Sony Xperia 1 II

Sony Xperia 1 II

User opinions and reviews

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And with shorter warranty, pathetic deal.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • LQw
    • 26 Jun 2020

      Just small information: There are few European websites where one can order this Xperia 1 II (probably import one) for 950 Euros without Headphones bundle.

        Smithravi, 26 Jun 2020Because it is not just in japan, even in Europe Apple price... moreWell, people are rightly complaining about mk II price, its just too steep...
        But, there is always iphones 11 pro max, or s20Ultras price, as counterpoint argument reference....

        People easily forget that the iphone top model 11 pro max price seen mostly, is for base model with only 64 gb ram... and it was indeed 1200, now is 1100...

        There is no "overpriced" argument to be made for any other offering out there, even the japanese 128 gb mk II one, if refered to iphones pricing...

          Tann Hauser, 26 Jun 2020I see a wonder there... plain 64 gb rom/4 gb ram iphone to... moreBecause it is not just in japan, even in Europe Apple prices are ridiculous. According to Apple, 1$ = 1.2 Euros. Even this date 2019 Apple 11 Pro Max 256GB costs 1352 Euros in Europe, yet people never complain about the price. Same people whine about Sony with 270 Euros worth gift for some reason.

            Ali Bashir, 25 Jun 2020No wonder Apple is dominating the market in Japan. I see a wonder there...
            plain 64 gb rom/4 gb ram iphone top model flagship was 1200, and still I believe sold as hotcakes.
            Xperia 1 mk II, even with 128gb, is a much better phone offer for that same price, yet... sells much less.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • JT5
              • 26 Jun 2020

              No review so far complained about battery endurance.
              Too bad haters do not have what to cry for.

                Tann Hauser, 25 Jun 2020Yeah, I dont get that either. For about same price, the w... moreActually, it's not just Sony. LG is selling the V60 for 120,000 yen (1,100 usd).

                Android in general is more expensive here. But it really sucks that Sony is offering an inferior product for the same money.

                  @ gsmarena: Could you please determine an endurance rating for the Xperia 1 II, no matter which software?

                    Zalias, 25 Jun 2020I'd say 90% of the phones I see on the train or people usin... moreYeah, I dont get that either.
                    For about same price, the world gets 256 gb, japan only 128 gb...

                      Ali Bashir, 25 Jun 2020No wonder Apple is dominating the market in Japan. I'd say 90% of the phones I see on the train or people using on the street are iPhones. Of course iPhones can be purchased off contract.

                      What is Sony thinking? This is such a dumb move.

                        Zalias, 25 Jun 2020Sadly this phone is only available with 128GB 8GB RAM here ... moreNo wonder Apple is dominating the market in Japan.

                          Suz, 25 Jun 2020Still no infomation from GSMarena about it but there're rep... moreTBH if anyone consider this as really GOOD I am really SAD. I mean seriously that does not look good at all, I worry what those number are with aod on.
                          I can't wait for the firmware release and first real battery tests.

                            Tann Hauser, 25 Jun 2020Yah, I dont get that japan version thing, it always has low... moreI'm not sure but I really wanted this phone.

                            I'm not sure about buying it though because it's only available through contracts and the contracts are a joke. 3,000 yen a month or a number and 1GB of data if I remember correctly. They also force you into either 24 or 36 payments so you can't just buy it out right and cancel.

                            I guess I'll get an Asus or a ROG III. At least those are contract free. Huawei could be an option too.

                              • H
                              • Hillbill
                              • U{u
                              • 25 Jun 2020

                              Tann Hauser, 25 Jun 2020Yah, I dont get that japan version thing, it always has low... moreOut of 1 gb file they censor 300 mb data.

                                • a
                                • atb
                                • nr0
                                • 25 Jun 2020

                                I have the Xperia 1ii about 2 days now and i am really impressed what this beast have to offer i never thourth that it was so good camera pro and cinema pro are very good to have when taking photos and video at nigthtime . Batterylife is also very good and the clean stock ui is a joy to use just sad that the album and movie creator apps are gone but google photo is doing a good job but i hope that sony brings back the album app other then that the Xperia 1ii is among the best allrounder you can find on the marked rigth now it is expensive but at the same time is worth it .

                                  Zalias, 25 Jun 2020Sadly this phone is only available with 128GB 8GB RAM here ... moreYah, I dont get that japan version thing, it always has lower rom than international, for same pricing, with no other option...
                                  I dont get it, why they do that to japan market?

                                    Guido, 25 Jun 2020I'm still waiting for a full battery life test. Any indicat... moreIts done here in this rev, at 18:45 min mark:

                                    It looks quite good. At 90hz smoothing an hour more than xp 1, at 60hz two hr more...
                                    Altho, bare in mind, not same test parameter as here.

                                      Sadly this phone is only available with 128GB 8GB RAM here in Japan. It's not even cheaper here. For some reason the price is ï¿¥130,000 or about 1,200 usd.

                                        Guido, 25 Jun 2020I'm still waiting for a full battery life test. Any indicat... moreYou can read some reddit user experience on battery. One user got around 7 1/2 hours SOT without AOD. Another user with heavy usage got around 6 hours SOT. These numbers are before any major updates.