Sony Ericsson W800

Sony Ericsson W800

User opinions and reviews

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  • W
  • W800 fun
  • 5I}
  • 17 Feb 2006

yes it does play video in full screen mode

    • s
    • scott
    • TjT
    • 17 Feb 2006

    This phones menu and functionality are great but there are problems. The camera is average but it's a phone so what do you expect. The MP3 player is average but it's a phone so what do you expect. But the fault that is really annoying me is what I call the black screen of death! For no apparent reason the screen goes black, there is still power because the keys light up, and the only way to solve the problem is to remove the battery and restart the phone. I've had the latest software upgrade but didn't solve it. Has anyone else had this problem? Could you fix it?

      • c
      • catherine
      • iba
      • 17 Feb 2006

      be aware if u wanna buy ap set..some unscrupulous dealers use 2nd hand hp to sell at 1st hand price by reformating and changing the check the serial number by pressing *#06#
      if its a original set, the serial number must be the not sure with the ap set..ap set has price difference with waranty from different company..different company has different level of QC. Whether they replaced their parts with other stuff, its another question.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Nxs
        • 17 Feb 2006

        I have been using a Sony Ericsson W800i for a week now without any problem until today when it just froze and I had to restart again.A brilliant phone nonetheless,I hope it won't do the freezing thing again.

          • E
          • Erujj Abbas
          • PF2
          • 17 Feb 2006

          Hi I am currently using noKia 6630 and planning to buy a W800.What do u duys reccomend?Ur opinions will help me alot.Another thing DOES W800 plays video in full screen mode? PLZ REPLY

            • R
            • Rashid
            • mWe
            • 17 Feb 2006

            Whats the point of a software update tool when its a problem with the hardware anyway?? Leon is right with what he is saying many probs associated with this phone.. avoid!

              • K
              • Krys
              • PP$
              • 17 Feb 2006

              The sony Ericcson website (well the Australian one anyways) offers you a software update tool so just download it and update your phone and you shouldn't have any issues with uploading music. Simple, easy explanation for everything. STOP WHINING!! Look for the answers. :)

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • AUg
                • 16 Feb 2006

                But it unbranded. Seems like the Orange users are having troubles and a lot other people are happy with it. Def the best phone I've bought and i'm happy with it.

                  • L
                  • Leon
                  • mWe
                  • 16 Feb 2006

                  oh and Iguess whats why they released a more or less identical w810i to quickly quell the anger of dissatisfied w800i owners, telling people the only difference is edge in this release (Nope the software has also been upgraded)!

                  I have mine ordered as a replacement of Orange as I took my complaint to the top after finding the problems were in a large majority of handsets!

                    • L
                    • Leon
                    • mWe
                    • 16 Feb 2006

                    Hmmm I only sell mobile for a living so guess I dont know anything then :(
                    By all means go out and but this phone but a lot of people of dissapointed with the poor pc sync software, memory card bugs and errors, phamtom dissapearing files, corrupt memory card slot and then to be told of Orange that it makes calls and thats all they have to provide.

                    All the people slating me type w800i problems in google and watch in disbeleif as it shows exactly what im saying above, jeez bloomin fanboys do my nut in!

                      • c
                      • conyo kid
                      • mDf
                      • 16 Feb 2006

                      thanks for the information sir...

                        • c
                        • coffee
                        • 6Ci
                        • 16 Feb 2006

                        To conyo kid and Leon

                        To Leon

                        Yes, there is a fake SE and it is made from china. Take a look at these pictures -in-china/ . Cheers

                          • c
                          • conyo kid
                          • mDf
                          • 16 Feb 2006

                          to leon:

                          which jungle did you came from? do you know how to use a mobile phone? i think you have such a gorilla hands. (95% of the users here agree with me hahahah.) so you better get yourself a nokia 5110 dude. i've read some forums about the w800i and there is no such thing that 75% of the users are not satisfied with this phone. i do have this phone for 4 mos now and i've never seen any single problem.

                            • H
                            • Hudson
                            • 46j
                            • 16 Feb 2006

                            Disc2Phone is a program that is used to transfer songs from your computer to your phone. You may be thinking, "Wait, I can just drag and drop them in my audio file and I'm good to go." Yes and No, you can play your music that way but you're phone won't know what the artist or the album is because it uses the files the song is inside to find this information.
                            So, use Disc2Phone, it will do all the work for you.

                            Second, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! The w800, k750, d750, ALL can use a 2GB memory stick. I have had one in my phone for the last month, not problemo.

                            Any other questions email me or got to this forum:

                              • C
                              • Chris
                              • msn
                              • 16 Feb 2006

                              Hey everybody i love this phone is perfect !!!! I buyed it because of the super pictures that came out with 2 MP camera and great sound quality for the mp3 player which has 512 mb !! another great thing that is the fact that u can store on its memory text files written in WORDPAD ! super cool ! it suports it ! check it out !

                                • i
                                • ina
                                • Q$5
                                • 16 Feb 2006

                                aaaaaahhhh...i finally got this fon today! could not wait to try the d2phone..i was so scared from all the comments i read before.and i was concerned about not being to transfer more than 2 songs at a time..i am so pleased!not only i was able to transfer a full cd successfully..i was also able to download it in less than 3 minutes!

                                  • j
                                  • jack
                                  • mxE
                                  • 15 Feb 2006

                                  this phone is good but i got k750i instead and it is way better get k750i it has betta cAMera as the lens cover on w800i casts a shadow over the lens.

                                  k750i also has free java applications like world clock which is ace!!

                                    • T
                                    • TMP
                                    • kah
                                    • 15 Feb 2006

                                    Does anyone know if we can use a 2gb MS Pro Duo with the W800i. Has anyone ever tried it?

                                      • V
                                      • Vinny
                                      • mED
                                      • 15 Feb 2006

                                      I've been using this cool machine for 2 months, yeaaaaah it's cool first time i like a phone I always used phones just to talk now i can talk, listen to music , and take photos with the fantastic camera......

                                        • e
                                        • emac4lyf
                                        • jxu
                                        • 15 Feb 2006

                                        Ok I just Upgraded my firmware from R1N035 to R1AA008

                                        Its Awesome!! I guess...

                                        Well my question now is What is the disc2phone?

                                        Is it like an I-Tunes? where you organize your music and stuff?

                                        Well the way I put music on my phone is through Card readers and put em in the MP3 folder..

                                        What kinda sucks is I use mp3 edited ringtones.. When I go to my MP3 player on my phone.. My ringtones are there as well..

                                        PLS HELP.. anyone have a solution to this problem?

                                        To separate the ringtones from the MP3 songs.