Sony Xperia 1 II

Sony Xperia 1 II

User opinions and reviews

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Fearghast, 22 Jul 2020Oh, I didn't miss it, I was not looking for it. I hea... moreWell, I'm aware that ROG Phone 3 sounds much louder front-firing stereo speakers, but we can't slide Sony's attempt bringing back its front-firing stereo speakers just like that (with some upgrades intact from XZ3's one), a feature was settled on Sony phones since Xperia Z3 (2014), only being absent on 2019. Sure, not loud as the one on XZ3 or even ROG Phones, but at least the balanced sound and clarity is preserved here, which's the precise target to reach from Sony. Like, you seem don't even appreciate the upgrades Sony did in Xperia 1 II.

I mean, even HTC as a pioneer of this feature is no longer adapting front-firing stereo speakers since 2016, and Google Pixel abandoned this since 2019 Pixels. Leaving Sony the only OEM "outside" gaming-phone to have front-firing stereo speakers tucked in the days where punch-hole, notches and all-screen smartphones are in the rage. Same analogy where Mazda bringing its full effort to bring Rotary Engine to life once again in their production vehicles (RX series lineup) in the days where even stricter and tighter engine emission regulations are everywhere.

Sure, go ahead, if you don't agree, I'm fine with it. This is my two cents that what Sony did here should be appreciated, where they did nail the niche market they're searching for.

    Smithravi, 22 Jul 2020I think you missed my speakers review comment. Please searc... moreOh, I didn't miss it, I was not looking for it.
    I heard comparison, the ressults are ... tiny.
    And what do we have here today ROG 3 phone with proper front facing speakers .. imagine that.

      Fearghast, 22 Jul 2020Xperia 1 II - It is the definition of tiny sound - no bass,... moreI think you missed my speakers review comment. Please search my comment with keyword "Madonna" and do yourself a favour. Also I did listen on iPhone and I still prefer Xperia 1 II.

      You're talking as if Xperia 1 II had poor sound quality which I completely has to deny. It is not the same like on your Xperia 5. Xperia 1 II produce decent vocals while retaining the instruments sound in the background without any external noise. It even had low key bass but might not be the best and only you can feel it while holding with your hand. Also as I explained earlier, no loudness of sound can mimic the front firing speakers.

        Smithravi, 22 Jul 2020I'm talking about Xperia 1 II and not Xperia 5. None w... moreXperia 1 II - It is the definition of tiny sound - no bass, muffled mids and highs to the roof.
        Please try other smarthphones, you will do yourself a huge favour.

          Fearghast, 22 Jul 2020As you can hear, even front facing speakers can sound incre... moreI'm talking about Xperia 1 II and not Xperia 5. None will say Xperia 1 II sounds tiny. I can barely listen at 90% volume (75-80% is sweet spot) because I live in a calm place and don't want to disturb my neighbours. Definitely sound wasn't tiny and I can't agree with you on that. Please try yourself one in real life rather than websites. I can record a sample and upload a link for you. But don't come to conclusions from your past experience.

            Fearghast, 22 Jul 2020It seems that way, good show lad. Yeah. To be honest both are fine. It is like battle between JDS Lab Stack and Schiith Stack. Where JDS Lab Stack is less on power but detailed and accurate while Schiith Stack is comparatively warm and laid back but high on power. It comes down to what an individual likes.

              Vineet Reddy, 22 Jul 2020Well then the discussion ended without any conclusion. ... moreIt seems that way, good show lad.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • sSZ
                • 22 Jul 2020

                Vineet Reddy, 22 Jul 2020Yes that was my point. It has to be on a different board at... moreyou should have wrote board instead of box then and let dap/music player alone, most of them have dedicated dac

                  Fearghast, 22 Jul 2020As I was typing ... again ... there are test available. So ... moreWell then the discussion ended without any conclusion.

                  Fine with me.

                    Vineet Reddy, 22 Jul 2020First I recommend hearing it and only then comment. You wil... moreAs I was typing ... again ... there are test available. So I don't have to trust you "feeling" I can actualy read reviews, measurements, facts :D
                    I have a lot of headphones, but TBH I can't be bothered to try to find old Xperia phone to prove my point, I will be fine with "my" measurements and tests.

                      Anonymous, 22 Jul 2020i'm pretty sure this is your quote: Point is that SON... moreYes that was my point. It has to be on a different board at least to be called "dedicated".

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • gCn
                        • 22 Jul 2020

                        Vineet Reddy, 22 Jul 2020Yes that is exactly what I said.i'm pretty sure this is your quote:
                        Point is that SONY DAC and LG DAC(that is not dedicated DAC as what Dedicated DAC means is a complete external box containing DAC which LG or for matter of fact any Smartphone or Music Player has)

                        so perhaps i misread your point, but isn't that your point was anything that has not a a complete external box containing dac is not dedicated dac? so it has to be separate box?

                          Fearghast, 22 Jul 2020There is a description in that test ... It's not that... moreFirst I recommend hearing it and only then comment. You will be surprised how wrong you are. Again I recommend using Monitoring headphones or high end Audiophile headphones and you will understand what I am trying to explain. And most importantly just don't come to conclusion based on which one is able to push more power(volume), set SONY to 100% volume while LG to 80% volume and test.

                            Anonymous, 22 Jul 2020dedicated dac, same stuff as discreet dac, it's just a... moreYes that is exactly what I said.

                              Vineet Reddy, 22 Jul 2020That Test I don't know on what basis it was held. And ... moreThere is a description in that test ...
                              It's not that hard and as I typed before, it's not the only test that exists and shows the same results.
                              Good DAC on Sony phones are history, sadly they use Snapdragon DAC for ages now.
                              And yes, I am well aware LG botched AMP implementation - but even botched implementation is better than Sony.
                              Juan was on point.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • sSZ
                                • 22 Jul 2020

                                Vineet Reddy, 22 Jul 2020That Test I don't know on what basis it was held. And ... morededicated dac, same stuff as discreet dac, it's just a dac section that not using onboard terminal which in this case is the soc. ever heard discreet vga? it's just a vga card, you're not using onboard vga. so most of digital audio player is using discreet dac, some of them even including digital output which transform those DAP as a tranport. some decent DAP have a pretty good dac and amplifier section in them.

                                dac consist of dsp+output, the analog output just as much as important as the digital processing section. i'm not sure how great the analog section on smartphone since it's probably not enough space to put a well design amplifier in there

                                  Fearghast, 22 Jul 2020You could say I have more than just a decent headphones at ... moreThat Test I don't know on what basis it was held. And by headphones if it means stock headphones included in package. It doesn't make sense. Anyhow I still recommend you to test it personally. I have tested both XPERIA XZ Premium and LG V40 using two headphones MDR-7520 and HD650 and I can say XPERIA XZ Premium beats LGV40 hands down. Juan said LG has Superior output compared to SONY which he is right and that is what I said in my previous comments(you can go back and check). I said LG has 20-25% more volume output over SONY. What I am comparing is the SOUND QUALITY and not the SOUND QUANTITY. Point is that SONY DAC and LG DAC(that is not dedicated DAC as what Dedicated DAC means is a complete external box containing DAC which LG or for matter of fact any Smartphone or Music Player has) for you I am tearing it down to basic stuff. Okay for you lets consider LG has Superior DAC than SONY then it is obvious that LG screwed up badly in AMP department. AMP effects how the signal output is handled and if there is added warmth then it may be(mostly at) AMP level. But when up we were discussing about DAC I(or both of us) were referring to inbuilt DAC+AMP setup into the phones. Even if LG managed to get better DAC chip in there it screwed up with the AMP no point of having great DAC chip if it is unable to output flat conversion it generates through headphones and adds color and looses detail. SONY on the other hand has a great DAC(okay lets say a notch down from LG) in pairing with equally good AMP(way superior in quality to LG AMP) which helps it output that flat conversion through the headphones without added coloration or loss of detail. As I said before I can get SONY DAC(DAC+AMP) to sound warm like LG using suitable headphones but I cannot make LG sound like SONY no matter how expensive headphones I use as the detail is lost at the output and not at the headphone level.

                                  Yeah It is not as loud as others but it is extremely clear(in comparison to other smartphone speakers and not to headphones or even dedicated speakers) and that is what I said.

                                    Vineet Reddy, 22 Jul 2020Do you have or can you borrow a decent pair of headphones l... moreYou could say I have more than just a decent headphones at my disposal.
                                    Sadly, right now I have only V30 available .. and my Xperia 5 which I will not even bother to look for its adapter.
                                    Anyhow it was reviewed and measured many times before so it's not like nobody can find the results .. I mean real ones, not just "I feel like":
                                    That's for example, because I was lazy to find better test.
                                    ... even Juan came to the same conclusion that Sony is nowhere near LG headphone output.

                                    Speakers clear sounding? Yep I agree, but less powerfull and incredibly tiny - but it's Sony, it's probably hardware design that went wrong and they are trying to "fix" it with Atmos.

                                      Fearghast, 21 Jul 20202) LG uses real dac, much better sound. Sony is not using ... moreDo you have or can you borrow a decent pair of headphones like MDR-7506 under $100. Or Fidelio X2HR around $100 or ATH-MSR7 around $200 or HD600 around $250 or HD650 around $300 or even better MDR-7520 around $300 or Hi-Fi Man Sundara around $350 or HD660S around $450 and list goes on. But just don't try ATH-M50x or DT770Pro as they are not as accurate and detailed as the ones I listed above.

                                      Compare Both XPERIA 1 II against LG V60 or if you don't have access to them compare XPERIA XZ Premium to LG V40 and you will understand the difference. It is clearly noticeable and you won't have to put lot of effort to notice the difference.

                                      Front Facing speakers try them out they are the most clear sounding ones available in the market.

                                        Smithravi, 21 Jul 2020No amount of loudness can mimic front firing speakers. I�... moreAs you can hear, even front facing speakers can sound incredibly tiny and only with Dolby turned on, they are decent .. yet others are often much better (like Xiaomi that actualy has something you can call a bass).
                                        Sony should fire they guy that did the default tuning for speakers on Xperia 1 II ASAP.