. Not only the keys are so small but they overlap. I could not type a single fone nr without a mistake, let alone txt. And the buttons for walkman and power are so tiny, it's just ridiculous.
I know SE meant this fone for the 'youth', but this is not even suitable for an average 15 yrs old kid.
- B
- Bill gate
- T4v
- 02 Feb 2007
I love this phone
It has an good walkman player
good momery
everything is good!
- l
- logim
- Q}x
- 01 Feb 2007
now... this is what I call a POS
crappiest camera, bad software (as every SE), hideous design, useless outer buttons, cheap-plastic-bulky feeling, horrible keypad, 128x160 display ohh and don't forget the mono screen... everything is wrong in this thing...
"90% of w810... 60% of the price..." are you insane??? it's not even close to *ANY* other phone... $220 uhhmmm NO... rip-off
- m
- mustafa
- mJs
- 01 Feb 2007
can u make a reviews for dis fone plzzzzzzz
thanks gsm
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4mD
- 01 Feb 2007
ok so i went and got this phone simply becuz i cudnt get anything better. so i sorta settled for it cuz am a motorola kinda girl. but hey I LOVE IT. its da best phone av ever had. my only hang up is there isnt a lock feature to like lock ma pics and messages etc. but u cud download a password thingy from the net. GET DIS FRICKING PHONE YALL!!!
- M
- MauricioF
- Pv5
- 31 Jan 2007
The W300 is the 90% of the W810 for the 60% of the cost. It is not worthwhile to buy the thousand.
- Z
- Zizel
- M@T
- 31 Jan 2007
To get better video recording quality, put the video size to 128*98 sub qcif instead of qcif. It will be sharper and clearer.
- D
- Dean
- mHp
- 31 Jan 2007
ive just brought this phone and i really like it, its got very good memory, and the memory provide also. BUT, the camera picture quality as a bit bad compaired to other 1.3mp cams. but the internet is fab on orange and is really simple to use also. the games are ok but a bit girly, such as NEO PETS, but over all i would say 8/10.
- S
- Snehal
- M@T
- 30 Jan 2007
Photo caller id is supported on w300i.
In bluetooth while receiving multiple files from 'my devices' i always have to click 'allow' for all the receiving files. Even though i have selected 'always allow' for that device(phone). Is this normal? coz its annoying to click 'allow' every time while receiving multiple files. Thanks
- b
- blackdaisy
- 30 Jan 2007
hi everybody im planning on getting this phone very soon and i'm trying to figure out if this is the right phone for me and the more i look into this phone i think it's good for me but i want to know if ya'll really like the phone
- m
- merican
- PA8
- 30 Jan 2007
all my frend said its a nice hp(physically),cool.for me its cool too but the picture quality is quite bad. the seller said that, w300i support 1GB memory card..overall i satisfied with this hp.
- I
- IceSA
- Nhd
- 30 Jan 2007
id just like to know if this phone has photo caller ID (the best thing about my current samsung E330). id really miss that feature if it doesnt!!!