Sony Ericsson W580
- ?
- Anonymous
- q{e
- 12 Oct 2007
Nicest phone I ever had. Loved it, great features and great design. I always got compliments on it and it has a unique style. Great sound in the music and also a really nice screen. It has different themes so its like having a new phone all the time :) Sadly i dropped mine in a toilet and it doesnt work anymore :( but i highly recommmend it to anyone as long as you dont have big fingers since the buttons are tinyy.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vuf
- 12 Oct 2007
I got my phone a week ago and it's working fine for me.
My battery lasts on average about 4-5 days including playing games and playing music, but i turned off bluetooth and fitness applications unless i need to use it.
For your first charge, charge it 10 hours and the next charge turn it off and charge it til its full.
No signs of cracking keypad yet!
- j
- joseph joihn
- PA5
- 11 Oct 2007
Hi my friends I really like this ph by looking but I red lots of complains regarding key padcrack Is anybody using this ph without crack I really like it
And could u tell me regarding battery life if I use loud ph for music how many hrs I can use bcs i have habit lisening music for long time. So if i use around 5 hrs for music in loud is the batterry still good pls tell me yarrr
I want to buy this And I have a question regarding I Just want to buy from inside the airpot is it very expnsive or light diffrence pls let me know because i am going on next wedensday
- N
- ntP
- 11 Oct 2007
I tried in .aac and .aac+, but i wanted to know how's the .eaac+. The .aac is slighty smaller than .wma, which is to times less than .mp3.
- ?
- Anonymous
- x5q
- 11 Oct 2007
umm.. try using itunes to convert your songs to AAC format. i dunno about it but you can try if you want ok?
- N
- ntP
- 11 Oct 2007
OK, Sony Ericsson says that on a 512MB card you can store up to 420 songs (or something like that). The music should be in eAAC format. The thing is I can't find a program that converts music to this format? Can someone help me? I'll appreciate...:)
- ?
- Anonymous
- n$e
- 11 Oct 2007
W850i VS W580i?
+ Its slimmer + lighter
+ Camera
+ Music shuffling facility
+ Slightly better battery
- No flash
- Less internal memory
-/+ Takes different memory
- Build quality
But, the keys have a history of cracking....
While the W850i doesnt
- T
- TyTN
- M3W
- 11 Oct 2007
@ td
yes, 'sony will fix it'.
just take it to where you bought it.
- x
- xander7
- wYy
- 11 Oct 2007
i bought the SE W580i 1 week ago, this phone is really great. the specs and the looks are fine with me. there's only one concern from me, is it normal that the back of my phone gets hot when im playing musics, transfering files via bluetooth and charging? i think the heat is not the normal hotness, cause its really hot, but not as hot that it will burn you. is it normal for s.e. walkman phones?
- t
- td
- 4Dj
- 11 Oct 2007
i'm really sad about my phone because i've had it for about a month and almost all of my keys have cracked..i don't use my nails to punch the buttons or anything. I just think it's bad manufacturing...does anyone know if sony will fix it?
- K
- Khan-Delhi
- 2@k
- 11 Oct 2007
Got this phone today white one.
It looks nice side lights r gud.
Camera iz nice but a flash shud b there in da phone.
Slide iz nice too but keypad needs 2 b improved.
Sound quality iz gud n Shake control iz just Rockin'.
Overall the package iz gud in 12500(rupees) about US$(310).I'm lovin' it...
- m
- mike
- TfX
- 11 Oct 2007
can anybody pls tell me how the discount coupons really works? does the 2g M2 stick really worth only P500 as it says on the coupon? or is it just P500 off from the real price of the memory card? i'd really appreciate ur help guys
- m
- mike
- TfX
- 11 Oct 2007
hi.. im new here. and i just like 2 say what i think about the w580. i've been using the phone for more thean a month now. and i just really can't see why others dont like this phone.It's working great and it's almost a whole package coz the only thing missing would be the photo light and the flash. but still i give it a 9 out of 10.. but to be honest, i think i'll still swap this phone to a w910i. just waiting for it's release here in the Phil.. nwei.. SE still is the best option to me than blurr screens of nokia.. c",)
- D
- Dude
- 10 Oct 2007
yea i agree with NDY... go for the w580... better design, and stuffs... even if the keypad do break, u can still press it... its just a little design change... that i according to personal view cuz my #4keypad is cracked but i still uses it... and the fact ti has louder speaker... and a bit of correction of NDY's opinion... w660 has no flash nor autofocus...
- N
- ntP
- 10 Oct 2007
@ curlycute
I advise you to buy the W580.
Bigger screen, and you have some cool things like the Shake Control, side lights, fitness application, and other. I mean, if on your preferences you want a good design, than go for this one.
W660 has only the auto focus and flash more than W580.
- k
- kerry
- pJ2
- 10 Oct 2007
my b/f is buyin me this phone 4 my bday. cant wait to get my hands on it.
- A
- Azn
- xqH
- 10 Oct 2007
I had bought this phone about half a month ago now. No cracks on the keypad that people complain about and the slider is good. The battery seems to be very reasonable to me. MP3 runs for 8 hours of the day and only uses 30-40%. The lights on it looks great. I dont think if you use the normal interface it will shine random colors.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ycj
- 10 Oct 2007
okay thanks dude. i would rate this phone 9 out of 10 cuz of the battery. it drains so much power due to the high resolution screen and the fancy lights. the screen resolution is a little bit better than the K790/K800. i compared it together with my father's phone.
- N
- ntP
- 09 Oct 2007
Today was the big day: i bought the phone. Finally. It's the urban gray one, because the white one wasn't available.
As I played with it less that 2 hours, the first impression is quite good.
The keypad isn't the strongest I've ever seen, but if you're careful, I can't see how it can crack. My tip is to press on the center of the keys, as on its sides it bends a little when you press.
The camera isn't so bad as many tell. If you many quality photos, than take a real camera. If you want to take a "pic-on-the-spot", than the one this phone has is good.
The Walkman player is wonderful, the Mega Bass add on really gives other sound to the music, and the earphones are top class. Even the fancy shake control is cool, and gives a different personality on your phone.
The lights are also a plus on the design, even though they drain an important segment of the battery.
The fitness application is useful only for personal purposes, just as a new handy thing, which changes a little bit the interaction between you and your phone.
The menu, the icons, the themes are very well designed, and fit perfectly with the phone.
The slide is a little bit "shaky", but it doesn't bother in medium use.
The applications included in this phone are also quite interesting; they can be really helpful in comparison with some others.
As an ending, I give 9.5 out of 10 for this phone. I really like it. So far, I don't regret anything, and I wish the situation will be the same, at least for some months:).
Hope my review was helpful for some of you, and if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me.
And sorry for my not-so-good English :).
- ?
- Anonymous
- xJM
- 09 Oct 2007
@ xOx~XoX
you are too young, stick with the pay phones