Sony Ericsson W800

Sony Ericsson W800

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Adam
  • Spn
  • 28 Aug 2005


First of all! There are some people who seems to have a hard time coping with the fact that SE w800i is better than the nokia n90.... I say that those who are jelaous of the w800i may shut up. Please...

Further more, the access of the w800i in Sweden is very difficult. I'm getting mine the 5th of september.... SonyEricsson for the people!
Adios muchachos!

    • G
    • GUNG
    • M}5
    • 28 Aug 2005

    i took a photo of my dads horses and the photo was first class just like a camera would take.. not one blurry photo .video is sharp too . the review is correct..i give it 10/10

      • D
      • D-Tox
      • iwq
      • 28 Aug 2005

      i dont know can someone who has w800i add me on msn messenger please or send me an email with A REAL pic taken from there w800 thanks coz i wanna see wht it is like and the pic had some lines in it which isnt clear mayb all my shoots are close up is that a problem my email is

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Ycp
        • 28 Aug 2005

        obviously the problem is not the phone but yourself... the review said it is even slightly better than the N90. there is the slight chance you have a defective one though.

          • S
          • SE Supporter
          • TIF
          • 28 Aug 2005

          k750i n w800i only difference is $$ / colour / design thats all!!!!

            • O
            • Olyana Kashuk
            • 41d
            • 28 Aug 2005

            With regards to the color. I don't particularly like the color either...however, the decison that Sony made was easy to understand.

            > It's a "Walkman"--and they are orange!
            > It's a retro 70s color
            > It's designed for a Target Market (People in their 30s or younger).
            To add -
            > The design and construction is more condusive to an active lifestyle or sports activities. (The K750i has a tendency to flex because of the sliding camera door; and the button are not as robust and firm.)

              • O
              • Olyana Kashuk
              • 41d
              • 28 Aug 2005

              To: Rune,

              "Strange" ... are you joking? Verison and Sprint don't even use GSM. This phone is GSM, so Sony may not sell too many--especially considering it does not have the 850 freq. for Cingular.

              With regards to the rest of the world. It's not been released in all markets; and, the US has the FCC and more restrictions.

              In any case: The W800i is currently sold--in the US--unlocked and does not require a contract. Euro imports are more expensive than buying it directly from SomyStyle USA (Check Mobile City and Cellular Concepts). Plus, the Euro version has the wrong charger.

              I think two extra weeks was worth the wait.
              (This is only my opinion--I could be wrong)

                • O
                • Olyana
                • 41d
                • 28 Aug 2005


                It was easy to know when it was out. There was a countdown-timer on the SonyEricsson site for weeks. It was available when stores opened Friday morning.

                All current SonyEricsson phones can be configured using the site--whether it's T-Mobile, Cingular, AT&T, Orange, 02 etc. It take about one minute to setup the phone. The settings are sent immediately via a text message.

                = = = = =

                Oh, people who are saying that the K750i and W800i are the same--have not seen them. There are several differences--including the firmware and construction.

                  • R
                  • Rune
                  • mY7
                  • 28 Aug 2005

                  Yo SE users in USA.

                  Seems strange but some people on this forum has been wondering when the W800 will hit the stores. In Europe it has been in the stores for a while. How come USA is so far behind the rest of the world in release dates?

                    • k
                    • kenneth
                    • I7q
                    • 27 Aug 2005

                    sup olyana! i live in the USA and want this phone. howd u know it was out? so its out in tmobile huh and howd u do the settings for the wap mms and stuff.. just go to sonyericsson site? i want this phone too. or the d6oo or the Nokia N70, but i dont know. they all have their strengths. can u email me? thanks

                      • g
                      • gung
                      • M}5
                      • 27 Aug 2005

                      got a leather case to keep my w800 clean and tidy . krusell . on ebay the best case i have had on a phone to date ..

                        • O
                        • Olyana
                        • 41d
                        • 27 Aug 2005

                        The W800i was released today in the USA. It has the T-Mobile Frequencies inside--900, 1800, 1900. I went to a Sony-Style outlet. The Sony Ericsson rep. was there in the store. He had both the K750i and W800i with him. He said that the construction--although not as pretty--of the W800i is much better. I.e. Better plastic and housing. I felt both phones in my hands. The buttons on the W800i are stronger. The body of the K750i is more flimsy--due to the sliding camera door.

                        Setup from for T-Mobile USA setting took less than 1 minute. I.e. I did not have to call T-Mobile to make the phone work via WAP, MMS, SMS, EMAIL
                        MP3 Quality is Excellent--Better than my Samsung D500.
                        Bluetooth works Great--Equal or better than Samsung D500. Sync with two other phones and two laptops--with no problem.
                        Sound quality via the Sony HBH-300 Bluetooth headset is better than with D500.
                        Photos are much, Much, MUCH better than D500.
                        Battery Life is better than D500.
                        Standard - Walkman, Panasonic, Sony, RCA etc. headphones will work with this phone--via the included adapter.
                        Simple drag-n-drop MP3 files to “Memory Stick.” I.e. I did not have to install any software to load my MP3s.

                        Menu system is a bit confusing and not as intuitive as D500--but more to offer than D500.
                        FM Radio is weak--due to antenna in headset.
                        FM Radio cuts out--due to poor connection of adapter at bottom of phone.
                        Signal Strength seems weaker than D500--but I’m still unsure.
                        Menu / operating system is slower than D500.

                        Does not come with any holster/case.
                        Comes with only basic manual.
                        Did not find a complete manual on setup CD (no pdf manual)

                        With all that stated. It’s a mobile phone. And it needs to work first and foremost as a mobile phone. So, I’m still undecided if it has the call quality and ease of use of the Samsung D500. I’m speculating the D600 may be its match--or better.

                          • h
                          • hail W800
                          • TST
                          • 27 Aug 2005

                          hi to all malaysian...pls note that the retail recommended price by Sony Ericsson itself is RM1999 only, not Rm2229 like some store stated.. so what out!!! those stores a totally rip-off!!

                            • G
                            • GUNG
                            • M}5
                            • 27 Aug 2005

                            the speaker is awsome. this phone is a must have . was on ebay today people are selling the sony ericsson neck strap ... limited edition . the chick in my local vodafone store had one round her neck i asked her how much for the cool looking neck strap . she said i will get you one out back .SIR.. as we have loads . yet people are on e bay stating that they are a rare what would i part with £10 +£2.something p&p.. open your eyes fellow ebayers...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Ycp
                              • 26 Aug 2005

                              What's with all the bashing about the colour of this phone? I personally am getting it because I love the colour

                                • l
                                • lior
                                • ix9
                                • 26 Aug 2005

                                does the speaker of W800/K750 is as good as nokia 6230 speaker or even better?

                                please its importnat
                                thank u

                                  • s
                                  • seamonkey
                                  • ibc
                                  • 26 Aug 2005

                                  can i ask you all one thing, that is can the W800's camera be used after the phone has been switch off???

                                    • S
                                    • Shane Oates
                                    • iIR
                                    • 26 Aug 2005

                                    this handset is amazing its the best handset out.

                                      • C
                                      • Chronics
                                      • Ygj
                                      • 26 Aug 2005

                                      K750 Owns w800 By Lookz n plus i got a 512mb for 40 bucks so its all good their both equal in quality also as they say both good phones the only major differences is the camera n mp3 if ur a music than ya 800 if ur a camera then 750 but overall their both the same the prices as i can say k750 was 600 then dropped to 500 then 400 then staying at 350-400 now but today 800 came out and so its 600 still it'ss drop the same all phones drop styll 8800 so expensive ahha yet i said enough I love my k750!!

                                        • l
                                        • luke talma
                                        • Yd}
                                        • 26 Aug 2005

                                        i just bought my w800i today and was wondering if it playes wma files if not what should i do to make it work