Sony Xperia 1 V
- TheSnowWinterR7
- NLk
- 29 Nov 2023
Anonymous, 09 Nov 2023When i stayed in europe for 3 months, i did not see anyone ... moreI stayed in Europe, Germany to be exact, for 6 months, and I did see a few people using Sony Xperias as their phones. One of them is using Xperia 1 III in Kölner Dom to take pictures and videos (Cologne Cathedral) in the city of Köln, North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany, in July 2022. Sure, a few are still low, but there's eyewitness proof from myself.
- A
- Anonym
- 8j%
- 29 Nov 2023
Pitchwisse, 29 Nov 2023I genuinely believe that most people here have a completely... moreNot quite. At now flagships are design like ultra combo for everything but video recording features (for tik tok, YT) are very expanded. 'Under the sun' was fully recorded from hand by amateur without editing/coloring. 100% reviews dont even test HLG mode on Xperia and there are two options.
1.They dont know nothing about this feature or..
2.They know that this mode is beyond the market level and they dont want piss of sponsors.
Most channels testing phones today are actually advertising agencies of specific manufacturers.
- ?
- Anonymous
- SYx
- 29 Nov 2023
Pitchwisse, 29 Nov 2023I genuinely believe that most people here have a completely... morelet's be honest they aren't really doing well currently in those departments either except for gaming. This is what's frustrating about them they have everything at their disposal for a killer smartphone but just doesn't care if Sony doesn't bring something good next year I will probably switch to ROG they still have notchless screens
- P
- Pitchwisse
- sP1
- 29 Nov 2023
I genuinely believe that most people here have a completely wrong approach when it comes to Xperia devices. With everything Sony has going on, which makes them a ton of money, their phones are not meant for the consumer market. At this point, their phones are just an enormous flex. They pulled out of most markets, and they basically do not care about revenue. Their phone division seems like an after school project, just to pass some time after the actual work.
- ?
- Anonymous
- SYx
- 28 Nov 2023
Anonym, 27 Nov 2023Sorry should be 1V sells 2x better than 1IV.I live in sri Lanka and Xperias are about 0.7% of the Smartphone market share here sony doesn't even officially sell Xperia here but 3rd party importers do
- A
- Anonym
- n${
- 27 Nov 2023
Anonym, 27 Nov 2023Wait for data for Q3 :) In some EU countries 1V sells 2x be... moreSorry should be 1V sells 2x better than 1IV.
- A
- Anonym
- n${
- 27 Nov 2023
Anonymous, 27 Nov 2023Still doesn't change the fact that it's still dyi... moreWait for data for Q3 :) In some EU countries 1V sells 2x better than 1V.
PS Xperia 5V is not available in USA. All Xperias are not available in India, Australia, Canada, Middle East etc.
- g
- gops
- rKn
- 27 Nov 2023
the device is looking fabulous but the only issue its not work 5g in india thats the main thing
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxf
- 27 Nov 2023
Alpha, 23 Nov will stay alive until you di*Still doesn't change the fact that it's still dying and almost dead.
- H
- Hugo
- HAp
- 24 Nov 2023
Got my Xperia 1 V a couple of days ago. Just love it... Fully charged 25 hours ago, android 14, took pictures, used some apps, browsing for a couple of hours, 120Hz. Now I´m at 80% battery, and don´t need to charge until tomorrow..., maybe.
- A
- Alpha
- 80i
- 23 Nov 2023
Anonymous, 20 Nov 2023Well.. it's still dying and almost will stay alive until you di*
- M
- Mangoon
- jxy
- 21 Nov 2023
Anonymous, 20 Nov 2023Xperia 1V is selling better than 1iv The other 2 (5V and ... moreAbsolutely needs longer updates and support. Inexcusable really. And I was reading another comment about how the ability to repair the phone is more environmentally friendly although a reasonable argument could be made that a much longer support window likely would be even more beneficial than that.
- M
- Mangoon
- jxy
- 21 Nov 2023
Anonymous, 12 Nov 2023The average customer doesn't want to faff about with a... moreThis is absolutely true. I own the phone and love it. But yes, most people don't want to have to think about doing anything besides grabbing the phone, taking the shot, and then apply filters as they want after the fact.
- M
- Mangoon
- jxy
- 21 Nov 2023
Anonymous, 09 Nov 2023When i stayed in europe for 3 months, i did not see anyone ... moreGuess you didn't bump into me then. ;-)
- M
- Mangoon
- jxy
- 21 Nov 2023
Urpadus, 03 Nov 2023Hello, I'm from Mexico and my comment was made with Go... moreNailed it.
- M
- Mangoon
- jxy
- 21 Nov 2023
Anonymous, 27 Oct 202399% of sony defenders here in gsmarena don't even use ... moreI'd wager 99.9% of all Sony bashers here have never used an Xperia.
- i
- i hate samsung
- qC1
- 20 Nov 2023
As someone who lives in a rural Verizon-only hellhole (the Verizon, not the rural) compatibility with their MVNOs is a concern of mine, and if I were to go for this phone now my wallet would take a good Christmas beating, but that's it. I see absolutely no other flaws with this phone. Good god I want it so badly
- P
- Peter Hagstrom
- CMj
- 20 Nov 2023
Sorzy, 19 Nov 2023I agree with you on this. I have been using Sony phones sin... moreI just ordered my xPeria One V today I had nothing more solid then Sony, and there will always be those "fanboys" that do want to hate other brands. And as you said I tried many other manfacturers too I even had a shitty iPhone once that I hated more then anything, the fact that you are locked up in some companies stupidity that require you to use iTunes just to manage your storage is just stupid. So easy with an android device plug it in and the device comes up as a storage device super neat and easy, maybe newer iPhones does this too but back then in 2010-12 they did not. There was so much limitations and crap that drove me to Samsung then to Sony and here I will stay, because Sony cares more about their users we still have the headphone jack etc do like apple remove all these feaures so you can sell "dongles" cant you just see how dumb this move is. Sure the market in the US is like 97% or what it was it is simply because people do not know better, so afraid of being them self stick your head out and make your self heard. And last Apples tactics for screwing 3rd party repairshops over by locking hardwares together is also something that is a big no no, I was thinking a while ago to get an apple macbook to edit video on but soldering the SSD to the motherboard is just retarded so before the fanboys speak go look at Louis Rossmans videos and you might save your self loads of problems, now I shall sit back and wait for my new phone that will cost me $870 for 3 years including 100gb of data too. It is always so funny when Apple realeses something new, then its been on the market for a decade like wireless charging etc. And that this Sony phone comes with a 4k display @ 120hz say no more, in 2-3 years again ill upgrade to another Sony phone because they are company to rely on compared to Apple that just wants to limit things so you really do not OWN it and god forbid if you want to repair it your self (yes im an electrician with electronics knowledge solder smt and so on) and for me Planned Obsolescence is something we got to work against take Apple for instance they say they are for it but they are NOT should we be enviromental friendly and reuse and repair? If you ask me YES and here is where I hate Apple!
- ?
- Anonymous
- SYx
- 20 Nov 2023
Xperia 1V is selling better than 1iv
The other 2 (5V and 10V) is responsible for the low sales numbers sony messed up this year with the lineup hope next year they fix it. Cough cough... needs Longer updates
- ?
- Anonymous
- SYx
- 20 Nov 2023
Anonymous, 20 Nov 2023Well.. it's still dying and almost deadIt's dying and almost dead... someone mentioning Xperia in 2030